�D�nde vives?

Where do you live?

Vivo en una casa en Nueva York.

I live in a house in New York.

�Cu�ntas habitaciones hay en tu casa?

How many rooms are there in your house?

Hay ocho habitaciones.

There are 8 rooms.

�Qu� habitaciones hay en tu casa?

What rooms are there in your house?

Hay una cocina, un comedor, una sala, tres dormitorios, dos ba�os y un despacho.

There is a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and an office.

�Cu�les muebles hay en tu dormitorio?

What furniture is there in your bedroom?

Hay una cama, un escritorio, una c�moda, un armario, una mesa de noche con l�mpara, una alfombra y un televisor.

There is a bed, a desk, a dresser, a closet, a night table with a lamp, a rug and a television.

�Qu� hay en la sala?

What is in the living room?

En la sala hay un sofa, una mesa central, un sill�n, un televisor, una alfombra y unos cuadros.

In the living room there is a sofa, a coffee table, an armchair, a television, a rug and some paintings.

�Qu� hay en la cocina?

What is in the kitchen?

En la cocina hay muchos electrodom�sticos. Hay una nevera, un fregadero, una estufa, un horno, un microondas, un lavaplatos y una lavadora.

In the kitchen there are many appliances. There is a refrigerator, a sink, a stove, an oven, a microwave, a dishwasher and a washing machine.

�C�mo es tu casa?

What is your house like?

Mi casa es espacia, antigua, bonita y de color amarillo. Tiene dos plantas, un s�tano, un garaje y una piscina. Me encanta mi casa.

My house is spacious, old, pretty and yellow. It has two stories, a basement, a garage and a pool. I love my house.