English 8 Of Mice and Men

Anguished (adj)

Feeling caused by physical or mental pain or torment

Contemplate (v)

To consider carefully and for a great length of time

Dejectedly (adv)

Feeling sad or depressed

Elaborate (adj)

Planned or done w/ attention to rich detail

Lumber (v)

To walk or move in a heavily clumsy way or with noise

Scoff (v)

To mock or ridicule

Complacently (adv)

In a pleased or satisfied manner

Contorted (adj)

Twisted in a violent manner or distorted

Derogatory (adj)

Belittling or insulting

Ominously (adv)

In a threatening way

Pugnacious (adj)

Eager or ready to fight

Appraise (v)

To judge

Cowering (v)

Shrinking and trembling in fear

Derision (n)
("Deride" is the verb form)

The sound of people laughing and making fun of one another

Receptive (adj)

Able and willing to listen to and accept new information, ideas, etc.

Reprehensible (adj)
("Reprehend" is the verb form)

Deserving of criticism

Scornful (adj)

Full of contempt for someone or something or the belief that a person or thing is worthless

Subside (v)

To become less excited and calmed down

Belligerently (adv)

In a hostile or aggressive manner

Confidence (n)

The feeling that you can trust someone or something to be good, work well, or produce good results

Craftily (adv)

In a sly, cunning manner

Retort (v)

To reply sharply and quickly

Sniveled (v)

Cried with sniffling

Sullenly (adv)
Sulkily (adv) -synonyms

Sadly; in a depressing or gloomy way

Writhed (v)

Twisted violently, due to pain