High Yield- PANCE

MCC of pneumonia in someone >40 y/o?

strep pneumonia

MCC of pneumonia in adults <40 y/o?

mycoplasma pneumonia

currant jelly sputum


chronic alcoholism and pneumonai?


hemorrhagic necrotizing consodilation pneumonia or bulging pneumonia


cystic fibrosis, brocnhiectasisi, recent abx, malignancy- at risk what type pneumonia?

psedumonas aeruginosa

what is the first MC noscomial infection?


Most common noscomial pneumonia?


MC bacteria in pneumonia in ICU patient on ventilator?

pseudomonas aeruginosa

rusty colored sputum

pneumococcal pneumonia

who gets pneumovax?

<65 y/o and <65 + cardio/pulm disease (including asthma), chronic liver disease, alcoholism, DM, CSF leaks, cigarette smokers, aspelnic patients, sickle cell anemia

TXN pneumococcal pneumonia?

PCN G first line
second: azithromycing or clarithromycin

Pneumonia in an elderly patient with COPD or HIV?

H influ

what bug is associated with H influ?

M catarrhalis (peak rate: 2 years old)

Txn of H influ?

ceftriazone or cefotxaime
COPD: 1st line: levaquin

prevention of pnuemonia?

PCV- 4 doses- 6 weeks to 15 mo's
PPV 2-5 y/o
>65 y/o: PPV

nosocomial vs community acquired?

nosocomial >48 hrs after admission

strep pneumo- describe the bacteria?

GP encapsulated diplococci

describe staph auerus?

GP cocci in clusters

pneumoia + pneumoatoceles, empyemas, pyopneumothroacic

staph aeurus

non-toxic neo-nate with staccato cough


bullous myringitis


DX of mycoplasma pneumonia

PCR of sputum

pneumonia + birds, parrot

chlamyida psittaci

TXN mycoplasma pneumoia?

azithromycin, clarithromycin, erytrhomycin

MC serotype for legionnarie's disease?

serotype 1

CAP + relative brachycardia?

legionnaries dsiease

2 distinct clinical presentation of legionnarie's disease

prodromal- pontiac fever- viral like syndroe- malaise, fever, chills, myalgais, HA
Second- pneumonia- severe- mortality rate of 75-80 if not treated- septic

describe legionnarie's bacteria

GN bacillus on charcoal yeast agar

DX legionnarie's disease

IFA and ELISA or direct fluoescent antibody

tXN legionella?

azithromycin, clarithromycin
2nd levofloxacin


low PO2, increase in A-a O2 gradient


bronchial lavage, elevated LDH levels!

patchy areas of ground glass attenuation with background of interlobular septal thickeneing



TMP /SMX x 21 days

prophylaxis in AIDS for PCP begins?

<200 CD4 count- TMP-SMX

side effects pentamide?

pancreatitis, renal failure, hepatooxicty, leukopenia, rash,f ever, hypoglycemia

txn chlamydia penumoniae?


how to dx viral pneumoia?

PCR testing

how to dx RSV pneumonia?

nasal wash, nasal cultures



rodent feces + pneumonia?


RSV expsoure- what is the child at increased risk for?

reactive airway disease, asthma

when to admit the patient for penumonia?

urea >7 mmo/l
RR >30
BP <90/60
Age >65
only need 1 to admit

what increases tactile fremitus?

pneumonia, ateletcasis, malignancy, PE

what decreases tactile fremitus?

pneumothorax, pleural effusion, pleural thickening, tumors in pleural space
asthma, COPD

what electrolyte abnormality is legionella associated with?


most common site for inhaled foreign objects?

right lung

3 ways to dx asthma?

increase FEV1 by 15% after quick acitng bronchodilator
PEFR increase by 20% after quick acting bronchodilator
histamine/methacholine challenge: decrease FEV1 by 20%

mild intermittent- asthma severity of symptoms, night time symptoms, FEV, txn?

sx <2x/week
night time: <2x/month
FEV: >80- no daily meds
TXN: no daily meds

mild persistent- asthma severity of symptoms, night time symptoms, FEV, txn?

sx >2x/week, but <1x week,
night time >2 x/ month
FEV: >80%
Txn: Low dose inhaled CS

