On average, do women or men live longer?... 10
On average, women outlive men by about five years.
The concept of gender refers to... 10
the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male.
The chapter argues that gender is not just a matter of difference in behavior, but also of differences in... 10
All of these responses are correct.
Which one of the following statements is correct?... 10
Men and women differ physically in some limited ways.
On average, young men show greater ____ ability than young women; young women show greater _____ ability than young men.... 10
mathematical; verbal
Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies in New Guinea illustrates that... 10
traits that are defined as feminine in one society may be masculine in another
In his global study of how societies view gender, George Murdock found... 10
All of these responses are correct
What is the form of social organization in which females dominate males?.. 10
Throughout the life course, gender shapes...10
All of these responses are correct
Which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex?...10
gender roles
Drawing on Janet Lever's observations of children at play, which of the following would you conclude to be true?.. 10
Boys favor games with clear winners and losers.
Which of the following factors has helped increase the share of women in the paid labor force over the course of the last century?... 10
a high divorce rate
A majority of U.S. women in which of the following categories enter the labor force?... 10
All of these responses are correct.
The "beauty myth" refers to the idea that.. 10
women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical appearance
Which of the following is an important exception to male domination of the U.S. workplace?... 10
Women now own more than 10 million entrepreneurial businesses.
In the United States in 2010, women in the labor force working full time earned ______ to every dollar men earned.... 10
77 cents
The concept of "comparable worth" means that... 10
people should be paid according to the level of skill and responsibility involved in the work.
Which factor accounts for the GREATEST share of the difference in the earnings of working women and men in the United States?.. 10
the type of work men and women do
For which of the following categories of the U.S. population is it true that women do most of the housework?... 10
All of these are correct.
Today, women represent ______ of all students on college campuses across the United States... 10
57 percent
Which of the following statements about gender and schooling is correct?... 10
All of these are correct
In 2011, Forbes magazine reported that approximately ___________ of our country's richest people were women... 10
10 percent
Women earn what share of all associate's and bachelor's degrees in the United States?.. 10
59 percent
As of 2011, women held about what share of seats in Congress?... 10
17 percent
In which of the following nations does the political power of women come closest to that of men?.. 10
Women have served in the U.S. armed forces... 10
since colonial times.
What is at the heart of the controversy over women's participation in the military?... 10
Women are seen as nurturers rather than people who kill.
What is a reason to see women as a minority in the United States?... 10
At every class level, women have less income, wealth, education, and power than men do.
If you could end violence against women in one setting, doing so in which of the following settings would reduce this type of violence the MOST?... 10
the home
In what percentage of rapes and attempted rapes on college campuses does the woman know her attacker?.. 10
85-90 percent
Sexual harassment is an important social issue because... 10
half of working women report receiving unwanted sexual attention
Engels claimed that men's desire to control both women's sexuality and private property brought about
monogamous marriage
According to intersection theory, which of the following is a source of social disadvantage?.. 10
All of these responses are correct.
Feminists support all but one of the following. Which is the one statement that feminists do not support?... 10
limiting sexual freedom
Which type of feminism accepts the basic organization of U.S. society, but seeks to give women the same rights and opportunities as men?.. 10
liberal feminism
Friedrich Engels claimed that capitalism... 10
increased patriarchy.
Looking back over U.S. history, we see a general trend by which women.. 10
have gained opportunities and power
From which world regions do most of today's U.S. immigrants come?... 11
Latin America and Asia
Human beings are all members of... 11
a single biological species.
Sociologists define the concept of "race" as... 11
a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important
Typically, people who live in _____ perceive fewer racial categories than people who live in _____.... 11
the United States; Brazil
Why do sociologists consider the "scientific" racial types of Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negroid to be misleading and even harmful?... 11
All of these responses are correct.
Which of the following concepts refers to a shared cultural heritage?... 11
Race refers to _____ considered important by a society; ethnicity refers to _____.... 11
biological traits; cultural traits
Which of the following concepts refers to a category of people, distinguished by physical or cultural traits, who are socially disadvantaged?... 11
Which of the following is the largest minority category within the U.S. population?... 11
people of Hispanic descent
According to the most recent data, African Americans accounted for about what percentage of the U.S. population?.. 11
13 percent
In the United States, minorities typically have less... 11
All of these responses are correct.
Four states currently have a "minority majority." Which are they?... 11
Texas, New Mexico, California, and Hawaii
In which of the following clusters of states do we find the least racial and ethnic diversity?.. 11
Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire
Which of the following statements about prejudice is true?.. 11
All of these responses are correct.
You are expressing a "stereotype" if you.. 11
apply a simplified description to every person in some category.
Based on research using the social distance scale, you can correctly say that U.S. college students today.. 11
All of these responses are correct.
Scapegoat theory states that prejudice is created by.. 11
frustration among disadvantaged people.
Authoritarian personality theory states that extreme prejudice is... 11
a personality trait of certain individuals.
Thomas Sowell studied the intelligence test scores of various categories of people and concluded that.. 11
people's culture explains the variation in intelligence test scores.
