politics and power exam 2

difference between population and sample

population is the total membership of a defined class of people, objects, or events while a sample is a SUBSET of cases selected from a population

why do we create samples?

we use samples to try to represent the whole population

different types of non-probability samples

- Convenience sample
- Volunteer sampling
- Purposive sampling
- Snowball sampling

convenience sample

only members of the population who are easily accessible are selected

Volunteer sampling

A sample of participants produced by a sampling technique that relies solely on inviting people to take part.

purposive sampling

a biased sampling technique in which only certain kinds of people are included in a sample

snowball sampling

recruitment of participants based on word of mouth or referrals from other participants

benefits of survey research

they're versatile, efficient and generalizable

Good survey questions

make questions/response choices clear, avoid making disagreements disagreeable, focus on one issue

quantitative and qualitative data

quantitive data is numerical while qualitative is usually structural

why might you use content analysis

content analysis may be used to easily interpret data or to interpret qualitative data into quantitative data
When personal contact will not work
Large scale collective behavior

deciding who to interview


why does direct observation have such high validity

direct observation is hands-on and also does not alter data

Why use focus groups?

interprets quantitative data, high external validity because it is a specific group and studied for a specific reason

how do we analyze most qualitative data

we want to know the meaning, context, and themes of the interview

why create case study

they are hypothesis building, answer why? questions, and they are multi-method
Present complex phenomena

What kind of information do you need for a case study and how would you organize it?

Structured Focused Comparison
Questions that travel
Equivalent measures
Choosing Cases
Independent Observation

natural experiment

An experiment in which nature, rather than an experimenter, manipulates an independent variable.

What aspects make experiments so powerful in terms of their ability to explain causal


Be sure to understand the validity and reliability issues with each method of data
collection we've discussed in this section of the class.


How do theory, hypotheses, and operationalization impact the choice of data collection


Probability Sample

a sample in which each member of the population has some known chance of being included


a process of randomly assigning subjects to different treatment groups

Sampling Error

The amount different our sample is from the population as a whole

Cluster Sampling

the researcher divides the population into separate groups, called clusters. Then, a simple random sample of clusters is selected from the population.

Confidence Level

The different percentage points that the researcher is sure they are right, and then the remaining percentage point they are unsure of

Confidence Interval

the range of values within which a population parameter is estimated to lie

Margin of Error

The amount plus or minus that the results are off by. The larger the population, the smaller it is

Survey Instrument

a carefully structured or scripted set of questions that may be administered face to face, by telephone, by mail, by Internet, or by other means


occurs when people change their behavior in some way when they know another person is watching

Demographic Questions

questions that ask for basic information, such as age, gender, ethnicity, or income

Likert Scale

a numerical scale used to assess attitudes; includes a set of possible answers with labeled anchors on each extreme

Aggregate Data

Data that are collected on large populations of individuals and stored in databases.


A complete enumeration of a population.

iterative process

Experimental process is done over and over again to improve results

Content Analysis

the systematic counting, assessing, and interpreting of the form and substance of communication

Episodic Record

Something that only occurs once or once in a long while

Running Record

Observer creates a sequential record of anything that happens during a specific period of time.

Substantive Content Analysis

Analysis focusing on the meaning of a communication. The recording process

Structural Content Analysis

Analysis focusing on the format of a communication. The interpreting process

intercoder reliability

in content analysis, the degree of agreement between or among independent coders. Sometimes multiple coders are used for the same research project
Like the example we did in class where we all had to choose and see if it matched

Going Native

When a researcher becomes part of a culture and loses the ability to observe clearly

Levels of Analysis

the differing complementary views, from biological to psychological to social-cultural, for analyzing any given phenomenon

Elite Interviewing

Collecting interview data from people who hold top positions of influence, often elected officials

interview protocol

The list of questions prepared for the interview that have been designed to ensure that the interview process is equally reliable and valid for all candidates.

participant observer

A group member who participates but also observes the group and adapts as necessary

comparative research

a methodology by which two or more entities (such as countries), which are similar in many dimensions but differ on one in question, are compared to learn about the dimension that differs between them

Ecological Fallacy

assumes that a generalized cultural value applies equally well to all members of the culture

Valid Casual Inference


Descriptive Statistics

numerical data used to measure and describe characteristics of groups. Includes measures of central tendency and measures of variation.

Inferential Statistics

numerical data that allow one to generalize- to infer from sample data the probability of something being true of a population


distinguishes among categories of ideas concepts and variables. i.e. a table of contents


displays based on the cross-classification of two or more ideas, concepts, or variables


Making observations in circumstances so arranged or interpreted that we can isolate the factors relevant to our particular inquiry

Why Experiments in Political Science

Best assessment of Causal Relationships
Enables complex phenomena to be decomposed
Accelerate interdisciplinary work
More likely to produce anomalous facts
Travels across levels of aggregation

threats to internal validity

Selection bias.
-Differential attrition
Endogenous Change
Lack of appropriateness
Treatment misidentification
-Expectancy of Experimenters
-Placebo effect
-Hawthorne effect

Hawthorne effect

A change in a subject's behavior caused simply by the awareness of being studied

Threats of External Validity

Generalizability of sample
Results instability

Unique info from interviews

You are giving a person the ability to express the entirety of their opinion. You can't follow-up on surveys, etc.
Guided conversations
"unscheduled" or "semi Scheduled"- not following the order of your questions, but instead flowing with the convo
Hard t

Good Interview Questions

Are Direct
One at a time
Avoid asking why
Opening Questions

Threats to interview validity

Too narrow

Sources of Aggregate Data

Public documents and official records
Private documents
Mass media
Physical culture and materials
Social science data archives

Disadvantages with Focus Groups

Limited representativeness
Artificial setting
Method Effects

What is the difference between a classic experiment and a natural experiment?

A classic experiment is set up a person to be conducted, whereas a natural experiment is happening in nature and then recorded