CH1. General Insurance


the transfer of PURE risk to the insurance company in
consideration for a premium.

pure risk

The chance of loss without any chance of gain

speculative risk

risk with the possibility for gain or loss and is not insurable


the chance of loss.


A condition that could result in a loss


something that increases the chance of loss


cause of loss

T/F To be insurable, losses must be calculable.


The law of large numbers allows insurers to _______ claims more ________.


The law of large numbers applies to _____, not to ______.

groups of people / individuals

Most insurers buy _______ to protect themselves in the event of a
catastrophic loss


T/F Insurance laws are required to be uniform from one state to another.


Insurers ________ enforce a contract that they enter into with a minor, but the
minor _______ enforce the contract against the insurer.

cannot / can

A _________ may pay dividends to its shareholders (stockholders), but they
may not be guaranteed.

stock insurer

A _____________ insurance company is managed by an attorney-in-fact.


An unincorporated association of individuals who insure each other is known as
a ________________

reciprocal insurer

A _________ company has their home office in another state.


An insurer incorporated outside of the U.S. who sells in the U.S. is an ________ company


A ___________ may be personally liable when violating the producer's contract.


Producers represent the _______, not the ______.

insurance company / insured

Producers have _______, ________ and ________ authority.

express / implied / apparent

The authority a producer has that is written in his or her contract is known as
_________ authority.


The authority not expressly (written) granted, but is actual authority the
producer has to transact normal business activities, is known as _______


The elements of a legal contract may be remembered by the acronym C-O-A-L

Consideration, offer, acceptance, legal purpose and legal capacity

A requirement for a valid contract is ________, or mutual

offer and acceptance

Advertising the availability of insurance is _______ to be an offer.

not considered

A specific and definite proposal to enter into a contract is known as an ______


The __________ on a policy need not be equal.


A policy ________ be voided due to unequal consideration.

may not

Under the _________ clause, something of value must be exchanged.


Insurance policies are considered to be ________, in that only one
party makes an enforceable promise the insurer

unilateral contracts

The principle of ________ states the purpose of insurance is to restore the
insured to the same position as before the loss occurred.


The principle of _________ states that all parties to an insurance
transaction are honest.

utmost good faith

A representation is defined as ____________

the truth to the best of one's knowledge.

A warranty is defined as _________

a sworn statement of truth, guaranteed to be true.

Concealment is defined as

the failure to disclose a material fact.

When an insurer voluntarily gives up the right to obtain information that they
are entitled to, they have made a ________.


what does the term "unilateral contract" mean

A one -sided contract. Only one party makes an enforceable promise

What type of authority is based on the agents actions, or words?


A state issued document empowering an insurance company to become an admitted insurer is called?

Certificate of Authority

What is consideration on the part of the insurer?

A promise to pay in the event of a loss

Self-insuring is typically used for what type of insurance?

workers compensation

what are the 5 characteristics of an ideally insurable risk?

1. due to change
2. definite & measurable
3. statistically predictable
4. not catastrophic
5. coverage cannot be mandatory

What are the methods of managing risk?

Avoidance, transfer, sharing, retention, and reduction

The three types of hazards are

Physical, moral and morale

Insurance is used to transfer what to an insurance company?

Financial responsibility for loss

What law protects consumers from the circulation of inaccurate or obsolete information?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act

What is the difference between cancellation and nonrenewal

Cancellation is termination by either party prior to expiration date.
Nonrenewal is termination at its expiration date by not offering a continuation of existing policy

What does the term "reasonable expectations" mean in insurance?

Certain expectations for coverage that a reasonable person would have based on sources other than just the policy language.

For the purpose of insurance, what is risk

Uncertainty of loss

What is called when risks with a higher probability of loss are seeking insurance more often than other risks?

Adverse selection

What are the four elements of an insurance contract?

1. Agreement (offer and acceptance)
2. Consideration
3. Competent parties
4. Legal purpose

Insurance contracts are aleatory in nature. What does that mean?

Unequal values are exchanged between the parties to a contract

What does indemnify mean in insurance?

To restore an insured to the same financial status as before a loss

What law is the foundation of the statistical prediction of loss upon which rates for insurance are calculated?

Law of large numbers


an insurance producer not appointed by an insurer and is deemed to represent the client


a legal representative of an insurance company; the classification of producer usually includes agents and brokers; agents are the agents of the insurer