Maxillofacial Trauma


airway compromised
nerve damage
chronic sinusitis

Causes of Mortality

airway compromise
intracranial/c-spine injury
oropharyngeal infections

Lefort fx can coexist with

other facial fractures

Pt may have

different lefort fractures on different sides of the face

Lefort I

horizontal fx extending through maxilla between maxillary sinus floor and orbital floor

Lefort I Sx

crepitus over maxilla
ecchymosis in buccal vestibule
maxilla mobility
maxilla will move forward with hand pull

Lefort I Tx

closed reduction
intermaxillary fixation: secures maxilla to mandible
may need wiring or plating
anti-staph abx

Lefort II

subzygmatic midfacial fx with pyramid shaped fragment separated from cranium and lateral aspects of the face

Lefort II Sx

midface crepitus
face lengthening
infraorbital parenthesis
maxilla and nose will pull forward

Lefort II emergent surgery if

hemorrhage or airway obstruction

Treatment can often be delayed until

edema decreases

Lefort II Tx

intermaxillary fixation
interosseous wiring or plating
suspension wires
anti-staphy abx
intubation if airway comp

Lefort III

craniofacial dislocation
bilateral suprazygomatic fx resulting in a floating fragment of mid-faial bones which are totally separated from the cranial base

Lefort III Sx

face lengthening, cave in, donkey face
malocclusion, open bite
lateral orbit rim defect
infraorbital partestheisa
medial canthal deformity
unequal pupil height
entire face will pull forward

Lefort III Tx

emergent surgery for bleeding control
intermaxillary fixation
transosseous wiring or plating

#1 fx of the face


Mandible fx usually caused by

a direct blow (getting hit/falling)

Mandible Fx Sx

airway obstruction form loss of attachment at base of tongue

Mandible fx > 50% are


If violation of oral mucosa

high infection potential


start on clindamycin 300 mg TID
follow up with ENT for wiring (regardless of open or closed)

First and second mc mandible fxs

#1 condyle
#2 body

Mandible fx Sx

decreased jaw range of motion
chin numbness
palpable step deformity

Mandible fx Dx

tongue blade test

Mandible fx Tx

prompt fixation: intermaxillary fixation +/- wiring or plating

Causes of TMJ Dislocation

direct blow
fall on chin

Mandible dislocates

forward and superior

TMJ Dislocation Sx

mouth open, can't close it
can't talk well

Can be misdiagnosed for

psychiatric or dystonic /prochlorperazine/compaizine reaction

TMJ Dislocation Tx

manual reduction (thumbs around molars push down and back
usually doesn't require sedation or muscle relaxants

Nasal Fx Dx

usually clinical
really only thing on that face that you would XR in ER

Nasal Fx Tx

emergent reduction only to control bleeding, nares obstructed

If septal hematoma

anterior pack
follow up at 24 hours

Reduction follow up

children: 3-5 days
adults: 7 days

Tripod/Trimalar Fx

depression of malar eminence
fx at temporal, frontal, maxillary suture lines

Tripod/Trimalar Fx Dx


Isolated arch fx

less common

Isolated arch fx Sx

painful mandible movment

Isolated arch fx Dx

best seen on submittal vertex XR

Isolated arch tx

fixation wire

Frontal sinus fx often associated with

intracranial injury

Frontal sinus fx often shows

depressed glabellar area

If posterior wall fx then

dura is torn --> worry about brain/infection

Ethomoid fx cause

blow to bridge of nose

Ethmoid fx often associated with

cribiform plate fx, CSF leak

What needs wiring repair?

canthus ligament injury

Orbital fx

blow out of floor

Rule out

globe injury

Orbital Fx Sx

double vision (90% with upward gaze, 10% with lateral gaze)
impaired EOM
infraorbital paresthesia
maxillary sinus opacification on exam and scan
hanging drop in maxillary sinus

Diplopia with upward gaze indicates

inferior blowout
entrapment or inferior recuts and inferior olique

Diplopia with lateral gaze indicates

medial fx
restriction of medial rectus

Orbital Fx Tx

persistent or high grade entrapment needs surgery


bleeding in the anterior chamber

Soft tissue injury of the face, must remove

embedded FB to prevent tattooing

For lip lacs

first suture at the vermilion border

Never shave


Debride ____ to angle of hairs


Antibiotics for

3-5 days for intramural or exposed ear cartilage (cloned or augmenting)

Remove sutures in

3-5 days to prevent cross marks

Bite Wound Tx

clean wounds can be repaired up to 24 hours after
debride parallel

Glass means you should

get an XR

Ellis I

enamel only
white fx surface

Ellis II

enamel and dentin
yellow fx surface

Ellis III

pulp involved
red fx surface

Treatment for Teeth

find tooth
take it from crown without touching root
put it in milk or put it back in place
visit dentist immediately

Dental Abscess/Pain Tx

send to dentist

Tongue Lac Tx

not hot foods 24 hours
start with ice cream/popsicles

Consider closing

> 1-2 cm
large gaping wounds
wounds requiring suturing for hemostasis
anterior tongue split

Can have long term

speech deficits

Ear Trauma

hematoma to pinna can lead to cauliflower if not drained