Who coined the term "looking-glass self
Looking glass self
The idea that what we think of ourselves is influenced by how we imagine other people see us
The idea that nurture is the most important factor in developing personality is supported by?
Reality is constructed by people every time we interact with others is argued by?
Cooley 3 step process
1) We imagine how we look to others - both physically and socially
2) We imagine how others look at us and pass judgement on what we present
3) Based on what we imagine, a self-concept develops
Mead's development of self
The self is composed of two complementary elements the I and Me
We attribute different levels of importance to people around us: Significant others and generalized others - explained by?
Who asserted that, as children grow up, they pass through a series of three distinct stages?
Preparatory Stage 0-3
Birth - three years, children's first experiences when interacting with others are to imitate what they see others doing. Want to please the significant other (parents) with positive and negative reinforcement. Developing the I. Stage and age?
Preparatory, Play, Game
What are the stages mead explains children go through?
Play Stage 3-5
Children learn a great deal about themselves and society around them through play. The me continues to grow for more positive reinforcement. Language skills are developing, and can communicate thoughts and feelings. Stage and age?
Game Stage
Elementary - school years, Children take on multiple roles at once. Identify with the generalized other. Stage?
The composition of the human personality is made up of 3 unique but interrelated parts. This model is followed by?
Who believed that there are universal development processes; There are 8 stages of development that all people must go through from infancy to old age?
Eriksons Theory
The 8 childhood stages are referred to as the: Psychosocial stages, because they reflect both individual psychological processes and social challenges that everyone faces during their lives.
Believed that children pass through four distinct stages; as they think and reason differently at different times in their lives.
Jean Piaget
Cognitive Development - Theorist?
Sigmund Freud
Psychosexual Development - Theorist?
Erik Erikson
Psychosocial Development - Theorist
Family, peers, education, media
What are the four agents of socialization?
Gender stereotyping, Socio-economic status, and cultural captial are all parts of what Agents of Socialization?
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A prediction that, once made, makes the outcome occur
Those with a household income over $86000 are more likely to use the internet
Early to middle adulthood
Accomplishments such as serious romantic relationships, raising young children , working hard to establish their careers.
Later Adulthood
Focus of life is now on career achievement, children leaving home, the birth of grandchildren, and preparation for retirement. - Empty nest syndrome, mid life crisis
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
What are the five stages people go through called the death course?
Kubler ross
Who coined the death course stages?
Total institution
Long term home, army, orphanage, prison, school - These are examples of what?