Vocab "Letter from Birmingham Jail

affluent: (adj.) materially wealthy

Only affluent families could afford the top-dollar price tags attached to the homes in that neighborhood

cognizant: (adj.) aware; having knowledge

Because I have been on a tight budget for two years, I am very cognizant of the importance of using coupons to get the best deals

complacency: (noun) a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements

The student grew complacent about the challenges ahead.

deplore: (verb) to disapprove of

Teachers deplore student behaviors that distract from lectures

elegy: (noun) 1. a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead 2. a piece of music in a mournful style

The celebrated poet has been chosen to write an elegy for the people who died in the terrorist attacks

harried: (adj.) harassed; annoyed; bothered by many problems or worries; very worried or anxious
note also (verb) to harry: to harass or annoy

Gabriel gave her a harried look, one that said his patience was at an end

impelled: (adj.) driven
also (verb) to drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something.

The manufacturer hopes its commercial will impel us to purchase its new product

incorrigible: (adj.) not able to be corrected, improved or reformed

Because my daughter's behavior is incorrigible, she might be grounded for at least a year.

lamentably: (adv.) regrettably; unfortunately

It is lamentable that today's youth seem to have no respect for the police

manifest: (verb) to make clear to the eye or to the understanding

The love on Amy's face was manifest and obvious to everyone.

moratorium: (noun) a temporary prohibition of an activity

Before the moratorium was passed, people were being executed practically every week in Texas.

repudiate: (verb): to reject with disapproval or condemnation; cast off

Jill is going to repudiate the bill because it is incorrect

sanctimonious: (adj.) making a show of being morally superior to other people

Because my father constantly points out my faults while ignoring his own, I consider him to be rather sanctimonious

scintillating: (adj.) animated; vivacious; effervescent

My friend Sam was just telling me the most scintillating story about her safari in Africa and she really kept my attention with all the fascinating details of all the animals.

solace: (noun) comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness

A depressed James often looks for solace in a liquor bottle