Moderate persistent- asthma severity of symptoms, night time symptoms, FEV, txn?

sx: daily sx, daily use of beta 2 agonist
night time >1x/week
FEV: 60-80%
TXN: Low to medium dose inhaled CS + LABA

severe persistent-asthma severity of symptoms, night time symptoms, FEV, txn?

sx: continual, limit physical activity
Night time: freqeunt
FEV: <60%
TXN: High dose inhaled CS and LABA + oral CS (no more >60mg/day)

nicotine in CAD

vasoconstrictor (potent) = common cause of CAD

how does smoking cause COPD?

impairs ciliary action and macrophage function
smoking degrades matrix proteins in ariway epithelium by reactive oxidants and proteinase activity-->stimulates inflammatory response such as macrophage recruitment of neutrolphils-->narrowing of respiratory

hypertrophy of bronchial wall mucous glands

chronic bronchitis

alveolar wall destruction, loss of elastic pulmonary recoil, enlarged air space


obstructive vs restrictive airway disease

obstructive: decreased FEV1
restrictive: decreased FC


decreased VC, TV, maximal ventilatory volume
total lung capacity and residual volume increased

mainstay for treatment of long term COPD?

long acting anticholinergics- tiotropium

1st line therapy COPD?

Beta 2 agonist (albuterol) or anticholinergics (ipratropium)

metabolic abnormality in COPD?

respiratory acidosis

most common type of lung cancer?


lung cancers in outer, peripheral regions

adencarcinoma, large cell

lung cancers in central regions

squamous cell and small cell

female, non smokers, develops at mutliple sites in the lungs- what type of lung cancer?

bronchiolalveolar cardcinoma- subtype of adenocx

type of lung cancer in nonsmokers


hypercalcemia and lung cancer

squamoud cell

where does adenocarcinoma arise from?

mucus cells

which type of lung cancer has a positive CEA?


mesothelioma vs lung cancer

mesothelioma - negative CEA, long microvilli, not associated with smoking
adenoCX: short microvilli, normal CEA, smoker (most of the time)

msot common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children worldwide?


most common pathogen in bronchiolitis?


dx RSV

viral nasal washings, nasopharyngeal secretions RSV antigen test

key symptom w/ RSV?


treatment acute exacerbation of COPD?

2nd gen ceph (cefuroxime, cefoxitin, cefaclor

MCC of croup?


barking cough, inspiroatory stridor


steeple sign


txn croup

mild- shower steam, cool mist, antipyretics, oral rehydration
more severe- humidified air/oxygen, nebulized epinephrine or dexamethasone

MCC Of epiglottitis?

h. influenza

drooling, sniffing position


txn epiglottitis

intubation, 2nd gen ceph- ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, or erythromycin

thumbprint sign


how would you describe brodetella pertussis bacteria?

GN coccobacillus

phases of pertussis?

short catarrhal, then paroxysma cough, convalscent

txn pertussis


inspiratory whoop, repeated coughing

pertussis `

grayish membrane


txn diptheria


dx pertussis

nasopharyngeal culture- bardet gengou agar

#1 cause of CAD?


what affects stroke volume?

contractility, afterload, preload

Ca and contractility?

calcium increases contractility

what is preload?

ventricular end diastolic volume- depends on venous tone and circulating blood volume

how to approximate afterload?

approximated by MAP

what is afterload?

what heart must pump against (aotic pressure, systole), ventricular pressure at end of systole

what is starling's law?

force of contraction is proportional to end diastolic length of cardiac msk fiber (preload)

difference between ionotropic and conotropic?

iontropic- affects contractility, chronotropic- affects HR

starling law

force of contraction : end diastole length of a cardiac msk fiber

what does angiotensin 2 do?

angiotensin II causes vasonconstriction and secretion of aldosterone

how do ACE I and HCTZ work synergistically?

ACE I increase blood flow to the kidneys and HCTZ gets rid of it

TXN HELLP syndrome

FFP, blood transfusion, steroids, antiHTN agents

when to do oral glucose tolerance test?

24-48 weeks

LDL goals?

