4 Supergroups
Excavata, SAR clade, Archaeplastida, Unikonta
types: Diplomonads, Parabasalids, Euglenozoans
SAR clade
types: Diatoms, Golden algae, Brown algae, Dinoflagellates, Apicomplexans, Ciliates, Forams, Cercozoans, Radiolarians
types: Red algae, Chlorophytes, Charophytes, Land plants
types: Slime molds, Tubulinids, Entamoebas, Nucleariids, Fungi, Choanoflagellates, Animals
-lack plastids (stores food)
-most are found in anaerobic environments
-have reduced mitochondria called mitoses that can't use oxygen to get energy from carbohydrates and other organic molecules.
-get energy from anaerobic biochemical pathways
-have reduced mitochondria called hydrogenosomes; organelles that generate some energy anaerobically releasing hydrogen gas as a by-product.
-lack plastids
-most are found in anaerobic environments
-ex: T vaginalis
-belongs to a diverse clade that includes predatory heterotrophs, photosynthetic autotrophs, mixotrophs, and parasites.
-unique because of a rod with either a spiral or a crystalline structure inside each of their flagella.
-two best groups are t
-has a single large mitochondrion that has an organized mass of DNA called a kinetoplast
-includes species that feed on prokaryotes in freshwater, marine, and moist terrestrial ecosystems as well as species that parasitize animals, plants, and ot
-has a pocket at one end of the cell from which one or two flagella emerge.
-some euglenoids are mixotrophs: They perform photosynthesis when sunlight is available but when it is not, they can become heterotrophic, absorbing organic nutrients from their e
a major subgroup of the SAR clade that includes a lot of important photosynthetic organisms.
-their flagelum has fine hairlike projections which is paired with a shorter smooth nondairy flagellum.
-contains diatoms, golden algae, and brown algae.
-group of photosynthetic protists
-unicellular algae that have a glass-like wall made of silicon dioxide embedded in an organic matrix. The wall has two parts and it provides effective protection from the crushing jaws of predators; can withstand great pr
Golden Algae
-color results from their yellow and brown carotenoids.
-cells are usually biflagellate with both flagella attached near one end of the cell.
-many are components of freshwater and marine plankton; communities of mostly microscopic organisms that drift in
Brown Algae
-the largest and most complex algae
-All are multicellular
-most are marine
-common along temperate coasts that have cold-water currents.
-olive or brown color due to carotenoids in their plastids
-seaweeds are this
-Some brown algal seaweeds have special
-another subgroup of the SAR clade
-have membrane enclosed sacs (alveoli) under the plasma membrane.
-are abundant in many habitats and include a wide range of photosynthetic and heterotrophic protists
-includes dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliate
-type of flagellate
-the cells of these are reinforced by cellulose plates
-beating of the spiral flagellum makes the dinoflagellate spin
-thought to have first originated by secondary endosymbiosis but roughly half of all dinoflagellates are now purely h
-mainly all are parasites of animals and all animal species are attacked by these parasites. They spread through their host as tiny infectious cells called sporozoites.
-named this because one end (apex) of the sporozoite cell contains a complex of organe
-are a large and varied group of protists name for their use of cilia to move and feed.
-most are predators typically of bacteria or small protists.
-their cilia may completely cover the cell surface or may be clustered in a few rows or tufts.
-in certain
-another subgroup of the SAR clade
-many are amoebas (protists that move and feed by pseudopodia;extensions that may bulge anywhere on the cell surface).
-Most amoebas that are rhizarians differ than others by having threadlike pseudopodia.
-Include flage
-have delicate, intricately symmetrical internal skeletons that are generally made of silica.
-the pseudopodia of these mostly marine protists come from the central body and are reinforced by bundles of microtubules.
-microtubules are covered by
-protists, also called foraminiferans
-named for their porous shells called tests.
-Foram tests consist of a single piece of organic material hardened with calcium carbonate.
-The pseudopodia that extend through the pores function in swimming, test format
-first identified in molecular phylogenies
-are a large group of amoeboid and flagellated protists that feed using threadlike pseudopodia.
-these protists are common inhabitants of marine, freshwater, and soil ecosystems.
Red Algae
-most are reddish because of a synthetic pigment called phycoerythrin which masks the green of chlorophyll
-those adapted to more shallow water have less phycoerythrin so they are greenish red
-almost back in deep water
-some lack pigment altogether and f
Green Algae
-Divided into two main groups; the charophytes and the chlorophytes
the algae most closely related to land plants
-includes more than 7,000 species
-most live in fresh water but there are also many marine and some terrestrial species.
-simplest chlorophytes: Chlamydomonas which are unicellular organisms which resemble gametes of more complex chlorophytes.
-species of
supergroup with two major clades; the amoebozoans (slime molds, tubulinids, and entamoeba) and the opisthokonts (animals, fungi, and closely related protist groups).
Slime molds
-also called mycetozoans were once thought to be fungi because they produced fruiting bodies that aid in spore dispersal.
-descended from unicellular ancestors
-two types: plasmodial and cellular slime molds
Plasmodial slime molds
-many are brightly colored often yellow or orange.
-as they grow they form a mass called a plasmodium which can be several centimeters in diameter
-is not multicellular; it is a single mass of cytoplasm that is undivided by plasma membranes and that conta
Cellular Slime Molds
-feeding stage consists of solitary cells that function individually but when food is depleted, the cells form a slug like aggregate that functions as a unit. These aggregated cells remain separated by their individual plasma membranes and then the aggreg
-makes up a large group of amoebozoans that have lobe or tube-shaped pseudopodia.
-unicellular protists
-are found everywhere in soil as well as freshwater and marine environments.
-most are heterotrophs that actively seek and consume bacteria and other p
-they infect all classes of vertebrate animals as well as some invertebrates.
-Humans are host to at least six species of it but E. histolytic is the only one known to be pathogenic.
-is the third-leading cause of death due to eukaryotic parasi
-belongs to clade opisthokonts
-unicellular protists
-consists of amoebas that feed on algae and bacteria
-belongs to clade opisthokonts
-are free-living, single-cell and colony forming eukaryotes ubiquitous in aquatic environments.
-Movement of the flagellum creates water currents that can propel free-swimming choanoflagellates through the water column and t
colonial flagellete
type of algae
-in supergroup Archaeplastida
type of algae
-in supergroup Archaeplastida
-belongs to phylum Charophyta
belongs to Sar clade supergroup and subgroup Ciliates
protozoa; single-celled organism
single-celled protists
single-celled parasite
unicellular parasitic protozoa
single-celled protist
single-celled protist