Earth Science Ch 2 Terms

ocean crust

most dense (heaviest) part of earths outermost layer

continental crust

forms the landmasses of the earths outermost layer, lower density than rest of layer


magnetic field surrounding a planet, which deflects much of the solar wind, allowing a small portion to reach atmosphere


A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon.


All the water at and near the surface of the earth, 97% of which is in oceans

solar radiation

The transfer of radiant energy from the sun; made up of visible light as well as infrared and other types of radiation


the transfer of heat as a result of a mixing of a liquid or a gas

nitrogen cycle

The transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil, to living organisms, and back to the atmosphere

carbon cycle

CO2 -> Absorbed by leaf -> Primary consumer eats leaf -> Higher consumer eats primary -> They die and decomposers eat the CO2.

phosphorous cycle

Not found in the atmosphere. Most is stored in rocks.Water and wind break down the rocks and release the phosphorous. Plants get it from soil. Animals get it form eating plants or other animals and use it in their DNA

carrying capacity

Largest number of individuals of a population that a environment can support

coronal mass ejection CME

a large explosion of matter and energy from the Sun


Cooler dark regions on the sun created by intense magnetic activity.


strong lower part of the mantle


the layer of rock between the Earth's crust and core


The layer of rock that forms Earth's outer surface


the rigid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle


an organism that makes its own food


An organism that eats other organisms

food web

diagram showing feeding relationships in an ecosystem


An organism that breaks down wastes and dead organisms


earth's plastic like layer under the lithosphere