The study of movement
The science of internal and external forces acting on the body
Movement is affected by ... ?
( 7 things )
muscle contraction
center of gravity
muscle force
external forces
internal and external moment arms
joint structure
Muscle force consists of
- point of force application
- line of application
- direction
- magnitude
point of force is the exact point on object where the force is applied and line of application is the direction the force is traveling.
primary sources of force that affect body movement
skeletal muscles
external resistance
The force that attracts an object toward the center of the earth
produce force on the skeletal system by active contraction and passive stretching
skeletal muscles
anything a muscle must work against to produce motion
external resistance
the resistance to movement when two structures are in contact with each other
From an OT point of view, we will study kinesiology from the perspective of 3 physical sciences known as
Musculoskeletal anatomy
Neuromuscular Physiology and
Human movement often involves multiple ________ and ________ connecting those ________
bony segments
Bony segments and their related joints
kinetic chain
example: humerus, elbow joint, and wrist bones
bony segments related joints and skeletal muscles must work together to produce the proper _________.
human movements can be ______ and ________ kinetic chain movements
open and closed
sitting and kicking your foot out is what type of kinetic chain
siting to standing is what type of kinetic chain
sitting and opening up the door with your arm is what type of kinetic chain
door is closed and you move closer to the door is what type of kinetic chain
The proximal end of the chain is fixed and the distal end of the chain moves. Allow for speed and freedom of movement with less stabilization
open chain movements
The distal end of the chain is fixed and the proximal end of the chain moves. Allow for power and strength due to increased stability
Closed chain movements
Most activities of daily living involve a combination of open and closed chain movements. example would be walking
the swinging of the leg is an _____ chain and the leg in contact with the ground is a _____ chain.
Study of kinesiology cannot be done in isolation it must be viewed from an __________ perspective. It involves understanding the movements n individual performs in their daily life (ADLs). Often involves observing an individual performing various tasks in
Evolved from a belief that purposeful activity (occupation), including its interpersonal and environmental components, can help to improve an individual's functional ability or prevent dysfunction by promoting maximum functional adaptation
Occupational therapy practice
Requires us to understand the physical limitations, needs and the functional environment of the individual
Occupational Therapy
The OT practioner must view therapy more than just ROM strength and
Our primary concern for movement involves movement within the context of __________ Once this is understood, then kinesiology can be used in the assessment and treatment of an individual with movement-related difficulties
meaningful activity
Kinesiology is influenced by _________ we must look at both from a greater perspective than just strict movement and mechanical forces
Kinesiology and Biomechanics
- Are somewhat based on the belied system that individuals function like complex machines
- The _________ shaped the study of science medicine for centures
- The _______ came about later and made many new discoveries and theor
Tends to explain phenomena only by reference to physical or biological causes.
- it separates the mind from the body
- This philosophy believes that it is not necessary for the body to understand what it is doing in order for the process to work.
- relati
Mechanistic Philosophy of Mechanism
Views the world as a dynamic system in which change is a constant opportunity for evolution and diversification
- It views the components (i.e. individuals) of a structure as part of a large and interdependent organic system
Transformative Philosophy
Routine measurements of joint motion and muscle strength were used to develop a method of evaluation and treatment
- This evolved into a set of problem-solving steps known as the
Reconstruction Model
The basis of the reconstruction model is founded on the belief that activities graded and adapted to specific muscles and joints would result in a return of
The reconstruction model involves increasing _______ or ________ of movement of an activity
resistance or complexity
Involves the integration of anatomy, physiology, pathology and kinesiology
- Treatment involves activities specific to Muscle and joint problems and The desired movements
- An activity is tailored to strengthen a specific muscle group, increase the moveme
Orthopedic model
Focuses on the study of specific motions required in an occupation
- Kinetic analysis should be based on actual observation of
an experienced worker using proper body mechanics
- Involves the analysis of activity in terms of anatomy,
physiology, pathology
Kinetic Model
- Restore function
-- By use of adaptive equipment or compensatory exercise techniques
- Develop coordination, motor skills and work tolerance
- Preventing negative psychological reactions
Goals of Kinetic Model
OT models, based on biomechanics, have helped OT practitioners to do the following
- Outline and define _______ problems
- Develop exercises and activities that restore and
maintain _________
- Design and fabricate adaptive equipment to meet functional ac
These models
- Emphasizes the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system
- Does not address the cognitive, emotional and social aspects of human occupation
These models
- Considers the psychological aspects of movement
- Fails to balance the performance components of individual function with the environment in which a person operates
Occupational Therapists must incorporate biomechanics
with kinesiology and understand how to integrate both into an individual's
functional environment
This model involves developing a therapy intervention plan to improve function in meaningful activity, not just correcting deficiencies of specific body parts
Rehabilitation Model
The OT Intervention Process Model identifies four domains of function
Level of
Level of
Degree of
Degree of
- this can help provide a broader range for understanding motor and processing skills
Occupational Therapists use kinesiology to
- Design and modify ______
- Evaluate _____ of home and work environments
- Create _______ activities and exercise programs
adaptive equipment