Statistic Final Vocab

categorical variable

a variable that names categories (whether with words or numerals wins or loss)

numerical variable

variables that take on values that are indicated by numbers

test statistic

a measure calculated from a performance that is used as evidence in a hypothesis test


measures how likely it is to get a test statistic at least as extreme as the observed test statistic by random chance, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. The results of a simulation provide an estimate of the p-value

confounded variables

when we aren't certain which variable is causing the difference we have observed


keeping conditions exactly the same for each trial, except for the treatments being compared

statistically significant

if random chance is not a plausible explanation for observed performances


if his or her ability to be successful is the same following a success and following a failure

significance level

A predetermined level of evidence that is required to essentially rule out random chance as a plausible explanation

Type 1 error (false positive)

when we reject the null hypothesis and the support the alternative hypothesis when in reality the null hypothesis is true

Type 2 error (false negative)

when we fail to reject the null hypothesis and do not decide to support the alternative hypothesis when in reality the alternative hypothesis is true


the possible outcomes of a variable and how often it takes those outcomes


the arithmetic average of a distribution, obtained by adding the scores and then dividing by the number of scores


the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution


the middle score in a distribution; half the scores are above it and half are below it

Interquartile Range (IQR)



Sets the lowest 25% of data points apart from the upper 75%


Sets the upper 25% of data points apart from the lower 75%


extreme values that don't appear to belong with the rest of the data


an observed value that describes what a person actually did in a specific context


is a true but unknown value that describes what a person would do if given an infinite number of opportunities in the same context

Law of Large Numbers

the larger the number of individuals that are randomly drawn from a population, the more representative the resulting group will be of the entire population

Correlation doesn't imply causation

there is an infinite number of third variables

Null Hypothesis (H0)

A statement of "no difference.

alternative hypothesis

The hypothesis that states there is a difference between two or more sets of data.

sample size

The number of subjects used in an experiment or study. Generally, the larger the better.