Conflict theory states that prejudice is... 11
a tool used by powerful people to oppress others.
While prejudice is a matter of _____, discrimination is a matter of _____.... 11
attitude; action
Institutional prejudice and discrimination refers to the fact that... 11
bias is built into the operation of social institutions.
The idea that prejudice and discrimination form a vicious circle means that... 11
prejudice and discrimination reinforce each other.
The Matsui family came to the United States from Japan thirty years ago. They now speak English at home and the Matsui children date non-Japanese students at college. This family's story BEST illustrates which of the following concepts?... 11
Which of the following concepts refers to biological reproduction by people of different racial categories?... 11
Which of the following concepts refers to the physical and social separation of categories of people?.. 11
The killing of people in the Darfur region of Africa is a recent example of... 11
When the first Europeans arrived in the Americas in the fifteenth century, Native Americans... 11
had inhabited this land for 15,000 years.
Native Americans gained the right to U.S. citizenship in... 11
What Gunnar Myrdal called the "American dilemma" was.. 11
the denial of basic rights to African Americans by a so-called "democratic society.
Which statement about African Americans is correct?... 11
All of these responses are correct.
The largest category of Asian Americans in the United States is people of _____ ancestry... 11
For Chinese immigrants, one consequence of living in Chinatowns was... 11
All of these responses are correct.
Which category of Asian Americans has an average income above the national average?... 11
All of these responses are correct.
Which of the following categories of the U.S. population is MOST likely to own and operate a small business?... 11
Korean Americans
Which of the following categories of Hispanics in the United States is largest in terms of population size?... 11
Mexican Americans
Today, about how many immigrants come to the United States, both legally and illegally, each year?... 11
1.25 million
Which statement about Arab Americans is true?.. 11
All of these responses are correct.
As a social institution, the economy... 12
All of these responses are correct.
The text describes three technological revolutions that transformed all of social life. Which of the following is NOT one of them?... 12
the Immigration Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was based on.. 12
new sources of energy.
The postindustrial economy is defined by... 12
service work and computer technology.
Which of the following statements about the Information Revolution is NOT correct?... 12
There was a shift from farming to turning raw materials into finished products.
What sector of the economy generates raw materials directly from the natural environment?.. 12
primary sector
In the United States, about what percentage of the labor force performs tertiary sector work?... 12
80 percent
Globalization of the economy means that... 12
All of these responses are correct
Capitalism is an economic system in which there is... 12
private ownership of property.
In a capitalist economic system, "justice" amounts to... 12
freedom of the marketplace allowing people to follow their self-interest.
The social thinker whose ideas supported the operation of a free-market economy most was... 12
Adam Smith.
The United States is a mostly capitalist nation because... 12
the vast majority of productive businesses are privately owned.
Socialism is an economic system in which there is... 12
collective control of production.
Which of the following concepts refers to a political and economic system that combines a mostly market-based economy with extensive social welfare programs?... 12
welfare capitalism
An example of a European country with a mostly private economy and extensive social welfare programs is... 12
The concept "state capitalism" refers to a system in which... 12
privately owned companies cooperate closely with the government.
Contrasted to socialist economic systems, capitalist economic systems are typically... 12
more productive.
Concerning the issue of personal freedom, capitalist systems emphasize people's _____, while socialist systems emphasize people's _____.... 12
freedom to pursue their self-interest; freedom from basic want
In recent decades, union membership... 12
has declined in the United States and other high-income nations.
Read the four descriptions below. Which of them does NOT apply to a profession?... 12
working for a large, well-established company
A sociological profile of men and women in the U.S. armed forces today reveals a large share of young people who... 12
All of the responses are correct.
Computers are having which of the following effects on the workplace?... 12
All of these responses are correct.
A conglomerate is... 12
a giant corporation composed of many smaller corporations.
The concept "oligopoly" refers to... 12
domination of a market by a few producers.
Politics is a social institution that is defined in terms of a society's.. 12
distribution of power, goals, and decision making.
Max Weber defined power as... 12
the ability to achieve desired ends, despite resistance.
As Max Weber saw it, the essential difference between power and authority is... 12
people perceive authority as legitimate, rather than coercive.
Which statement about terrorism is TRUE?... 12
All of the responses are correct.
Which of the following concepts refers to a political system in which a single family rules from generation to generation?... 12
Which of the following concepts refers to a political system in which power resides in the hands of the people as a whole?...12
For which of the following reasons might you argue that the United States is not truly democratic?... 12
All of these responses are correct
Terrorism refers to... 12
the use or threat of violence as a political strategy by an individual or group.
Which of the following nations comes closest to having a political system that is "totalitarian"?... 12
North Korea
In general, high-income people tend to be _____ on social issues and _____ on economic issues.... 12
liberal; conservative
The National Rifle Association is an example of a(n).. 12
special-interest group.
Which of the following is a factor encouraging political revolution?... 12
All of the responses are correct.
Which of the following categories of the U.S. population is LEAST likely to vote in national elections?... 12
Hispanic people