<160 in normal population, 1 RF
<130 if 2 risk factors
<100 if high risk population (DM, CAD)
<70: those with 10 year risk of a cardiac event of 20% or recnet MI, or CAD + DM or severely controlled RF (smoking), metabolic

txn elevated TG?


metabolic syndrome

central obesity (>102 in men,> 88 cm in women), TG >150, Low HDL <40, HTN >130/85, FBS >100 or dx of DM

what diseases accelerate atherosclerosis/

lupus, RA, HIV, CKD

definitive dx in ischemic heart disease?

coronary angiography

stress test- positive for MI?

ST depression of 1 mm

how do nitrates work?

decrease preload

ischemic symptoms but no elevation of troponins, ST depression, elevation, new T wave inversion

unstable anginga

unstable angina + elevations of troponins, but no ST elevation


MCC Of death after MI?

v fib


thrombotic event at site of pre-existing plaque causing complete blockage of the artery

angingal equivalents?

dyspnea, diaphoresis, N/V, waekaness, syncope or pre-syncope

echo of MI?

wall motion abnormalities

subendocardial vs transmural MI

subendocardial: Mc in women, affects inner 1/3 of ventricle due to hypoperfusion
DO NOT form aneurysms, no epicarditis, multifocal and patchy
Transmural: full wall thickness, thrombotic type;
unifocal and solid
subendocardial: ST depression
Transmural: ST

progressive of MI on EKG

peaked T wave-->ST depression-->ST elevation (injury)-->Q wave (infarct)
or new LBBB

ST depression is what on EKG


ST elevation is what on EKG


Q wave is what on EKG


1st biomarker to rise in MI?


last biomarker to rise in MI?


most sensitive biomarker?



PCI with in 90 minutes
T-PA with in 3 hours

what are pathological Q waves?

>0.04s or >25% of R wave amplitude

lateral MI on EKG?

I, aVL, V5. V6

what coronary artery in lateral MI?

V5-6 also: LAD

inferior wall MI on EKG?


coronary artery in inferior wall MI


septal MI on eKG


Anterior MI on EKG?


septal/anterior MI- what coronary artery?


#1 cause of cardiac related death and disability?


screening for cholesterol?

female- begin at 45
male- begin at 35

#1 cholesterol med in pregnancy


what to give with niacin to prevent flushing


How to monitor coumadin (warfarin)


how to monitor heparin?



PT: how long for plasma to clot
PTT: how long for blood to clot

Virchow's triad?

venous stasis, vascular injury, hypercoagulability

where is superficial thrombophlebitis MC?

saphenous vein

dx of DVT?

u/s duplex doppler

what is d-dimer?

fibrin degradation prodcut

first time patient with DVT treatment?

enoxparin 2 mg/kg subQ + warfarin 5 mg PO
check INR in 5 days, continue x 6 mo's

MC coronary artery to be occluded?


complications in the first 24 hrs after MI?

arrhythmia, HF, cardiogenic shock, death

3-14 days after MI- complications?

free wall rupture--> tamponade
Papillary msk rupture--> MR
LV pseudoaneurysm (mural thrombus)

best dx tool for abdominal aneurysms?


best dx of thoracic aneurysms?


stanford classification

type A: proximal/ascending aorta- txn: surgical
Type b: distal: medical - ICU for BP mgt

buttock claudicaiton + ED + atherosclerotic disease

leriche's syndrome

post pradial pain, weight loss, hypercoag state

mesenteric ischemia

ankle brachial index in PAD?


most common valve affected in RHD?

mitral valve


bed rest, salicylates reduce fever/pain, CS for severe pain or pericarditis
IM penicillin if + strep infection

most important virulence factor for group A strep infections in humans?

m protein

peak incidence of RHD?

5-15 y/o

JONES criteria

major: carditis, polyarthritis, chorea, subQ nodules, erythema marginatum
minor: fever, arthrlagias, prolonged PR, elevate ESR, C reactive protein, WBC, ASO titer test

IVDU and infective endocarditis- MCC, MC valve?

