
XYZ Company noticed that the sales of iPads in blue have increased in sales. What can be the business
determine about the iPads?

Popular products

By monitoring its sales and its customers' buying habits, what is a business often able to identify?

Popular products

What type of marketing data can a business obtain by reviewing its inventory reports and customers'

customers product preferences

What is one reason why an employee might write a business letter?


Through sales, products are transferred to consumers who can then use them. This is an example of what
role of selling?

Adding utility

What is an effective follow-up activity that salespeople can use to provide good service and develop strong
relationships with customers?

Calling to make sure the products are satisfactory

What does a salesperson need to do to be successful in selling?

Learn the features unique to the brands s/he sells

Joe is a salesperson who will sometimes forgo a sale in order to satisfy a customer's needs. Carol always
attempts to close a sale at all costs. Who is likely to be the more successful salesperson?

Joe because he will get more repeat business

Which is a pre-sale opportunity for salespeople to provide customer service?

Providing ample product information

George sold Sandy a new living room set. What should George do as an effective follow-up to provide good
service and develop a strong relationship with her?

Calling to make sure the products are satisfactory

Using selling to satisfy customers' needs or desires should ensure that the salesperson and the business will
both benefit over time from

repeat business

What can salespeople do to maintain good relationships with existing customers?

Live up to their promises

. A customer asked you several questions about the new expandable notebooks. So that you address the
customer's questions correctly, what should you do?

Make sure you clearly understand customers' inquiries

What is a business way for employees to handle a situation in which they must obtain information
requested by customers and call the customers back?

Ask the customers when it would be convenient to call them

What should you do to demonstrate a customer-service mindset in the following situation: An irate
business customer yells at you because of a billing error?

Make sure the mistake is corrected

What is a guideline for employees to follow in handling customer inquiries?

Make sure you clearly understand customers' inquiries

What is a factor that affects a business's selection of policies to guide its operations?

Nature of the business

How do service-oriented companies often improve their levels of service?

By requesting input through employee and customer surveys

5. What is one of the benefits to a business of reinforcing service orientation through communication?

5. What is one of the benefits to a business of reinforcing service orientation through communication?

What is one of the purposes of having business policies?

To make sure the business's actions are consistent

What are business people who fail to adapt their communication styles to appeal to their international
clients likely to do?

Offend the clients

Jami researched her international customers' buying behavior. Jami wanted to be sure she did NOT make
the common mistake to do which of the following actions?

Offend the clients

What should employees do to maintain a customer-service mindset?

Devote their full attention to customers

What should help business people adapt their communication styles to appeal to clients from other

Being patient, flexible, and empathetic