AP Spanish Writing Phrases

conforme a

according to

constar de

to consist of

el caso es que

the fact is that

el hecho de que

the fact that

en cuanto a

with regard to, as far as, regarding

en realidad

in reality, in fact

es decir que

it is important to say/note/mention/point out that...

por eso

therefore, as a result

por ejemplo

for example


primarily, mainly, principally

a causa de (que)

because of

as� que

so, therefore

como consecuencia

as a result

debido a

due to

de manera que

such that, so

despu�s de que

after which

por lo tanto

therefore, consequently

puesto que

since, in as much as, seeing that

resulta que

it results that, it follows that

se debe tomar en cuenta

one should take into account that

a pesar de que

in spite of the fact that, although, despite

al contrario

on the contrary


although, even though

en cambio

on the other hand, instead

en vez de

instead of, in place of

no obstante

nevertheless, however

por la mayor parte

for the most part, mostly

de otro modo

in another way, otherwise

dado que

given that, assuming that

por motivo de

on account of, because of

sin embargo

nonetheless, however

tanto mejor

all the better

es cada vez m�s

it is increasingly

adem�s de

besides, in addition to, furthermore

a la vez, al mismo tiempo

at the same time

con respecto a

with respect to, regarding

las razones por las que

the reasons for this are



mientras tanto


para continuar

to continue

por fin


por �ltimo


sobre todo

above all, especially

bastar�a con poner un ejemplo

it would suffice to give an example

para ejemplificar este punto

to illustrate this point

por a�adidura

in addition, furthermore

adem�s de eso

in addition to that, besides that

a pesar de todo

in spite of everything, the fact remains that



es cierto/es seguro que

it is certain that

la verdad es que

the truth is that

por el otro lado

on the other hand

por un lado

on the one hand

en vista de que

seeing that, considering that, keeping in mind that

a fin de cuentas

in the end, after all, ultimately

al fin y al cabo

when all is said and done

ante todo

above all, foremost, first of all

de lo anterior...se ve que

from the above...one sees that

de todas formas

in any case

de todos modos

at any rate

en breve

in short, in a few words, briefly

en resumen

in conclusion, in summary

en todo caso

in any event, anyway

para concluir

in conclusion, in closing

por consiguiente

therefore, consequently

mejor dicho

in other words, rather

en definitiva

definitively, finally

de todo esto se deduce que

from all this one can deduce that

lo esencial es que

the crux of the matter (is that...)