AP Spanish Tema 6

la persona realizada

the fulfilled person

el ama de casa

the housewife

autoritario (a)


casado (a)



to reconcile

la crianza/criar

the rearing/to raise

el vecino/la vecina

the neighbor

el barrio/el vecindario

the neighborhood

el bienestar

the well-being

en l�nea/en l�nea con

online (Internet)/in line with

el divorcio

the divorce

el empleo/el desempleo

the employment/the unemployment


to support financially

el esposo/el marido

the husband

el ingreso

the income

el padrastro/la madrastra

the stepfather/the stepmother

el padre/la madre

the father/the mother

el padrino/la madrina

the godfather/the godmother

asumir el papel de

to assume (take on) the role of

la estructura

the structure

el(la) proveedor(a)/proveer

the provider/to provide

el costo

the cost

el yerno/la nuera

the son-in-law/the daughter-in-law

el abuelo/la abuela

the grandfather/the grandmother

el/la beb�

the baby


to enrich


to facilitate/ease

la familia extendida

the extended family

las familias monoparentales

the single parent households


to start


to involve

la familia unida

the close-knit family

la ciudadan�a global

the global citizenship

la colaboraci�n

the collaboration

el cu�ado/la cu�ada

the brother-in-law/the sister-in-law

la esposa/la mujer

the wife

la forma de ser

the way of being (character)

la geograf�a humana

the human geography

el hermano/la hermana

the brother/the sister

el hermanastro/la hermanastra

the stepbrother/the stepsister

el hijo/la hija

the son/the daughter

la lucha

the struggle

los padres

the parents

los parientes

the relatives

el nieto/la nieta

the grandson/the granddaughter

el matrimonio

the matrimony (marriage)/married couple

la pelea

the fight

gastar el tiempo en

to waste time on

el primo/la prima

the cousin

el estr�s

the stress

el solter�n/la solterona

the bachelor/the old maid (spinster)

el suegro/la suegra

the father-in-law/the mother-in-law

el t�o/la t�a

the uncle/the aunt

recaudar fondos

to collect funds

el viudo/la viuda

the widower/the widow

el/la adolescente

the adolescent/teenager

el ahijado/la ahijada

the godson/the goddaughter




to value/devalue

la comunidad

the community

el/la especialista

the specialist

el jefe (la jefa) del hogar

the head of the household

el novio/la novia

the boyfriend/the girlfriend

el sobrino/la sobrina

the nephew/the niece

las comunidades educativas

the education communities

las redes sociales

the social networking

la beca

the scholarship

los mayores

the elders


to get married

la pareja

the couple

el presupuesto/presupuestar

the budget/to budget



ser un recurso

to be a resource

servir de modelo

to serve as a role model

la sobrecarga/sobrecargar

the excessive load (stress)/to overload