Property and casualty nys

Pure risk

Only a chance of loss not chance of gain


Unit of measurement to determine a rate

Physical hazard

Material, tangable

Moral hazard

Lie on the application


Indifference to an increase in a hazard


Cause of loss (snow, hail, rain)


Disapprearance,destruction, or reduction of a thing of value


Works but is impractical


Assuming financial responsibility


Sharing a risk


Lowering the possibility or severity of loss


Most effective way to handle risk, pay someone else to deal with it

Adverse Selection

Insurance risks that are of the poorer class than the average risk

Law of large numbers

Principle stating that the larger the number of similar exposure units considered, the more closely the losses reported will equal the probability of loss


Contract where one insurance company agrees to indemnify another insurance comoany for it's losses. When on a specific policy it is called faculative and when it is on an annual renewal it is called a reinsurance treaty


Owned by stockholders


Started with policy holder dollars, board of trustees

Fraternal benefit society

Non profit

Lloyds association

Insures high risks (non regulated


Office is within state


Office is out of state


In another country


Has recieved a certificate

Loss ratio

Incurred losses plus loss adjusting expenses divided by the earned premium

Geographic redlining

Illeagle, refusing to serve a particular area solely because of it's location or beacuse of it's served by a volunteer fire department


Used most often, groups of similar risks homogenous

Judgement rating

When there is no statistical data to support the rate underwriters use best judgement

Experience Rating

Past lost experience at end of policy determined is taken into concideration, lower than .1 for good rating


Self rating plan where the actual losses during the policy period determines the final premium subject to a minimum premium and a deposit premium.


Used on a stated value policy where each individual piece of property has it's own stated value as well as premium that applys.


A type of rating system used in auto rating that rates based on the probability of a loss as opposed to thr loss and driving history of the potiental insured.

Proximate cause

The foreseeable cause ot negligent act that actually led to an injury

Actual loss

The end result of a negligent act

Absolute liability

Hazardous occupation or hobby


As in strictly stupid to iron with your clothes on.


When the liability is passed on to someone who is more able to pay (parents are held responsible for their children)

Assumption of risk

Assuming you may not be safe with the drunk driver

Comparitive negligence

Splits the negligence between both parties


Stricter standard of negligence if the injured party is atleast 1 % negligent they can be barred from recovery

Intervieing cause

An event that interrupted a negligent chain of events

Named peril

Each peril that the property is insured aginst is listed on the dec page

Open perril

Only the exclusions are listed

Blanket policy

Covers multipule peices of property at multipule locations under one policy


Covers one peice of property at one specific location

Direct loss

Physical damage to buildings or personal property

Indirect loss

Losses that occur due to the direct loss happening first


Non combustable for 2 hours (lowest premium)


Very combustable most expensive premium


Declorations Page-Endorsements-Additional Coverage-definitions-conditions-exclusions

Declorations page

Contains named insured,adress, policy number territory, policy period, coverage purchased, and premiums, endorsements purchased and any discounts


Written changes to the policy, can add or subtract coverage

Additional coverage

Comes with every policy, occurs AFTER A LOSS, extra coverage for med pay, ect.


Defines who is insured and other definitions in the policy

Insuring agreement

A simple sentence that sets out what the insurer will do in the event of a loss


The part of the policy that lists what type of property peril that is excluded as well as people that are excluded.


Anyone who is covered under the policy listed or not

Named insured

The name of the insured who is listen on the policy

First named insured

The person whose name is listed first and who is responsible for the premium payment

Additional insured

Anyone who has financial interest in the property being insured (ex. A bank that placed a lien on your mortgage)


Added as an endorsement

Spit liability

25 per person/50 per occurrence- both apply to bodily injury a seperate limit of 10,000 applies to property damage per occurance ( 25/50/10)

Combined single

Everything comes out of one


Everything comes out of one amount and each loss is deducted from the aggregate limit

Pro rata

When two companies insure the same risk, liability is proportioned out per each company liability limit. Step 1, add the two amounts for both companies together
Company A=50,000
Company B=100,000