AP Spanish, Correo electr�nico, Spanish Correo Electr�nico, AP Spanish - Consejos para el correo electr�nico

Estimada se�ora...(primer apellido o dos)

Dear Ms. ...(primer apellido o los dos)

Estimado se�or...(primer apellido o dos)

Dear Mr. ...(primer apellido o los dos)

Estimados se�ores

Dear Sirs

En primer lugar

In the first place

Muchas gracias por / He recibido su correo electr�nico

Thank you very much for / I have received your email

Con referencia a/ Con respecto a / En cuanto a

In reference to / with respect to / With regard to

Me da mucho gusto participar en / responder a / contribuir a

It is a pleasure to ...

Como ya sabe

As you know

Hace 10 a�os que estudio espa�ol

I have been studying Spanish for 10 years

Tengo entendido que

I understand that

Con referencia a la informaci�n que solicita

Regarding the information you request

Usted mencion� que

You mentioned that

Adjunto a

Along with/attached to

Quisiera informarle que

I would like to inform you that

Es importante que Usted sepa que

It is important that you know that

Como se puede imaginar

As you can imagine

En contestaci�n a su correo electr�nico del [fecha]

In response to the email you sent on (date)

Se lo agradecer�a si

I would appreciate if

Si usted pudiera

If you would be able to

Me gustar�a que me dijera sobre

I would like you to tell me about



Le pido que

I request that

Si fuera posible

If it's possible

No dude en

Don't hesitate

Le ruego me confirme

I ask that you please confirm

Tambi�n quisiera saber si

I also would like to know

Me gustar�a que me informara sobre

I would like you to inform me about

Esperando su pronta respuesta

Waiting for your answer

En espera de [la informaci�n]

Waiting for [your answer/information]


if "Atentamente" is in prompt, use ___


If "Cordialmente" is in prompt, use ___




Greeting (business, Formal)



Buenos D�as

Good morning


Dear (Informal greeting)

Cari�osos saludos

with warm regards

Con todo mi cari�o

Goodbye for friends or family, with all my affection

Espero tus/sus noticias

Looking forward to hear from you

Ser pan comido

Is a piece of cake

me qued� de piedra

I was stunned

Estar en la edad del pavo

to be in the awkward stage



Dos puntos

What is the type of punctuation after the initial greeting?

Le agradezco de antemano haberme contactado para...

I thank you beforehand for contacting me for...

Me siento muy honrado/honrada por su consideraci�n para...

I am very honored by your consideration for...

Espero que... le ayude, le sirva, ... para

I hope that ... helps you, serves you...for...

Le agradecer�a mucho si pudiera contestar mis preguntas

I would very much appreciate it if you could answer my questions

Con mucho placer, ahora paso a responder sus preguntas...

With great pleasure, I will now respond to your questions

Tendr�a la amabilidad de contestar, informar, enviarme... sobre...

Would you kindly answer, inform, send me...about...

Para la conclusi�n:
Si desea que le ofrezca informaci�n adicional, h�gamelo saber.

For the conclusion:
If you would like additional information, let me know.

No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.

Do not hesitate to contact me.

Quedo en espera de su respuesta,

I look forward to your response,



Quisiera saber con qui�n trabajar�.

I would like to know with whom I will work.

Qu�, Qui�n, Cu�ndo, D�nde, Ad�nde, De d�nde, Cu�l, Cu�nto, Cu�ntos

Ways to ask a direct questions; What, Who, When, Where, To where, From where, Which, How much, How many

Podr�a decirme (si, qu�, cu�ndo...)

Can you tell me (if, what, when, etc.)

Me gustar�a saber (qui�n, c�mo)

I would like to know (indirect question)

Quisiera saber (qui�n, c�mo)

I would like to know (indirect question)



En referencia a...

In reference to...

�Podr�a enviarme...?

Would you please send me...?

Le agradecer�a enormemente si pudiera...

I would greatly thank you if you could...

�Podr�a recomendarme...?

Could you recommend me...?

�Qu� tenga buena suerte [con su encuesta.]!

May you have good luck [with your survey]

Le env�o un cordial saludo.

I send you a cordial greeting.

Que tenga mucha suerte [con su encuesta.]

May you have a lot of luck [with your survey]

Es importante que considere,

It is important that you consider,

Dudo que [vaya a ocurrir]

I doubt that [it will occur]

Yo recomiendo que...subjuntivo (vaya, haga, tenga...)

I recommend to go, to do, to have

Pido que... vea, use, encuentre

I ask that (subjunctive) you see, use, find

Sugiero que...

I suggest that...(subjunctive)

1. Agradecimiento: Le agradezco que...
2. C�mo te sientes por lo que hizo por ti: Me siento honrado(a) por ...
3. Lo que t� esperas que tu ayuda haga para la persona: Espero que .... le ayude, le sirva.... para...

What do you write in the introduction

Responder a todas las preguntas o pedidos.

What do you do in the second paragraph?

Hacer preguntas o ideas a la persona sobre el tema

What do you do in the third paragraph?

Tu t�tulo

What do you write after your name or signature

quince minutos

How much time do you have to read and write the letter?