1. What is Sonic Safe?
a. Sonic's food safety and sanitation program used in all Sonic drive-ins.
2. What does following Sonic Safe guidelines do?
a. Helps keep the food you serve safe from harmful germs and bacteria
3. What is the difference between clean and sanitary?
a. Clean means the absence of dirt
b. Sanitary means reduction of harmful germs and bacteria
4. True or False: All of us have the potential to carry disease-causing microorganisms on or in our bodies.
a. True
5. When should you not work?
a. When you have a fever
b. Are feeling ill
i. Diarrhea
ii. Fever
iii. Vomiting
iv. Sore throat with fever
6. How can you help prevent foodborne illness?
a. By keeping clean
b. By taking care of your health
7. What are the 3 main causes of foodborne illness?
a. Poor personal hygiene
b. Time and temperature abuse
c. Cross contamination
8. What is time and temperature abuse?
a. Keeping food in the temperature danger zone for too long
9. What is cross contamination?
a. The transfer of harmful microorganisms from one surface or food to another
10. List the 8 points the STAR guide lists as good personal hygiene
a. Washing and sanitizing hands according to Sonic's 20/20 Handwashing Rule
b. Maintaining personal cleanliness
c. Wearing clean and appropriate uniforms and following dress codes
d. Avoiding unsanitary habits and actions
e. Maintaining good health
f. Rep
11. What is your most important method of preventing contamination and foodborne illness?
a. Handwashing
12. What is Sonic's 20/20 rule?
a. Wash your hands for 20 seconds a minimum of every 20 minutes, followed with hand sanitizer
13. Many potentially dangerous diseases can be passed easily from food to food or from people to food. What is your first defense?
a. Ensure hands and surfaces are clean and sanitized
14. You should wash your hands before and after you: (12)
a. Before beginning shift
b. After using the bathroom and again at the hand sink after entering the drive-in
c. Immediately before prepping food (including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and single-use articles
d. During food pre
15. When must a manager excuse an employee from work?
a. When they have been diagnosed with a foodborne illness
b. If they are experiencing diarrhea, fever, jaundice, sore throat with fever, vomiting and leasions containing pus
16. Where do bacteria and viruses grow best?
a. In warm temperatures
17. The temperature that provides the best environment for bacteria to grow is:
a. 41-140 degrees F
b. The temperature danger zone
18. When should food sit at room temperature?
a. Never
19. Food must be discarded after it has been in the temperature danger zone for how long?
a. 4 hours or more
20. What is the best way to temper food?
a. In the walk-in cooler under refrigeration
21. What is the temperature range of an instant read thermometer?
a. 0-220 degrees F
22. When using an instant read thermometer where do you insert it?
,a. The thickest part of the food product�not touching any equipment surfaces or protruding from the product
23. Where is temperature sensed on an instant read thermometer?
a. The dimpleapproximately 1 inch from the stem
24. What do you do to liquid product before taking a thermometer reading?
a. Thoroughly stir the product
25. What do you do with an instant read thermometer at the beginning of each shift?
a. Check the calibration and record in the Sonic Safe Sanitation and Temperature Log
26. How do you calibrate an instant read thermometer?
a. Remove from sheath and immerse stem a minimum of 2 inches into a 50/50 ice and water bath without touching the side or bottom of container until indicator stabilizes
b. Holding sheath firmly slide calibration clip to the bottom. When positioned at the
27. What is the temperature range of Cooper-2000MK waterproof thermocouple?
a. 100 degrees F-999 degrees F (-73 degrees C-537 degrees C)
28. When calibrating a Cooper-2000MK waterproof thermocouple or an Atkins Versa Tuff-Type K Waterproof Thermocouple what should the temperature of the test solution be?
a. 32 degrees F
29. What kind of test solution should you use when calibrating a Cooper-2000MK waterproof thermocouple or an Atkins Versa Tuff-Type K Waterproof Thermocouple?
