
How many types of tea do we have?
-What types are they?
How many teas in total?

--> (5)
Rooibos & Fruity tea-4
Green tea -2
Black tea-2
infused -1

-What rooibos (ree-bose) teas do we have?
-Describe them

1. Cape Town
2. Hawaiian Cocktail
3. Peach
4. Vanil Bourbon
-->Cape town
-Passion Fruit
-caffeine free
--> Hawaiian Cocktail
-Sweet tropical flavors
(Pineapple, mango, papaya)

Rooibos tea

-Rooibos tea is completely caffein free
Rich Vanilla
sweet twist
slightly nutty flavor (= notes of cherry and toffee)

Green tea vs black tea

-both originate from the same plant species�Camellia sinensis.
-It's ultimately the variety of tea plant and how the tea leaves are processed that defines how green tea becomes "green" and black tea becomes "black".
-For green tea, the tea leaves are harv

oolong tea

-contains caffeine
-fragrant and fruity aroma
-at times it can be pleasantly earthy as well.

infused tea

-In the world of tea, the terms "herbal tea" and "herbal infusion" are often used interchangeably.
-However, there is sometimes much attention paid to the fact that herbs are NOT the same as Camellia sinensis (the tea plant), and that herbal "teas" are no

which teas are caffeine free?

cape town

-what Green teas do we have?
-Describe them

Green Passion
Red berries
slightly bitter
--> Green Passion
Passion fruit

-what Black teas do we have?
-Describe them

Earl Gray
Fleur De Jasmine
--> Earl Gray
-infused with orange rind
--> Fleur De Jasmine
(fleur is french for flower)
- sweet floral flavor

what oolong tea do we have?


what infused tea do we have?
