Virtual Geometry - Unit 9


to accept as true without proof


a selection of objects in which order is not important


the occurrence of a possible outcome


The product of all positive integers less than or equal to the number given; denoted with an exclamation point


A possible result of an experiment


An arrangement of items in a specific order

Fundamental Counting Principle

used to determine the umber of possible outcomes given multiple independent events

Calculating Permutations

nPr = n!/(n-r)!

Calculating Combinations

nCr = n!/((n-r)!r!)


all elements in the universal set except those in the given set

experimental probability

the probability of an event occurring based on experimental data calculations

geometric probability

a probability that involves a geometric measure such as length, area, or volume

law of large numbers

the principle stating that the experimental probability of an event approaches the theoretical probability of the event as the number of trials approaches infinity

sample space

the set of all possible outcomes for a given situation

theoretical probability

the probability of an event occurring in theory as determined logically using counting methods; the number of desired outcomes divides by the total number of possible outcomes

Complements of Events

The complement of event A, denoted Ac, consists of all outcomes that are NOT the event

Calculating Theoretical Probability

P(A) = number of favorable outcomes/number of possible outcomes

Calculating Experimental Probability

P(A) = number of favorable outcomes/number of trials

conditional probability

the probability that a specific event will occur, given that another specific event has already occurred

independent events

events in which the outcome of one does not affect the outcome of the other