US History II AE Final Exam Study Guide

J.P. Morgan


John Rockefeller


Andrew Carnegie


Jane Addams

Helped Mentally Disabled

Hull House

Created Settlement Houses for Mentally Disabled

Ida B. Wells


Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Bust Trusts (Monopoly)

Social Darwinism

Survival of the Fittest: White vs. Black, Rich vs. Poor

Commodore Matthew Perry

1st American to go to Japan


Samurai Following

Far East

Strong Empires in Asia


US annexes Hawaii --> access to Japanese resources

William Seward

Takes Alaska, Buys it from Russia


William Seward

Naval Power

US Ships

Alfred T. Mahan

Use Naval Power to enforce US Trade & control other countries

The Maine

Spanish destroyed US ship, need to protect Cuba

Yellow Press

Propaganda on Butcher Weyer

Butcher Weyler

Spanish General

George Dewey


Rough Riders

Made TR Famous

America in Venezuela and Cuba


American in the Philippines


Teddy Roosevelt

Republican President

Splendid Little War

Spanish-American War

Roosevelt Corollary

US intervention in Latin America

Panama Canal

Started Revolution in Columbia --> Created Panama Canal

Square Deal

TR's Domestic Program: Conserve Natural Resources, control corporations, & consumer protection

Newlands Reclamation Act


McKinley Assassination

Civil War Veteran

Coal Strike of 1902

Labor workers opposition

Northern Securities Case

First trust busted (Rail Roads)


Preserve Environment

Upton Sinclair

Wrote Jungle about diseases caused by food

The Jungle

Book written about unhealthy meat

Pure Food and Drug Act

Federal inspection of Meat, No production of dangerous medicines

Meat Inspection Act

Inspection of Meat

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

Regulates Rail Roads

City Reform

Stop corruption

Bob LaFollette

Progressive Reform


Revealing problems in society

Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

Deaths of many women factory workers (safety regulations needed)

Lincoln Steffens


Ida Tarbell

Trust, Exposed standard oil

Jacob Riis


Booker T. Washington

Black rights, passive (accepts segregation)

W.E.B. DuBois

Black rights, Aggressive (pushed for Civil Rights, NAACP)

William Howard Taft

Trust-busting, civil service reform, ICC supporter

Bull Moose Party

Progressive Party, split Republican party (Taft vs. TR)

Eugene Debs

Inter-Nation Labor Union


Public controls production

Woodrow Wilson

Leader of Progressive Movement

Federal Reserve Act

Created Central baking system in US & granted legal authority to issue legal tender

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Assassinated, Started WWI, Austrians vs. Serbians


US isolation from European affairs

Alliance System

Central Powers vs. Allies

Kaiser Wilhelm II

German Emperor

U-Boats (Unterseeboot)

Americans want to give goods to the British but Germans keep destroying US ships


Destroyed British ships with Americans on board

Arabic and Sussex Pledges

Germans promised change of naval warfare (public)

Wilson's Fourteen Points

League of Nations, spread democracy, world peace

The Zimmerman Note

Mexicans work with Germans to invade US & Allies

Trench Warfare

Fighting in pits, machine gun turrets, foot soldiers

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

German subs attack Allied merchant ships w/o warning

War Industries Board

Coordinates War Industries, Gov't controls war efforts & economy

Wartime Propaganda

Controlling opinions

American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

US army

Battle of the Somme

Offensive by British & French forces vs. Germans

Selective Service Act

Military Draft (US)

Liberty Loans

Gave War Bonds

National War Labor Board

Prevent disputes between workers & managers

Committee on Public Information

Made propaganda

Sedition Act

Forbade offensive language directed towards US

Espionage Act

Prohibited interference with US military operations

The Treaty of Versailles

US didn't want to join League of Nations

War-Guilt Clause

Legal basis for reparations (German)

