Industrial Revolution volume 2

Passed by state legislatures to try to regulate how much the railroad can charge for transport and storage

Granger laws

Which political party were mainly business owners and bankers from industrialized areas?

Republican party

The primary reason urbanization occurred was people searching for.....

economic opportunities

How did the Industrial Revolution affect cities?

population of cities in the Northeast increased

What was the main issue of the 1896 election?

Which metal would be the basis of the nation currency

What is the best title for this list?
1. Specialized Industries
2. Immigration
3. Migration from rural to urban areas

Reasons for the Growth of Cities

Who was the winner of the 1896 election?

William McKinley

Who were the presidential candidates in the election of 1896?

William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan

Who stated "having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them; you shall not pre

William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold Speech

__________ created the populist party to regulate railroads and coin silver


The federal government will pass the ___________________ to replace the granger laws and control railroad rates and practices.

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

What does Tenement mean?

A room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments.

What is the movement of people from farms to cities called?


Outlawed any trust that tried to limit trade within the states. This act was not enforced by the government

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Event that turned public opinion against labor unions

Haymarket Square

Part of nation's 1st national strike. workers went on strike over layoffs, wage cuts, and lowered hours. All living in company towns and were in debt to Pullman. Successfully stopped trade and mail.

Pullman Strike

Which of the following is a commonality between the strikes of the late 1800s

Violence, wage cuts, and led by men

Passed by state legislatures to try to regulate how much the railroad can charge for transport and storage.

Granger laws

Name the strike: Strike over wage cuts

Railroad strike of 1877

Economic system where the factors of production is privately owned with little to no government control.

Capitalism/ Free enterprise

When workers stop working as a group


Workers for Carnegie steel go on strike following wage cuts and violence breaks out as private detectives seek to protect scabs.

Homestead Strike

Scabs were mostly made up of:

African Americans and unskilled workers

Pittsburg, PA. Steelworkers vs Carnegie Steel. Wage cuts with increasing hours. Pinkerton's (private police force) were brought in to break up strike.

Homestead strike

name of the first worker union:

Knights of Labor

True/ False The federal government supported workers rights in the early 1900s


Nativist would often argue.....

That immigrants working for low wages were taking jobs away from American citizens

A replacement worker for a striker
