
alexander hamilton

Alexander Hamilton- Founding Father and first US Secretary of Treasury.
washington era

James madison

James Madison (1809-1817)
Want strong federal government, founded democrat-republican party,
led US into War of 1812
4th pres(before monroe)

monroe doctrine

Monroe Doctrine (1823): America opposed European colonization in Latin American countries, created by James Monroe


Henry Clay- Secretary of State of Andrew Jackson, goal: US self sufficient economy
Coined the American System

andrew jaCkson

General of War of 1812 (America vs Britain)
Trail of Tears

sand creek massacre

Sand Creek Massacre (1864): US army led by Colonel John Chivington attacked Cheyenne village and massacred them. made during plains wars, under lincoln

andrew joHnson

Pardoned many confederate soldiers, and did not support reconstruction measures. Impeached on February 24 1868. First president to be impeached, however was not convicted by senate.
pres during reconstruction after american rev

freedmans bureau

reconstruction after american rev, help former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War

16th amend

american rev reconstruction, INCOME TAXXX

progressive era

better working conditions 3)
Nativism and focus on americanization
Anti-Labor Reform
Eugenics and Social Darwinism

american imperialism

Sherman Anti Trust Act (1890): trusts became illegal, but it was hard to enforce; later made stronger by the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1906
Yellow Journalism (1890s): exaggerated / fake news, clickbait; used by William Hearst. One cause of U.S. entry into

ended spanish american war

treaty of paris, under Mckinley

USS maine sinks

during spanish american war

mckinley assassinated

roosevelt becomes pres

teddy roosevelt

Big Stick Diplomacy: Teddy Roosevelt's diplomacy; there's always a force behind peace negotiations. Great White Fleet
Roosevelt Corollary: america not afraid to use force to keep control over latin american countries; added onto the monroe doctrine

17th amend

during taft, ppl vote for senate yay

dollar diplomacy

made by taft, foreign policy where us gives loans to foreign country bc they go in debt and us is in control of them now mwuah hah hah

moral diplomacy

woodrow wilson broooo, says us aint gotta acknowledge any oppressively ruling latin american government, only gotta give credit to countries with moralll governments

18 amendment

no more alcohol for you, wilson presidency


irrelevent but was pres during roaring 20s and sorta caused great depression

EDGAR hoover

fbi/ red scare right after ww1

immigration act 1924

limits immigrants comin in in us

long term causes of great depression

ovrproduction means prices decrease, banks foreclose loans after stock market crash boom band, banks aint got no money bc aint nobody boutta buy a farm,

short term gd

black tuesday, 0ct 29 1929,rock withdraws investments

hawley smoooot

gd, made under hoover the idiot, raises tarifs super high and world trade goes superrr low and now everyone is poor and sad and im tired


civilian conservation corps, 18-25, ppl live there and get housing and food and clothes and wages which they give to fam, built public things


workers progress admin, artists make art


public works admin, built schools and other public buildings


agriculture adjustment sact, pays farmers to make less food so production price increases, people mad bc meanwhile people starving

fdic banking program

closes banks for a hot minute just to restore pples trust back in em


stock market reforms

wagner act

legal to form labor unionsss

the 3 lovely R's

relief-4 poor
reform- not againnn

emergency bank relief act

k people lets close banks super fast make sure they dont suck, ppl will see they dont suck so theyll put moneys back into bank and boom there we go now ppl trust banks

fdr 2 bigggg probs

farmers, work projects

court packing

literally pack the court, like with people, 6 new supreme court justices