Evolution 3.7


Evolutionary change above the species level. Example of macroevolutionary change include the origin of a new group of organisms through a series of speculation events and the impact of mass extinctions on the diversity of life and its subsequent recovery.


An abiotic precursor of a living cell that had a membrane-like structure and that maintained an internal chemistry different from that of its surroundings.


An RNA molecule that functions as an enzyme, such as an intron that catalyzes its own removal during RNA slicing

Radiometric Dating

A method for determining the absolute age of rocs and fossils, based on the half-life of radioactive isotopes.


The amount of time it takes fro 50% of a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay.

Geologic Record

The division of Earth's history into time periods, grouped into three eons--Archaean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic--and further subdivided into eras, periods, and epochs


Layered Rock that results form the activities of prokaryotes that bind thin films of sediments together.

Endosymbiont Theory

The theory that mitochondria and plastids, including chloroplast, originated as prokaryotic cells engulfed by an ancestral eukaryotic cell. The engulfed cell and its host cell then evolved into a single organism.

Cambrian Explosion

A relatively brief time in geologic history when many present-day phyla of animals first appeared in the fossil record. This burst of evolutionary change occurred about 535-525 million years ago and saw the emergence of the first large, hard-bodied animal

Serial Endosymbiosis

A hypothesis for the origin of eukaryotes consisting of a sequence of endosymbiotic events in which mitochondria, chloroplasts, and perhaps other cellular structures were derived from small prokaryotes that had been engulfed by larger cells.

Primordial Soup

All of the Organic Molecules in the oceans of Primitive Earth


Who came up with the Primitive Soup?

Earth Early atmosphere was a reducing (electron adding) environment where organic compounds could've been formed from simpler molecules

What is the Opacin/Haldane Hypothesis?

Volcanic Eruptions

In Stanley Millers Experiment, was caused the number of amino acids to increase?

Dripped AA's or RNA nucleotides onto hot sand, and produced polymers of these spontaneously without help of enzymes or ribosomes.

What experiment was used to test the abiotic synthesis of macromolecules?

-Created spontaneously when lipids or other organic molecules are added to water
-Make a bilayer
-adding clay

How can vesicles be created?
what do they create?
What increases the vesicle self assembly?


Who discovered that RNA plays role in protein synthesis/carries out catalytic functions (Ribozymes)?

An RNA molecule that functions as an enzyme, (such as a intron) that catalyzes its own removal during RNA slicing

What is a Ribozyme?

1. Archaean
2. Proterozoic
3. Phanerozoic
1. Eras
2. Periods
3. Epochs

What are the three groups that the Geologic Record is divided into? (Division of Earth History?)
-What are they subdivided into?

Atmospheric Oxygen ("Oxygen Revolution")

What probably doomed many prokaryotic groups?

Suggests that most life would've been confined to areas of deep sea vents that lacked an ice cover

What is the "Snowball Earth" Hypothesis?

A relatively brief time in geologic history when many present-day phyla of animals first appeared in the fossil record.

What is the Cambrian Explosion?

535-525 MYA

When did the Cambrian Explosion occur which involved the emergence of hard-bodied animals?

1. Cenozoic
2. Mesozoic
3. Paleozoic

What are the three periods of the Phanerozic era?

65.5-0.01 MYA

How many millions of years ago did the Cenozoic period happen?

251-65.5 MYA

How many millions of years ago did the Mesozoic period happen?

542-251 MYA

How many millions of years ago did the Paleozoic period happen?


What two eras did the first single celled organisms created?

4.54 billion years old

How old is the Earth?