History Final Exam Terms

Laissez-Faire Economics

(leave alone);
the less the govt is involved in the economy, the better off the economy will be

John D. Rockefeller

head of Standard Oil Company (a monopoly on oil);
influenced the passing of anti-trust laws

Social Darwinism

survival of the fittest between businesses; Carnegie talked about it in Wealth

JP Morgan

wealthy financier and bankowner;
dominated American banking industry

William Jennings Bryan

leader of populist party; wanted silver coinage;
secretary of state under Wilson;
ran multiple times for president, he never won;
"Cross of Gold" speech;
involved in Scopes trial

Jim Crow Laws

Laws promoting segregation and separate but equal facilities, etc

Plessy v. Ferguson

upheld Jim Crow Laws ("separate but equal");
ended by Brown v. Board of education

Booker T Washington

african-american leader;
believed education and establishing an economic base was more important b4 civil rights

W.E.B. DuBois

african-american activist;
disagreed with Booker T. Washington, believed civil rights were more necessary than education


america's philosophy until WWI;
stay out of international affairs

Spanish American War

revolts in Cuba against Spanish rule;
america supports cuba's desire to be independent;
spain wanted to own cuba;
america won and gained puerto rico


pro-social reform;
Teddy Roosevelt's "square deal"
want more power to go to the executive/federal government

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

prohibits trusts (breaks up monopolies);
goal: preserve competition in work place
mostly symbolic and didn't do anything

The New Deal

FDR's plan for social reform, many new government programs like AAA, PWA, CCC

Dust Bowl

overfarming and bad weather lead to winds carrying topsoil all over the midwest, hurting the economy

Adolf Hitler

leader of Nazi Germany during WWII, believed in eradicating the Jews in his "final solution"


The giving of land to an enemy in exchange for peace


lightning war";
Hitlers war method of swiftly taking country aftter country;
used tanks and men and airforce, etc all at once

Pearl Harbor

(Dec 7, 1941) Japan surprise-attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii:
got America into the big mess of a war

Leap Frogging in the Pacific

America takes only strategically important islands needed to get closer to Japan


allied naval invasion of Normandy on june 6, 1944;
largest amphibious invasion in history

Battle of the Bulge

Last major German counter attack; 80k American casualties, 85k German casualties

Iwo Jima

important airstrip on volcanic island that America needs to get to Japan
RLY bloody


island needed as a staying ground for invasion of Japan

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

america dropped 2 nuclear bombs on these two cities in japan, causing them to surrender

Harry Truman

Became president when FDR died;
gave the order to drop the atomic bomb;
his doctrine was about containing communism;
stupid head got US involved in Korean War

United Nations

organization among non communist nations


document given to truman to warn him of the dangers of communism

Yalta Conference

a meeting btw the WW2 govt officials of US (Roosevelt), UK (Churchill), and USSR (Stalin) to discuss post-war conditions (including self-liberation for Europe and division of Germany)


American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world

John F Kennedy

became president in 1960, handled the cuban missile crisis, shot on nov 22, 1963 by lee harvey Oswald


A law forbidding the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcoholic beverages; 18th amendment

16th Amendment

Allows the federal government to collect income tax

17th Amendment

Popular Election of Senators

President Theodore Roosevelt

became president in 1901 when mckinley was shot;
his square deal was a method to give equal rights to all citizens;
founder of the progressive party;
pro- ecological preservation;
RR strike of 1902;

18th Amendment

prohibited manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol

Election of 1912

wilson v. taft v. roosevelt v. debs; wilson won

Bull Moose Party

(progressive party & wing of republican party)
teddy roosevelt's party that he created when he broke off of the republicans

Woodrow Wilson

president from 1912-1920;
guided america through WWI;
"New Freedom"
against monopolies

New Freedom

woodrow wilson's plan for a progressive america involved in international affairs;
goals: lower tariffs, no monopolies, banking reform

Federal Reserve Act

made 12 federal reserves that held 6% of participating banks' $ in case of financial crisis

Wilson's 14 Points

wilson's plans for dealing with foreign affairs to deal with germany and prevent another world war

League of Nations

alliance between nations proposed by wilson; did not pass

Return to Normalcy

harding's campaign slogan; return to isolationistic america after WWI

Stock Market Crash

oct 29, 1929
many people sold their stocks at once causing their value to go down, causing the great depression

Election of 1932

Hoover v FDR
FDR wins


fdr's plan to make the supreme court more progressive by adding 6 more judges; congress says no

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

alliance between the countries in the north atlantic to protect each other

Korean War

fought to contain the spread of communism into south korea;
began when NK invaded SK
38th II

House Committee on Un-American Activities

created to try and find the communists in america

Joe McCarthy

very afraid of communists in america and inspired hate and fear of them; accused many govt workers of being communist

Mass Consumerism

after WWII, no more rations, so people can buy more superfluities;
credit card helped in this

Dwight D. Eisenhower

cant change hearts of men w/ laws or decisions"
still desegregated military and DC
ended Korean War
Little Rock Central High School situation

Brown v. Board of Education

Strikes down Plessy v Ferguson; prohibited segregation

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Because Rosa Parks was taken to jail, a group of black women organized a boycott of the busses; major impact because 75% of bus riders are black; 381 days; so busses desegregated

Rosa Parks

wouldnt give up seat for white so arrested

Martin Luther King Jr.

Civil rights leader; promoted non violent protests; letter from Birmingham city jail; march on Washington & I Have A Dream

Ho Chi Minh

Leader of Viet Minh;
"uncle ho

Dien Bien Phu

Vietnam revolts against French rule;
12,000 French surrounded by 50,000 Viet Minh
Vietnam gains freedom

Viet Cong

Previously Viet Minh; led by Ho Chi Minh; against America; their killing lead to Operation Rolling Thunder; Tet Offensive


1st satellite shot up into space (Russian); in response NASA was created a year later

Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution

revolutionary leader of Cuba

Birmingham Demonstrations (1963)

peaceful civil rights protests

Miranda v. Arizona

police are required to inform a person being arrested of their basic rights

Berlin Wall

created to keep W & E Berlin apart

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

USSR: missiles -> cuba
US: "quarantined" cuba
USSR: removes US missiles
conditions: US has to sell USSR surplus wheat, install a "hot-line" telephone btw Washington and Moscow, and remove US missles from Turkey, Berlin, and Italy

Lyndon B. Johnson

Kennedy's VP;
Pres cuz Kennedy got assassinated;
created Great Society;
deepened US' involvement in Vietnam

The Great Society

a social service program created by LBJ
created a bunch of legislation that made America and American lives better


A federal program of health insurance for people 65 years of age and older who have paid into the system


A federal program of health insurance for people in poverty;
funded by tax payers

Malcom X

aggressive civil rights leader;
violence instead of peace

Domino Theory

if one pillar of containment is knocked down, the others will fall behind it

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

president is allowed to take needed actions to prevent communism but not to involve America in a foreign war

Tet Offensive

Viet Cong ignore the holiday to attack American and South Vietnam forces

Election of 1968

Nixon v Wallace
Nixon won

Richard Nixon

republican who tried to cover up being in the Watergate scandal;
resigned from office before congress could impeach him

Gerald Ford

president after Nixon
stupid head pardons Nixon for Watergate scandal
but he is also not a stupid head cuz he gave support to Israel and Egypt and limited the use of nuclear weapons abroad