a. 50/50 ice and water bath
30. How do you calibrate a Cooper-2000MK waterproof thermocouple?
a. Turn unit on b. Place probe into test solution c. Hold down both the up arrow F and down arrow C keys until "CAL" is displayed d. Release both keys. "CAL" will be replaced by "HOLD" on the display e. Press and hold dow the Cooper key while pressing the
31. What is the temperature range of an Atkins Versa Tuff-Type K Waterproof Thermocouple?
a. 40 degrees F to 1832 degrees F (-40 degrees C to 1000 degrees C)
32. When do you wash rinse and sanitize thermometers?
a. Before and after each use to prevent cross contamination
33. How long do you wait before recording the temperature?
a. At least 15 seconds for the thermometer to steady
34. What do you do if the temperature is out of the accepted range?
a. Notify a manager
35. All hot products must reach an internal temperature of ______________except what product?
a. 165 degrees F
b. Hot fudge�110 degrees F or greater
36. What temperature must all products being reheated reach and for how long?
a. 165 degrees Fb. 15 seconds
37. When must product be reheated?
a. Anytime if drops below 150 degrees F
38. What must happen if chili or gravy drops below 150 degrees F?
a. It must be discarded immediately and replaced with a fresh batch
39. When can chili be carried over for use?
a. If it was heated within 3 hours of close
b. If its temperature has not dropped below 150 degrees F
c. If it is cooled properlyd. May be used for no more than 3 hours the next day
40. What should the air temperature inside the walk-in refrigerator be?
a. 34-38 degrees F
41. What should the air temperature of the freezer be?
a. 0 degrees F to +/- 10 degrees F
42. True or False: cooling foods can be as dangerous as cooking if not done according to Sonic Safe and operational procedures.
a. True
43. What are the 2 main methods of cooling foods?
a. Shallow pans b. Ice bath
44. How does the shallow pan method for cooling foods work?
a. Increases the surface area and decreases the volume therefore decreasing the cooling time to an acceptable time
45. When should you use an ice bath?
a. For extremely hot foods such as chili
46. How quickly can cross contamination occur?
a. In an instant
47. List 7 common factors of cross contamination that have resulted in a foodborne illness.
a. Adding raw or uncooked contaminated ingredients to foods that receive no further cooking b. Allowing raw or uncooked food to touch or drip onto cooked or ready-to-eat foods c. Not cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces (cutting boardscounters, u
48. What is the best way to prevent cross contamination?
a. To clean and sanitize handsworkstations and utensils at least every two hours or more frequently, if needed
49. Contaminates are considered _________________ to our guests' health
a. Hazards
50. What are the 3 types of hazards
a. Physical b. Chemical c. Biological
51. What are physical hazards?
a. Objects like bread ties glass, fingernails, jewelry, band-aids and dirt
52. What are chemical hazards?
a. Include bug sprays and cleaners that are poisonous to humans
53. How do biological hazards occur?
a. Through cross contamination of microorganisms from raw to ready-to-eat foods
54. List 8 simple things that can contaminate food
a. Scratching your scalp
b. Rubbing your ear
c. Running your fingers through your hair
d. Wiping or touching your nose
e. Wearing a dirty uniform
f. Spitting in the drive-in
g. Touching a pimple or an open sore
h. Coughing or sneezing into your hands
55. How should cups be handled?
a. By the barrelnot by touching the lid or rim
56. What is an allergic reaction to a particular food?
a. The body's way of defending itself when it thinks that the food item being eaten is going to be harmful
b. Involves the immune system reacting to produce chemicals to defend itself against that food
57. What creates the symptoms of an allergic reaction?
a. The chemicals produced by the immune system to defend itself against the food
58. List the 6 symptoms of an allergic reaction
a. Swelling of lips tongue and throat
b. Difficulty in breathing
c. Abdominal cramps
d. Hives and other skin symptoms
e. Vomiting
f. Diarrhea
g. Tingling sensation in mouth
h. Drop in blood pressure
i. Loss of consciousness
j. death
59. What is a dangerous often life-threatening allergic reaction?
a. Anaphylaxis
b. Occurs when there is a drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness
60. When preparing a special order for a guest who is allergic to a food what should you do to prevent cross-contamination?
