BIO 168 Chapters 4&6


Metabolic process where small molecules are built up into larger ones. Dehydration synthesis is an example. Monosaccharides are turned into polysaccharides when an OH group from one mnnosaccharide and an H from the OH group of another are removed and form


Metabolic process where larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones. Hydrolysis is an example. When the bond between simple sugars of a disaccharide break, the water molecule supplies a H to one sugar molecule and an OH to another to form 2 monosac


the sum of all chemical processes that occur in an organism.

What is the potential energy in glucose? ATP? ADP? NADPH? FAD?

glucose-36-38 ATP. NADPH-3 ATP. FADH 2 ATP. ADP- has 7.3 kilocalories less energy than ATP.

What are the parts of the anaerobic processes in cellular respiration? What is the amt of energy produced?

Glycolysis. A net yield of 2 ATPs per molecule of glucose is produced.1. Two phosphate groups are added to a glucose molecule (phosphorylation), requiring energy from 2 ATPs. 2. The 6-carbon glucose is split into two 3-carbon molecules. 3. NADH (electron

What are the aerobic processes of cellular respiration? What is the amt of energy produced?

1. Citric acid cycle. Produces 2 ATP. 1. Acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetic acid to form a 6-carbon citric acid and CoA. 2. Citric acid is changed through a series of reactions back into oxaloacetic acid. CoA is used again to combine with acetic acid to

What are the end products of glycolysis? Kreb's cycle? Electron transport chain? Anaerobic reactions?

Glycolysis--2 ATP, 2 pyruvic acid, NADH. Kreb's cycle- NADH, FADH, CO2, 2 ATP. Electron transport chain-32-34 ATP, heat, water. Anaerobic reactions-lactic acid.

What is the last step of the electron transport chain?

The final enzyme of the ETC gives up a pair of electrons that combine with 2 hydrogen ions and an atom of oxygen to form a water molecule.

What is the relative potential energy in glucose, ATP, ADP, NADPH, citric acid.

Glucose-36-38 ATP per molecule. citric acid-1 ATP per molecule. NADH makes 3 ATPs. FADH makes 2 ATPs.

What is transcription? What is translation? Where do they occur?

transcription is the process by which DNA info is copied into an RNA sequence. It happens in the nucleus. Translation is the process by which mRNA is translated from the language of nucleic acids to the language of amino acids. It takes place in the cytos

Describe oxygen debt. Describe second wind.

Oxygen debt- During strenuous exercise, oxygen deficiency causes lactic acid to accumulate. Oxygen debt is the amount of oxygen required to convert accumulated lactic acid to glucose and to restore supplies of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and creatine pho

How do epithelial tissues deal with friction?

It keratinizes and makes calouses.

What is the role of sebaceous glands? What is the role of sweat glands?

Sebaceous glands create globules of fatty material that mix with cellular debris to produce sebum that helps keep hairs and skin soft, pliable, and waterproof. Sweat glands regulate body temperature

What happens when melanin is exposed to UV light?

melanocytes make more melanin, which enters keratinocytes and we tan. However, we can possibly develop cancer as ultraviolet radiation overwhelms the skin's natural p53 protection against cancer.

What are the layers of the epidermis?

Stratam basale-deepest layer consisting of cuboidal cells and melanocytes; stratum spinosum-many layers of cells with large, oval nuclei and developing keratin fibers; stratum granulosum-flattened granular cells containing shrunken keratin fibers and shri

What are the Paccinian Corpuscles? What are the Meissner's Corpuscles?

Sensory receptor in the deeper dermis that responds to heavy pressure. Meissner's Corpuscle-in upper dermis, sense light touch and texture.

What are the 5 sensations of the skin?

Touch, pressure, pain, hot, cold.

What are the serous cavities?

Pleural cavities, pericardial cavity, peritoneal cavity. Each cavity is made up of a double-layered serous membrance, namely visceral layer (inner) and parietal layer (outer).

What's the cause of Down's Syndrome? Sickle cell disease? Tay Sach's?

Down's is a chromosomal abnormality. Sickle cell is genetic. Tay Sach's is genetic. Huntington's disease is genetic.

How many codons are there? How do they work?

64. A codon is a three-nucleotide sequence in mRNA that specifies a particular amino acid or polypeptide termination signal; basic unit of the genetic code. C->G, G --> C, A--> U. mRNA base sequence always begins with AUG.

Describe the ADP/ATP cycle.

An ATP molecule loses a phosphate and becomes ADP and then that phosphate is added back on to make ADP to ATP and that cycle continuously repeats himself.

How does cyanide work?

Cyanide halts ATP production in cells by binding to an iron atom that is part of the enzyme that enables NADH from the citric acid cycle to transfer electrons to oxygen.

What is the role of insulin in regulating blood sugar?

...When you eat and blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas begins to release insulin. Insulin encourages the cells to absorb or use the glucose that's in the bloodstream. Insulin allows glucose to enter the cells. As more and more glucose is used by the