What are foundations and what do they do?
accept donations for charities & then disburse those funds as needed for scholarships, equipment and special projects.
EX: Rockefeller Foundation
Charities OR non-profit organizations
Religious, service, and health-oriented associations
EX: Churches
Hierarchies: National, state, and local chapters.
Political campaigns
Persons running for office often hire someone to conduct fund raising
Lobby efforts: trying to influence the legislative process by communicating with elected politicians who make the laws
What is the work of a fund raiser?
Development officer: communicates through letters and emails, proposals, etc & talks to organizations.
Also, work w/ volunteers which invoves recruiting and and training.
Working w/ volunteers
Know what motivates them & involve them right away with the organization.
They like to be appreciated (lunches), keep them trained- need to know official responses for negative backlash of the company,
Writing fund raising letters
M0st letters are 4 pgs long, letters are sometimes from someone famous-prominently displayed on the letterhead, P.S., writers name are signed in diff ink (makes the letter look original), handwritten messages in the margins, envelope grabs someones attent
EX: fliers, business cards, brochures.
3 elements: photo, text, chart
Simple fliers
announce sales, performaces- typicallly handed out
NO loitering! Or put in peoples mailboxes. Illegal.
complex & expensive.
Will it be printed w/ in-house staff?
Will it be mailed?
Will it be bulk mailed?
Is there a tear off part to be mailed back?
Brochures- Size
more fancy more money
a sheet folded inhalf would be called one-fold, four panel
a sheet folded in thirds is a two-fold, six panel
a sheet folded in fourths is a three-fold, eight panel
Brochure- Quantity
Digital printing: a way to do short runs quickly and cheaply.
Paper quality and style
recycled paper
paper color
colors of ink: in all black (one color job), background is green & color is white called a reverse,
CMYK: 4 color: black yellow blue and magenta
PMS: pantone matching system: universal way of describing color.
Varnish: put down
Type Face
The appearance of the letters. AKA Fonts.
2 types: Serif (ticks) & San Serif- variations within these two are called families.
There there's bold, italic, etc.
Justification, leading, kerning
how the margins are created
space between the lines
spacing between letters
3 elements
photo, text, chart
Getting your brochure printed
hot type (15th century)
cold type: computer
galleys: letters on strips
graphic standards
colors & layouts
Copy writers/copy photos
How it's getting printed
Press run: watching the pieces as they come of the press
always ask permission to take photos.
remember copy right laws.
paying for photos, paying for quality
What kind of pics does the photographer take?
Dont run extra charges.
Get a photo release!
Keep track of files via filing--cross referencing
End of chp 11. Start of 1-8
#1 Rule?
PR is...
a two-way communication- sends a message to the public but also determines the publics reaction
Should be written in statements
(NOT in advertisement tone-commands)
1. making ones organization appear honest
2. make it live up to that image
Journalism is?
PR is?
AD's are?
one sided
Boundary role
served by the PR rep. Boundary between the manager and audience
News release
or press release.
conveys your message to the media
must be local, relevant, important
answer the 5 w's and how.
Get the facts straight.
Target your audience
good messages vs bad messages
3rd party endorsements
media uses your news release
For immediate release
For more information, contact:
Pitching stories
suggesting stories
Media kit
further explanation
-press release
Be familiar with the media
news conference
be friendly, minimize the gap (make friends), dont life, dont say no comment, etc.
crisis communication
earthquake, fire, or scandal.
designate a spokesperson to whom all media calls are referred
free advertising
advertising you dont pay for. helps get the word out. bumper stickers, word of mouth.
a derogatory term. someone who deflects danger from an organization
lies always come to light
-be sure you believe strongly in the work of the organization.
public relations society of America
-outlines what professionals in PR take to be the appropriate course of action in fulfilling their roles
older crowd, educated, wealthy
sold by column inch. w X l
opinion leaders
those that others go to for information
letters to the editor
can be written by anyone & are easy way to be heard.
-give a chance to showcase your point of view. good bad. agree or disagree.
written by the publications editor on larger publication.
-highest ranking person
where regular columnists write and where guest columns appear.
Radio & TV
immediate news.
get on a talk show
PSA: Red Cross- required by fcc for access. promotes a cause for the publics well being
chris viola
cmyk, fonts, make sure you can use the pics.
institutional advertising
when a corporation sponsors an event such as a charity benefit
which the same company is trying to get you to use its products
Advertising in broadcast media
listener donations
Neilsons ratings: popularity
Drive time: hours when commuters are tunning in.
online advertising
banners, towers, pop-ups.
outdoor advertising
reserve the "space"
EX: signs
Speakers bureau
group of people that go out and talk about their field/topic
interests? what is the room like? practice, prepare for Q's.
anxiety (dont have), audience, how your audience hears yous: whats in it for me, why should i care, prove it, be credible,
6 steps for life
have a dream,
overcome failures,
work at it,
stay active,
be kind to others
get some ink
get coverage for event
news hook
submitting a story idea
public affairs
gov way of saying PR
in media
how businesses carry themselves
cyen, magenta, yellow, black
Red Green Blue
What are 2 suggestions for creating a publication?
CMYK, One image.
What are 2 ways to get your organizations message published in a newspaper/magazine?
Guest column, letter to the editor.
What are 2 suggestions for writing a goof fundraising letter?
Writing comments in the margin, P.S.