a. Package the order separately to ensure they do not come into contact with other food
61. What should you do if cross-contamination occurs when preparing an order for a guest with a food allergy?
a. Re-make the product with fresh ingredients
62. Who should handle special non-allergy food orders?
a. The manager or person in charge�from order placement through delivery
63. What is the difference between a food allergy and intolerance?
a. A food allergy involves the body's immune system reacting to a protein it thinks is harmful
b. Intolerance is a reaction that causes similar symptoms or problems but does not involve the immune system
64. What is an example of food intolerance?
a. Lactose intolerance
65. What is diabetes?
a. When a person's body cannot produce insulin or not enough, to control the body's glucose levels
66. What is Hyperglycemia?
a. A condition where a person could become dehydrated or even fall comatose if the level of sugar is too high
67. What 3 things should you do if a guest is experiencing an allergic reaction?
a. Remain calm
b. Immediately tell manager or person in charge
c. If neither are available call 911 and answer all of the dispatcher's questions
i. Do not hang up until the dispatcher has finished asking questions
68. Where do you store raw or uncooked products in the walk-in?
a. Below ready to eat foods
69. What should you check for when receiving foods?
a. Proper labeling
b. Proper temperature
c. Proper appearance
70. When should a shipment be rejected?
a. If you get broken boxes leaky packages or swollen, dented cans
b. If there are large ice crystals on the food or box
c. If there are signs of roaches or other pests
d. If dry foods are wet or damp
e. If food has passed its expiration date
71. What is FIFO?
a. First in first out method of stock rotation. Store food so that the oldest product gets used first
72. How far off the floor and away from the wall should food be stored?
a. 6 inches
73. What is the difference between clean and sanitized?
a. Clean means the absence of dirt and food debris
b. Sanitary means reduction of harmful germs and bacteria
74. When do you clean and sanitize food contact surfaces?
a. Each time you use them
b. When you begins working with another type of food
c. When you're interrupted during a task
d. Every two hours
75. What must the water for sanitizer temperature be?
a. Between 75-110 degrees F
76. Why should the water for sanitizer not be too hot?
a. It can prevent the sanitizer from working and give inaccurate concentration readings
77. What is the right amount of concentration for sanitizer?
a. Chlorine: 100 ppm
b. Quat: 200 ppm with a range of 150-350 ppm
78. When do you change the sanitizer water?
a. Every 2 hours or when dirty
79. What must you do before you set up the three-compartment sink for washing dishes and utensils?
a. Clean and sanitize each sink and drain board
81. What is the correct hand washing procedure?
a. Wet hands with running warm water (at least 100 degrees F). Vigorously rub arms and hands with soap for 20 seconds rinse and dry with a disposable towel, then apply approved hand sanitizer.
82. According to Sonic Safe when must you wear gloves?
a. Gloves are not required under Sonic Safe
83. When are gloves required?
a. If your health jurisdiction has adopted a "No Bare Hand Contact with Exposed or Ready-to-eat Food" regulation
84. What type of gloves are approved by Sonic?
a. Non-latex gloves
b. Synthetic Vinyl or other Food Grade gloves
85. Why can't you use Latex gloves at Sonic?
a. Latex gloves contain proteins that can cause an allergic reaction to those employees utilizing gloves.
b. These proteins can also be transferred from the glove into food which could cause an allergic reaction to consumers.
86. When must you change gloves?
a. Before beginning shift
b. After using the bathroom
c. Immediately before prepping food (including working with exposed food)clean equipment and utensils, and single-use articles
d. During food preparation
as often as necessary, to remove soil and conta
87. What symptoms must be reported to your manager?
a. Diarrhea
b. Fever
c. Vomiting
d. Jaundice
e. Sore throat with fever
f. Acute upper respiratory symptoms that are due to the flu or other contagious conditions
g. Lesions (such as boils and infected wounds regardless of size) containing pus on the finge
88. When is it okay to work with any of the above symptoms?
a. If the symptoms are the result of a medical condition which is not contagious in a food service environment
89. When calibrating the waterproof thermocouple what must the test solution temperature be?
a. 32 degrees F
90. What is cross-contamination?
a. The transfer of harmful bacteria or viruses from one surface or food to another
91. What are the 8 foods that account for 90% of all food allergic reactions?
a. Milk
b. Egg
c. Fish
d. Shellfish
e. Soy
f. Peanut
g. Tree nuts
h. Wheat (Gluten)
92. What is MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) used for?
a. Flavor enhancer in a variety of foods
93. Which Sonic products contain MSG?
a. All Sonic approved food items are MSG free
94. What are the five steps to wash dishes in the three compartment sink?
a. Rinse or scrape all items
b. Wash items in hot soapy water. Replace the water when the suds are gone or the water is dirty
c. Rinse items in the middle sink
d. Submerge items in the third sink to sanitize
e. Air-dry all items before storing.
95. Why should you remember to mind the little things?
a. Because what you can't see can hurt you