POB 2.01-2.02 Review

Technology is the application of...to society and industry


Communicating over the Web rather than over traditional public networks is called...

Internet telephony

The physical components of a computer are referred to as...


The programs that tell a computer what to do are referred to as...


Computer automation has changed business through computer-aided design as well as computer-aided ...


Using GPS to track a packaged shipment is an application of...technology


A phone with advanced capabilities is often called a...


New technology can alter or even... existing industries


technology has changed the nature of marketing as well as the nature of...


working form home or a remote location is referred to as...


Technology can keep productivity higher and...lower


Technology has caused certain social and...problems that businesses must address


Improved information gathering helps businesses with decision making and...

customer relations

Which of the following actions is a part of information management:
a. Creating technology
b. Observing competitors
c. Creating data
d. Disseminating information


Which of the following is a true statement about a management information system (MIS):
a. It may be one part of a business's overall information management program.
b. It is the same thing as an information management program.
c. It does not assist with


Which of the following is a true statement about information:
a. It is simple to manage.
b. It is data put into a useful form.
c. It is the same thing as data.
d. It has no value for an organization.


Which of the following is an example of a type of information a business must manage:
a. Government spending
b. Employees' personal bills
c. Competitors' payrolls
d. Accounting records


Information usually comes in either physical form or __________ form.
a. book
b. note card
c. verbal
d. electronic


A benefit of informed decisions is that they
a. are usually bad decisions.
b. reduce a business's risk.
c. cost less money.
d. hurt a business's chances at competing.


Appropriate information management saves businesses time and money by
a. maintaining higher levels of productivity.
b. increasing information overload.
c. increasing paper trails.
d. maintaining yearly raises for employees.


How does appropriate information management affect a business's relationship with its
a. Businesses earn higher profits.
b. Businesses lose focus on customers.
c. Businesses serve customers more effectively.
d. Businesses make better financial


Appropriate information management helps a business build a good reputation by
a. being consistent.
b. charging high prices.
c. eliminating all mistakes.
d. offering quality products.


Which of the following U.S. laws relates to information management:
a. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
b. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
c. The Landrum-Griffin Act
d. The Taft-Hartley Act


Managing information regarding copyrights and trademarks helps a company to preserve its
a. inventory.
b. correspondence.
c. customers.
d. identity.


Managing information for business continuity is important in case of
a. high employee turnover.
b. low sales volume.
c. a disaster.
d. a drop in stock price.


Carson is a staff accountant, and he needs to look at last year's tax return. However, he
can't find it anywhere. Which information management guideline is not being followed in
this situation?
a. Make sure that information is retrievable.
b. Make sure th


Who is responsible for information management?
a. The information management department
b. An information technology manager
c. Everyone in the organization
d. The chief executive officer


Information management can be a challenge because
a. there is often not enough information to manage.
b. there is only one right way to do it.
c. many people don't understand what it is.
d. no one wants to participate in it.


Information management can be a challenge because the business world is
a. constantly changing.
b. suffering from a lack of information.
c. not open to new technology.
d. completely dependent on paper files


A risk involved with information management is being unprepared for a government
a. tax break.
b. audit.
c. election.
d. loan.


A risk involved with information management is leaving customers unprotected from
a. bad customer service.
b. identity theft.
c. high prices.
d. faulty products.


Which of the following is a trend in information management:
a. Decreased competition
b. Decreased number of electronic documents
c. Increased number of workers in the office
d. Increased compliance laws and regulations


Wireless networks are now more common due to
a. information overload.
b. government regulations requiring them.
c. increased competition.
d. increased distribution of the workforce.


A piece of information presented as having an objective reality; knowledge or information based on real occurences

Factual information

The practice of judging the merits and faults of something


A view, judgement, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter; a belief or judgement that rests on the grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty


The degree of trust of formal information sources purely informal information sources

Formality of information

Information literacy practices change based on the disciplines (or what one is studying or researching) to determine if information is relevant to the need


Most recent information on an event found on social media, broadcasting, newspapers, and the internet

Current information

Found in academic/scholarly journals, books, government publications, and reference collections

Historical information

Original materials on which other research studies are based; report a discovery or share new information; they present first-hand accounts and information is relevant to an event.

Primary sources

A source that was created by someone who did not have first-hand experience or did not participate in the events or conditions being researched; generally accounts written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight

Secondary sources

A potentially terrific place to get information on almost any topic

The Web

refers to the degree to which a study accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that the researcher is attempting to measure


the extent to which we can rely on the source of the data and, therefore, the data itself


the document must be correct so you can put a point across


having information when you need it. It means that the sooner the information is available to decision makers, the better.


an inclination of temperament or outlook, especially a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment


arranges materials hierarchically and sequentially by identifying main topics, subtopics, and details under the subtopics


adequate information and understanding, are near or at the end of gathering research, and have completed an exercise in prewriting


a sketch of how to organize information and a list of its contents.


a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration or discussion by others.


An overview of content that provides a reader with the overarching theme, but does not expand on specific details.


repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.


make a similar or identical version of; reproduce


to use or change (numbers, information, etc.) in a skillful way or for a particular purpose


Every organization needs to save information for its own purposes, such as institutional memory, transaction lookup and analysis, and so on.


there are minimum requirements of business record retention that are recommended for business owners to keep in the event of a tax audit.

audit trail

Allows you to back up records and keep them in a safe place in case of fire or theft.

personal files

photos, newspaper articles on company activities, etc. saved as memorabilia

heritage preservation

when deciding which format or medium in which to keep a document/file, the particular software which is purchased may become obsolete or redundant

obsolescence of format or medium