Big Four

Allied Leaders, met at Yalta

League of Nations

Inter-Governmental organization founded because of Paris Peace Conference

Post War Troubles

Workers strike against US Gov't

Red Scare

Elimination of American Communists

Palmer Raids

Attorney general, deported Communists/foreigners

Immigration Policy

Bans Asians from entering US

Racial Conflict

White radicals vs. Blacks


Hated immigrants

Return to Normalcy

Warren Harding's campaign promise

Conservative vs. Liberal

Perspectives on Gov't regulation

Warren Harding

Republican Conservative --> Gov't controls

Calvin Coolidge

President after Harding, small-Gov't conservative

National Origins Act

Asian Exclusion

Emergency Quota Act

Immigration Restriction

Teapot Dome Scandal

Naval Oil Reserve Scandal


Restriction of Alcohol in US

Amendment 18


Amendment 19

Women's suffrage movement

Sacco and Vanzetti

Anarchists convicted for murder

Harlem Renaissance

Jazz Era

Duke Ellington

Jazz Musician

Marcus Garvey

Don't fight segregation (Black), just leave

Urban Prosperity and Difficulty for Farmers

Imported goods, Non Self-Sufficient

Cars and Henry Ford

Innovation of production lines --> Economy Boom


New group of young western women

Religious Fundamentalism

Evolution, No Darwinism taught in schools

Scopes Trial

Teach evolution in Southern Schools?


Broadcast news & presidential elections; Jazz Music

Margin Buying

Buying on credit with loans

Herbert Hoover

Economic Modernization

Rugged Individualism

Survive by one's self

Laissez Faire

Super conservative, no Gov't regulation

Stock Market Crash


Causes of the Depression

WWI --> US banks lend money to Allies & Germany (reparations)

Bonus Army

WWI veterans want money for serving in war

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

High tariff --> depression worsens


Metal houses

Kellogg-Briand Pact

War is illegal

Presidential Election of 1932

FDR vs. Hoover --> FDR wins & proposes to fix Depression


No jobs

FDR's First Hundred Days and The First New Deal

Conservation work in forests

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Give jobs to poor people

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Provide rural hydro-power

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Give $ to farmers to stop planting

National Recovery Act (NRA)

Mandatory codes for employers to follow

Repeal for Prohibition

legalize booze --> create jobs

Second New Deal

Social Security, Aid the public ($)

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Construction of public establishments

Social Security Act

Promised pensions for elderly

Packing the Supreme Court

Addition of more conservative Republicans for FDR support (New Deal)

Brain Trust

FDR's advisers

Prances Perkins

1st Woman Cabinet member, Social Security


Desert Storm --> agricultural damage

Father Charles Coughlin

Nationalized Industry

Huey Long

Share wealth, Socialist

Conditions for Europe after WWI

Great debt to US, significant damage

Fascism and the rise of Hitler and Mussolini

Dictatorships, Hitler promises to bring Germany out of hard war times

Rise of Japan and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Strong economy, Communism

Munich Pact

Give Hitler land --> Hitler stops conquering Europe


Speedy Warfare

Battle of Britain

Royal Air Force, Germany bombs UK

The Holocaust

Killing of Jews

Neutrality Acts

US stays isolated

Cash and Carry

Allied ships collect US goods (Trade)

Lend-Lease Act

US supplies UK during WWII

Pacific and European Theatres of War

Shows horrors of war to public

The Atlantic Charter

Allies decide not to conquer the countries at war

Pearl Harbor

Japanese "secretly" attack US, US joins WWII

American Industrialization

New weapons, Airplanes, Bombs

Link between the Great Depression and WWII

Creation of more US jobs, WWII --> End of Great Depression

African Americans and Women during WWII

Take jobs of White Men

The Draft

Military WWII Draft based on Birthday


Japanese & German (Made by US)


All consumer goods to to US soldiers in war

Japanese Internment

Japanese citizens of US (spies?)

The Atomic Bomb

Fewer US soldiers deaths, Less use of resources, End of War

Manhattan Project

Built the Atomic Bomb (US)

Yalta Conference

Stalin enters Japan, Germany separated into 4 parts

Iron Curtain

Division of Europe (Allies vs. Russia)

Marshall Plan

US program to aid UK, rebuilt European economies

Truman Doctrine

US supports Greece & Turkey, prevent Communism


Aid countries bordering Russia, protect potential dominoes from USSR

Hydrogen Bomb

Nuclear Innovation (Russian)

Berlin Airlift

USSR blocks Allies from access of Berlin

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Mutual defense to opposing attack forces

Warsaw Pact

Iron Curtain, East & West totally separate


Game of chicken with missile construction


Fear of Communism influences politics


Russian satellite

John Dulles

Secretary of State

Hollywood Ten

Regan turns it into Nixon, suspected Communists

CIA in Middle East and Latin America

Castro (Cuba), Shah (Iran)

U2 Incident

US spy plans shot down in USSR airspace

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Unsuccessful action by Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis

USSR missiles on Cuba, threatens US security

Alliance for Progress

Kennedy gives $ to Latin America, makes them better

Peace Corps

Maintain isolation & Us peace with other countries

Truman and the Presidential Election of 1948

Truman defeats Dewy, Huge upset, Democrats regain control over both Congressional houses (Republican & Democrat)

