Frases para escribir un correo electr�nico formal

Dear Mrs. Gonz�lez,

Estimada Sra. Gonz�lez,

Dear Mr. Gonz�lez ,

Estimado Sr. Gonz�lez,

I hope you are doing well. (Literally, "I hope that you find yourself well")

Espero que se encuentre bien.

Cordial greetings from Minnesota.

Saludos cordiales desde Minnesota.

Thank you for your kindness

Gracias por su amabilidad

Thank you for your understanding

Gracias por su comprensi�n

Thank you for the warm reception

Gracias por la buena acogida

I appreciate it a lot

Se lo agradezco mucho

I thank you immensely for your email (message, package, etc.)

Le agradezco inmensamente su correo electr�nico (mensaje, env�o etc.). (thanks)

I have received your email (package, etc.) and I thank you for it.

He recibido su correo electr�nico (env�o, etc.) y se lo agradezco. (thanks)

Allow me to thank you for

Perm�tame darle las gracias por

As per our telephone conversation this morning...

De acuerdo con nuestra conversaci�n telef�nica esta ma�ana (following up)

I am happy to participate, respond, contribute

Me da mucho gusto participar, responder, contribuir

I am writing to inform you that...

Con la presente quisiera informarle que...

To answer questions

Para contestar una pregunta

the reasons for which

las razones por las que

to exemplify

para ejemplificar

to illustrate

para ilustrar

with respect to...

Con respecto a...

I am very committed to...

Estoy muy comprometido/a con...

I would like to emphasize (literally, "underline") that

Quisiera subrayar que

As you already know...

Como ya sabe...

I have been studying __ for 10 years

Hace diez a�os que estudio __

I would like to highlight (lit. underline) that...

Quisiera subrayar que...

I ask that you send me...

Le pido que me env�e

I would appreciate it if you would send me....

Le agradecer�a si pudiera enviarme... (request)

I would also like to know

Tambi�n quisiera saber

I would like to ask a question: What would be...?

Quisiera plantear una pregunta: �Qu� ser�a...?

You mentioned that...

Usted mencion� que...

It's my understanding that....

Tengo entendido que...

I would be grateful if you could...

Se lo agradecer�a si usted pudiera...

I would be grateful if you would tell me about...

Me gustaria que me informara sobre...

If it were possible, I would like...

Si fuera posible, me gustar�a...

You will find attached...

Le adjunto (attachment)

A thousand thanks for having contacted me

mil gracias por haberme comunicado

Again, I thank you for writing me

De nuevo, le doy las gracias por escribirme

Once again I thank you for ...

Otra vez le agradezco (por) ...

I hope that you select me

Espero que me elija

Sincerely, (literally, "Attentively")


Warm regards, (literally, "A warm greeting)

Un saludo cordial,

In addition to

Adem�s de

as a starting point

como punto de partida



considering that

en vista de que


en la actualidad


en realidad

until now

hasta el momento/hasta la fecha

regarding, with respect to

en cuanto a

with respect to

con respecto a

In the forefront...

Antes que nada...

as you can imagine..

Como se puede imaginar