INTSTDS 2800 final

What are the six propositions that define the legalist paradigm of just war theory?

1. There exists an international society of independent states
2. This international society has a law that establishes the two rights of its members
3. Any use of force or imminent threat of force justifies violent response and is a criminal act
4. Aggre

Explain the three sets of rights that Michael Doyle believes form the foundation of liberalism and give an example of each.

1. Freedom from arbitrary authority/freedom of speech
2. Rights necessary to the capacity to enjoy freedom and effective self expression/right to health care
3. Right to democratic expression/voting

Explain what David Luban calls "the UN definition" of just and unjust wars. What is his own definition of what count as just and unjust wars?

UN definition -
1. a war is unjust IFF it is aggressive
2.A war is just IFF it is a war of self-defense (against aggression)
Luban definition -
Just -
(i) a war in defense of socially basic human rights (subject to proportionality)
OR (ii) a war of self-d

Explain two arguments for the justice of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and two arguments against.


What are three rights protected by Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

(1) equal work equal pay
(2) right to form and join labor unions
(3) right to work in favorable conditions

Explain the three kinds of moral rights identified by Maurice Cranston and give an example of each.

1. rights of a specific individual/right to have someone staying with you abide by your house rules
2. rights of a particular group/right of parents to know whats going on with their children
3. the moral rights of all people in all situations/human right

What are three reasons that Charles Beitz gives to think that human rights are not natural rights?

1. natural rights are supposed to be pre-institutional
2. natural rights are supposed to belong to people "naturally"
3. natural rights are supposed to be timeless

Describe 3 actions that Article 2 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) requires of signatory nations. (Note: make sure it is clear how the reasons you identify are different from each other)

(b) To adopt appropriate legislative and other measures, including sanctions where appropriate, prohibiting all discrimination against women;
(e) To take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women by any person, organization or ent

Explain three reasons that Uma Narayan believes that banning the practice of religious veiling will harm women.

1. Counterproductive because they make it harder for religious women to get jobs and education
2. Produce backlash by forcing people to choose sides
3. Discounts agency of women who choose to veil

Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink describe four different strategies that transnational advocacy networks pursue. Explain three of them.

1. information politics/ability to generate information that can change situation; not just reporting facts, but framing them/renaming "female circumcision" as "female genital mutilation"
2. symbolic politics/calling on symbols and stories that make sense

As Clifford Bob notes, the Tibetan freedom struggle is famous while "no one is planning an Uighur Freedom concert in Washington DC" even though Uighur people face political problems very similar to those facing the Tibetans. Explain three factors that Bob

week 11 class 1

Explain three rules of the world order that harm the poor, according to Thomas Pogge.

1. Permitting bribery by foreign firms/no international convention against bribing foreign officials until 1999
2. Incentives/elites in poor countries interact with two constituencies: domestic inferiors & powerful foreigners...and who can offer them more

Explain the first three stages of exploitation according to Johan Galtung. Give an example of each.

1. Simple looting/taking oil
2. Exploitative exchange/oil for beads
3. Differences in interaction effect/oil for tractors

According to Maria Stephan and Erica Chenoweth, what are the two main reasons that foreign support for nonviolent resistance movements does not make them more likely to succeed?

1. Perceived lack of legitimacy
2. Perceived free ride

According to Leo Tolstoy, what would we need to know in order to justifiably conclude that we should kill a robber thats about to kill a child? What does Tolstoy think we can know?

Killing is always wrong..."Do what's right, come what may"..."would need to be able to foresee the results of hypothetical future actions"..."we are farther driven to act as duty bids us, by the considerationthat we have no other guidance,but are totally

In Hind Swaraj, "the reader" argues that it is permissible to force a thief out of your house, but "the editor" disagrees. Explain how the editor thinks a person should respond to such a thief and why they think that response will be effective.

only fair means can produce fair results"
Let the thief steal the goods, over time he will become confused, leave the house alone..."we reap exactly as we sow"...puts victim in control

In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King, Jr. distinguishes just from unjust laws. What are two ways that he says we can tell the difference between them?

Unjust laws are:
1.Laws that a majority applies to a minority but
not to itself
2. Laws that a minority had no voice or vote in
3. Any law that degrades human personality
Just laws are:
1. Laws that uplift human personality

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. have different views about violence as an effective means of social change. For each, give one reason they believed violence is or is not effective.

Malcolm X - believes in "action on all fronts by whatever means necessary" is a waste of time to attempt to appeal "to the moral conscience of a bankrupt man like Uncle Sam"...violence is effective
MLK, Jr. - "the means we use must be as pure as the

Cultural Violence

Any aspect of culture that can be used to legitimize direct or structural violence
"Generally, a causal flow from cultural via structural to direct violence can be identified"
For example: changing moral valence of an act; making reality opaque; normalizi

a cattleyard of a planet

William James - "Moral Equivalent to War"
His worry: without war, our population would turn into on that is uninteresting and essentially lacking fix this, he proposes an indoctrination of a mandatory draft for youth to enlist in, in differen

Boomerang Pattern

Keck and Sikkink

rhetoric of choice

Helps explain why other cultures feel less free than Americans

Resource Privilege

"the legal power to confer globally valid ownership rights in the country's resources" Example: Nigerian oil
-Both incentivize seizing political powerand rent-seeking; help autocrats maintain power
-Helps explain negative correlation between resourc

Convertibility of Imperialism



Stephan and C
violent crack downs backfire


Mahatma Gandhi
Swaraj = self-rule
applies to country and individuals

the white moderate

...the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love?" MLK says those that are not extremists for either are the white moderate. He says that the white moderate are almos