Rock and Roll and Elvis

Evolution of Music


Broadcast Presidential elections

Suburbia and the Interstate Highway System

Distribution of goods & sciences

Conformity and Consumerism

Fashion, Increases Economic Production

The Baby Boom

Traditional Families

Kim Il Sung

Korean Communist Politician, Led North Korea

The UN Security Council

International Peace & Security

Douglas MacArthur

American General in Philippines

Red China

Chinese Soviet Republic (Communist)

Truman and Korea

Ordered US involvement in Korean War

Eisenhower and Korea

Ended US involvement in Korean War

Stalemate and Treaty of Korea

Ending Korean War

Plessy v. Ferguson

Racial segregation in private business

Brown v. Board of Education

Separate public schools, Black vs. Whites

Rosa Parks and Montgomery Bus Boycott

Opposition to segregation

Emmett Till

Murdered for "stepping out of place" (talking to a white girl)

Theories of Non-Violence

No violence between white & black citizens

Little Rock Nine

First 9 Black students to attend While-only school

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

American Civil Rights

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Pro-Free Rides & Bus Boycotts

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Us Civil Rights Movement

Freedom Rides

Bus Boycotts through carpooling

Birmingham Campaign

Bring attention to unequal rights of blacks

Selma Campaign

Last stand for voting rights of Civil Rights Movement

March on Washington, MLK

Black Rights

Malcolm X

Black Muslim minister, human rights activist, public speaker

Black Power and Black Panthers

Want equality for Blacks

The Election of 1960

Richard Nixon vs. JFK, JFK wins

The New Frontier

JFK's Foreign & Domestic Programs

The JFK assassination

Shot during Presidential motorcade by Lee Oswald --> Oswald shot by Jack Ruby

The Great Society

Domestic programs by JFK with reference to LBJ

Medicare and Medicaid

Health insurance coverage to elderly, Health program for Low-Income citizens

Dien Bien Phu

Battle of France vs. Viet Minh

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Congress repealed resolution --> Nixon given total control of US army in Vietnam

Character of fighting in Vietnam

Guerrilla Warfare

The Tet Offensive

Vietcong surprise attack on US embassy --> Credibility gap

Bombing of North Vietnam

Auick way for US to end Vietnam War

William Westmoreland

Vice-President under LBJ,Lied to public about war horrors

My Lai Massacre

US platoon murders innocent Vietcong citizens

Kent State Shootings

National Guard kills student protesters

The Antiwar Movement

Republican organization to end Vietnam War

Cambodian Incursion

Us troops invade Cambodia to kill Vietcong

The Legacy of the War

High US death tolls, Hurts US economy ($)

The Hippies and their Legacy

Opposition to Gov't in EVERY WAY, Peace activists

Amendment 25

Presidential Elections

Warren Burger and the Burger Court

Chief Justice of US, Pro Gov't Control (against Conservatives in Public freedom)

Richard Nixon

Restore Law & Order, Appealed to Middle-Class citizens


Cooling of Tensions between employers and workers


Restrict use of Nuclear Weapons (US vs. USSR)


Nixon secretly recording Democratic meetings --> Nixon's impeachment

Gerald Ford

Republican, pardons Nixon, Give citizens $ so they can work

Jimmy Carter

Pro-Civil Rights, Supports Tax Reforms & Welfare Systems, Democratic

Malaise Speech

American People --> Crisis of Confidence

Ayatollah Khomeini

Iranian Leader of Revolution to overthrow Shah of Iran


Limits on strategic warfare (US vs. USSR)

Ronald Regan

Republican, Low Taxes/Big Business/Cut Gov't Spending

The New Right and Conservatism

Conservative Political Movements

Supply-Side Economics

Cut Taxes --> Incentive to work --> Gov't revenues increase

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Increase military spending --> defense system

Iran-Contra Scandal

Reagan's administration sent $ from exchanges to Contras in Nicaragua

George H.W. Bush

Reagan Revolution, Small Gov't

Operation Desert Storm

Iran & Iraq in long war over oil, US intervenes when American oil fields in Kuwait are threatened

Bill Clinton

Supported Liberal & Conservative Programs

Ross Perot

Rich businessman, understands economy, targeted federal budget deficit

The Election of 2000

George W. Bush vs. Al Gore, Ballot Mistakes --> Recount, George W. Bush wins