Chapter 1


Ambiguous, cannot learn about it, completely random, cannot estimate probability


The chance you will lose something of value to you; we continually make choices about risk, sometimes consciously, most times not
- managing risks involves making good choices involving trade-offs
- managing risk well is critical to individuals, household

Objective Risk

Relative variation of actual from expected loss; quantitative
Objective risk = Standard Deviation (Loss) / Expected (Loss)

Subjective Risk

Uncertainty based on mental condition or state of mind; matter of perspective and can vary among people which can be difficult to measure

Law of Large Numbers (LLN)

Objective risk declines with the number of exposures
Example: the more times you toss a coin, the closer the frequency of heads and tails approaches 1/2

Which involves greater objective risk?
a. Investing in one stock
b. Investing in a mutual fund of similar stocks

A. ; because the risk can be spread in option B which makes it less of a bigger risk.

Which involves greater objective risk?
a. covering the losses of one home
b. covering the losses of 100,000 homes


Chance of Loss

Probability that a loss will occur

Objective Probability

Long- Run relative Frequency of event

Deductive reasoning

A logical process in which a conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises that are generally assumed to be true.
A game of chance; top-down logic; General --> Particular

Inductive reasoning

Bottom-top logic; Particular --> General
It gathers together particular observations in the form of premises, then it reasons from these particular premises to a general conclusion.


Causes of losses
Example: auto accidents, fires, storms, recessions, etc.


Conditions that create or increase the frequency or severity of losses
Example: bad brakes, icy roads, old wiring, etc.

Physical hazards

Icy streets, old wiring

Moral hazards

Dishonesty or character defect in an individual that increases the frequency or severity of loss, e.g., setting your house on fire to collect on insurance

Legal Hazard

Characteristics of the legal system/regulatory environment that increase the frequency or severity of losses.

Attitudinal (moral) hazard

Indifference to loss because of insurance, e.g., you drive less safely because you have insurance

Moral Hazard (re-defined)

Increased incentives to cause a loss or diminished incentives to prevent a loss because of insurance or other means to externalized loses to others (e.g. through bankruptcy)

Pure Risk

Possibilities of loss or no loss, no change of gain, e.g., Fire

Diversifiable Risk:

Affects only individuals or small groups and not the entire economy

Nondiversifiable risk

Affects the entire economy or large numbers of persons or groups within the economy

Enterprise Risk

All major risks faced by a firm

Systemic risk

The risk of collapse of an entire system or market due to the failure of one or group of firms
Example: 2008-2009 Housing market crisis

Personal Risks

Premature death, insufficient income during retirement, poor health, unemployment

Potential Losses

Loss of income, extra expenses, depletion of financial assets

Liability Risks/ Losses

Legal liability for bodily injury or physical damage losses to another
Negligence, breach of warranty, absolute liability

Property RIsks/ Liability

- Direct physical damage losses
- Theft losses
- Indirect or consequential losses
- Extra expenses

Risk to Firms

- Property risks
- Liability risks
- Losses of income
- Cyber risks
- Financial risks
- Strategic risks
- Operational risks
- Other risks: Human resources
Foreign loss exposure, intangible property exposures, Government exposures

Commercial Risks Elaboration

- property
- liability
- loss of business income
- cyber risk
- other risk

Burden of Risk on Society

- Need for larger emergency fund
- Loss of certain goods and services
- Worry and fear
- Other costs

Techniques for Managing Risk

Risk Control: Avoidance, loss prevention, loss reduction
Risk Financing: retention, non-insurance transfer, insurance

Loss prevention

Reduces frequency

Loss reduction

Reduces severity; includes duplication separations & diversification

Risk Financing: Retention

Active, passive, self-insurance

Risk Financing: Non-insurance transfer

Contractual transfer, hedging, incorporation