Amphibious Operations I

6 Special Core Competencies of Operations

Expeditionary readiness
Combined arms integration
Expeditionary operations
Sea-based operations
Forcible entry from the sea
Reserve integration

Expeditionary Readiness

Being ever ready to win our nation's first battles
Demands a force ready to flourish under conditions of uncertainty
Being ever ready to defeat the "opponent after next

Combined Arms Integration

A single commander being able to direct ground combat, air combat, and combat service support capabilities

Expeditionary Operations

Military operations in austere operating environments that demand organic supply of all necessary provisions

Sea-Based Operations

Provide for extraordinary strategic reach and give the nation an enduring means to influence and shape the evolving international environment
Provide units with a large measure of inherent force protection
Unimpeded and politically unencumbered access to

Forcible Entry from the Sea

Ability to project power ashore in a theater w/o forward bases and in the face of armed opposition
Uninterrupted movement of forces from ships located far over the horizon directly against decisive objectives

Reserve Integration

Plans to augment or reinforce crisis response missions and to add combat power for operations
Provides USMC w/ unprecedented mission depth, operational flexibility, and sustainability up and down the conflict spectrum


A balanced air-ground combined arms task organization of Marine Corps forces under a single commander structured to accomplish a specific mission
USMC's principal organization for all missions across the range of military operations

MAGTF Capabilities

Landing force of an amphibious task organization
Land force in sustained operations ashore
Land force or the landward portion of a naval force conducting MOOTW
Forward-deployed force providing a strong deterrence in a crisis area
Force conducting training

Key Feature of Marine Expeditionary Organization


4 Core Elements of a MAGTF

Command Element (CE)
Ground Combat Element (GCE)
Aviation Combat Element (ACE)
Logistics Combat Element (LCE)

Command Element

Task organized to provide the command and control capabilities necessary for effective planning, execution, and assessment of operations across the warfighting functions

6 Warfighting Functions

Command and Control
Force Protection

Ground Combat Element

Task organized to conduct ground operations, project combat power, and contribute to battlespace dominance in support of the MAGTF's mission
Only element that can seize and occupy terrain

Organization of GCE

Formed around an infantry organization reinforced with artillery, reconnaissance, assault amphibian, tank, and engineer forces

Air Combat Element

Task organized to conduct air operations, project combat power, and contribute to battlespace dominance in support of the MAGTF's mission by performing some of all of the 6 functions of Marine aviation

Organization of ACE

Formed around an aviation HQ w/ air control agencies, aircraft squadrons or groups, and combat service support units

Logistics Combat Element

Task organized to provide all functions of tactical logistics necessary to support the continued readiness and sustainability of the MAGTF
Enables sustainment of forces, extending the MAGTF's capabilities in time and space
May be main effort of MAGTF duri

Organization of LCE

Formed around a combat service support HQ and may vary in size and composition from a support detachment to one or more Marine logistics groups

Types of MAGTFs

Marine Expeditionary Force
Marine Expeditionary Brigade
Marine Expeditionary Unit
Special Purpose MAGTF

Marine Expeditionary Force

Marine Corps' principal warfighting organization
Can conduct and sustain expeditionary operations in any geographic environment
Sole standing MAGTFs
Normally commanded by a Lieutenant General
Deploys by echelon w/ 60 days of sustainment
Deploys a MEUSOC o

Composition of a MEF

Standing command element
GCE of one or more divisions
ACE of one or more aircraft wings
LCE of one or more Marine logistics groups

3 Standing MEFs

I MEF - southern California and Arizone
II MEF - North and South Carolina
III MEF - Okinawa, Japan and Hawaii

Marine Expeditionary Brigade

Middle-weight" MAGTF
Crisis response force capable of forcible entry and enabling the introduction of follow-on forces
Smallest MAGTF w/ a fully capable aviation element that performs all 6 functions of Marine aviation
Self-sustaining for 30 days

Composition of a MEB

CE w/ C2, force recon company, signals intel capabilities, engineering capabilities
GCE of an infantry regiment reinforced with artillery, recon, engineer, LAR units, assault amphibian units, etc.
ACE of Marine Air Group
LGE of combat logistics regiment


Standard forward-deployed Marine expeditionary organization
Provides immediate sea-based response to meet forward presence and power projection requirements
Commanded by a colonel
Deploys with 15 days of supplies
Embarked aboard a Navy amphibious squadron

Composition of a MEU(SOC)

GCE of an infantry battalion that may be reinforced w/ add'l capabilities
ACE of a combat assault transport helicopter squadron that may be reinforced w/ add'l capabilities
LCE that is task organized around a MEU LCE

Locations of MEU(SOC)s

Mediterranean Sea
Western Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Arabian Gulf region

Special Purpose MAGTF

Nonstanding MAGTF temporarily formed to conduct a specific mission for which a MEF or other unit is either inappropriate or unavailable
May be of any size (normally no larger than a MEU)

Factors for the Designation of a SPMAGTF

Mission it is assigned
Location in which it will operate
Name of the exercise in which it will participate

Air Contingency MAGTF

On-call, task organized alert force that is maintained by all 3 MEFs
Lead echelons can deploy within 18 hours
The MEF's force in readiness
Can deploy independently or in conjunction with amphibious forces, MPFs, or other expeditionary forc


GCE: 1st MarDiv - Camp Pendleton, CA
ACE: 3rd MAW - Miramar, CA
LCE: 1st MLG - Camp Pendleton, CA


GCE: 2nd MarDiv - Camp Lejeune, NC
ACE: 2nd MAW - Cherry Point, NC
LGE: 2nd MLG - Camp Lejeune, NC


GCE: 3rd MarDiv - Camp Courtney, Okinawa
ACE: 1st MAW - Camp Foster, Okinawa
LGE: 3rd MLG - Camp Kinser, Okinawa