Fish & Sharks

Counter Shading

when viewed from above the dark blends in with surrounding dark watered and when viewed from below, white belly blends in with the brightly lit surface used for camouflage


whale, megamouth, basking sharks - filter small planktonic animals from water column

Caudal Fin

fin extending from the tail that moves from side to side and amplifies the swimming motions


possessing a tail with the upper lobe larger than the lower and with the vertebral column prolonged into the upper lobe


modified pelvic fins on a male shark that allows for transfer of sperm to female


These within a shark are constantly being replaced

Fins, meat, oil, leather, cartilage and sport

Humans exploit sharks to get these

16 centimenters - 14 meters

What are the range of shark sizes


bony segments composing the spinal column that provide structural support for the body and protect the spinal cord


jawed vertebrates

Cartilaginous fish

Sharks, skates, rays, chimaeras


What class are cartilaginous fish found in?

Placoid scales

cartilaginous fishes; project from surface with a spine extending posteriorly; toothlike; sandpaper-like texture

Why do fish secrete mucus?

It provides protection against parasites and diseases, covers wounds to prevent infection and helps fish move through the water faster


a hard flap serving as a cover for (a) the gill slits in fishes or (b) the opening of the shell in certain gastropods when the body is retracted

What requirements does an animal need to be a 'fish'?

Cold-blooded, have fins, and a backbone

Can fish detect color?



The external opening to digestive urinary and reproductive tracts

Kidney Functions

Filters liquid waste materials from the blood and regulates water and salt concentrations within the fish's body

Shark eyes can___

(pupils) dilate and constrict (eylid closes from bottom to top)

Fusiform body

Sleek body shape that minimizes the surface area deflecting the water (streamline- open water-v shape tail)

Depressed body

(flattened from top to bottom), like stingrays, live on the bottom.

Terminal Mouth

This is the mouth where it is at the tip of the fish's body-feeds head on

Globular body

sedentary lifestyle, pectoral fins enlarged (support body)

Upper Mouth

Top feeder - near surface

Lower Mouth

Bottom feeder

What sense do fish usually use to detect food?


Eye spots

Near the tail to draw attention of a predator (form of mimicry)

Warning Coloration

Bright coloration that warns predators that the potential prey is distasteful or even poisonous.

Dermal Teeth reduce what for sharks?


Sharks have no swim bladder - What do they use for buoyancy?

a large liver, filled with oil that contains squalene and a body of cartilage (half as dense as bone)

Tonic Immobility

when the shark becomes immobile when inverted or stroked on the nose

Shark Reproduction

They produce a small number of well-developed young as opposed to a large number of poorly developed young

Carnivorous (sharks)

(used of plants as well as animals) feeding on animals