Financial Algebra Chapter 1


The amount of money with which a business is started.

sole proprietorship

A business owned by a single owner.


The difference between revenue and cost for a business.

personally liable

The individual can be held responsible for any outstanding payments if a business goes under.


Two or more people who own a company together.


A company owned by one or more people who have limited liability.


All the individuals who own at least one share in a company.

public corporation

A corporation who is owned by multiple individuals who own shares traded on the stock market.

limited liability

Persons are not held personally responsible if a company goes under.

stock market

Place where stocks are bought and sold through brokers.


When one person buys and another sells shares of stock.


The last price per share at which the stock was traded.


The price per share of a stock at the close of the market.


The highest price per share of a stock during one day of trading.


The lowest price per share of a stock during one day of trading.


The number of shares traded over the course of one day.

52-week high

The highest price a share of stock has traded for during the last 52 weeks.

52-week low

The lowest price a share of stock has traded for during the last 52 weeks.

net change

The change in a stock's closing price from one day to the next.

after-hours trading

Trading that happens while the market is closed.


A way to organize data and make formulas to relate various data to other data.


One "space" in which one piece of information can be put in a spreadsheet. Named using letters and numbers.

stock chart

A chart depicting various aspects of a stock's value over a certain period of time.

stock bar chart

A special type of stock chart that displays volume, and daily open, low, high, and closing price.

candlestick chart

A stock chart that displays daily open, low, high, and closing prices using a box with two "wicks" - one on the top and one on the bottom of the box.

simple moving average (SMA)

The average of the last ____ days of trading.


A shorthand message showing information about a recent trade (company, # of shares, price per share, up or down from the previous day's closing price).

trading volume

The amount of stocks being traded in a transaction.

trading price

The price at which a share of stock is being traded.

directional arrow

Depicts whether a trade is above or below the previous day's closing price.

total value of a trade

The amount of money that the complete trade is worth. Usually one would multiply the trading price and the trading volume.


The trading price is above the previous day's closing price.


The trading price is below the previous day's closing price.


The collection of all of one person's stocks.

round lot

A trade involving a multiple of 100 shares.

odd lot

A trade involving something other than a multiple of 100 shares.


When one person sells and another buys stocks.

gross capital gain

When the total value of a sale of stock is higher than the total value at which the stock was bought.

gross capital loss

When the total value of a sale of stock is lower than the total value at which the stock was bought.


A person licensed to trade stocks on the market.

broker fee

The money paid to a broker for assisting in the trade of stocks.


A fee paid to a broker that is based on a percentage of the value of the trade.

discount broker

A broker who trades stock, but does not provide investment advice.

limit order

A trade placed with a specific per share price limit. The stock is not traded unless it reaches this limit. The limit can be set so that the price is not lower or not higher than a specific amount.

net proceeds

Total money received minus the initial cost and brokers fees. Sometimes it is a loss and sometimes a gain.

stock split

When the total number of stocks is increased by a specific ratio.

outstanding shares

The total number of shares owned by the public.

market cap

The total value of all outstanding shares of stock for a particular company.

traditional stock split

When the number of shares increases and the price per share decreases so that the market cap remains the same.

reverse stock split

When the number of shares decreases, but the price per share increases so that the market cap remains the same.

penny stock

Stock valued at $5 or less.

fractional part of a share

When there is a portion (fraction) of a share owned by an individual after a split.


Money from a company's profit that is shared to the stock holders. Calculated per stock.

dividend income

Income a shareholder receives from dividends.

income stock

Stock that produces dividends paid to shareholders.


The percentage represented by the dividend income compared to the stock's closing price.

growth stock

Stock which gains value over time based on trading on the market.

corporate bond

A loan given to a corporation that is paid back in interest to the bondholder.

face value

How much a bond is worth at maturity.


When a bond finishes the time period for which it was designated.