MC: tricuspid valve
MCC: S aureus

Non-IVDU- infective endocarditis

MC: Mitral vavle
MCC: Strep viridans

roth spots

reitnal hemorrhages with white centers- endocarditis

janeway lesions

painless lesions on palms/soles- endocarditis

osler nodes

painful lesions on fingers/toes- endocarditis

TXN endocarditis

IV PCN, ceftriaxone

criteria to dx endocarditis

Major: 2 positive blood cultures
positive echo finding
new regurg murmur
RF, fever, embolic event (janeway, petechiae, splinter hemorrhage)
immunolgoical events (GN, osler nodes)

MCC of sudden death in athletes?

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

systolic murmur in left sternal borde that increases with standing and valsalva and decreases with squatting

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

best screening test for hypertrophic caridomyopathy?


txn hypertrophic caridomyopathy?


MC location of hypertrophci cardiomyopathy?

interventricular septum

MC type of cardiomyopathy


MC symptom of dilated cardiomyopathy?


MCC restrictive caridomyopathy?


DX restrictive cardiomyopathy?

square root sign on cath, but definitive? enodmyocardial bx

TXN dilated cardiomyopathy?

ACEi, diuretics, stop drinking, BB

txn restrictive cardiomyopathy?

ACE I, lasix, BB

MCC pericarditis

coxsackivirus B

pericardial friciton rub, sharp or stabing retrosternal chest pain that is worse with supinea nd better leaning forward


diffuse ST elevations


TXN Pericarditis?

NSAID (indomethacin, aspirin)
Apsirin = #1
2nd line: steroids

TXN dressler syndrome?

aspirin, colchine

MCC pericardial effusion


elecrtical alternans

pericardial effusion

water bottle heart

pericardial effusion

low QRS voltage, tachycardia, electrical alternans


Beck's triad

hypoTN, JVD, muffled heart-->tamponade

paradoxical pulse pressures

drop of more than 10 mmHg in systolic blood pressure during inspiration

what does myocarditis lead to?

dilated cardiomyopathy

MCC of myocarditis?


most common drugs that cause myocarditis?

penicillin, ampicillin, hydrochlorothiziade, methyldopa, sulfonmaide
lithium, cocaine, catecholamines, acetaminophen, zidovudine (AZT)

DX of myocarditis?

cardiac echocardiogram

connective tissue d/o of myocarditis?

SLE, RA, kawasaki disease, sarcoidosis, giant cell arteritis

Most commonly, colon cancer arises from?


most sensitive and specific test to detect colorectal cancer?


most common site of distant spread of colon cancer?


MC symptom of colorectal cancer?

abd pain

MCC Of LBO in adults


highest malignant potential in adults?


follow up after CRC?

stool occult blood, annual CT of abdomen/pelvis/CXR q 5 years, colonocoscopy at 1 year and q 3 years, CEA q 3-6 mo's

most common cause of massive lower GI bleeding?


dx of diverticulosis

barium enema

dx of diverticulitis

CT scan w/ IV or oral contrast

MC locaiton diverticulitis?

sigmoid colon

thickened area on the bowel in large intesine and soft tissue thickening of pericoloic fat

diverticulitis- CT scan

abx for diverticulitis?

cipro or augmentin + flagyl

s/s of LBO, but no mechanical obstruction

oglive's syndrome

MCC of mesenteric ischemia, MC location

MCC: arterial embolism (cardiac- a fib)
MC locaiton: superior mesenteric ischemia

txn of mesenteric ischemia?

papaverine (vasodilator)

most common site for voluvlus?

sigmoid colon

best test for volvulus?


txn volvulus?

decompression w/ sigmoidoscopy

classification of cirrhosis?

child's class

MC lab in cirrhosis?


MC complication of cirrhosis?


MCC of cirrhosis

alcoholic cirrhosis

txn encephalopathy?

noemycin (prevents production of ammonia by bacteria in GI)
Limit protein to 30-40 g/day

MCC of varices

portal HTN secondary to liver cirrhosis

most serious complication of varices?

bleeding- death in 20%

red wale sign on endoscopy

esophageal varices

patients with cirrhosis should have what screening?

EGD screening

gold standard to dx esophageal varices?

upper endoscopy

txn of esophageal varices- long term?

BB- prevent re-bleed

TXn of esophageal varices during acute episode of bleeding

endoscopic band ligation or sclerotherapy (high chance re-bleed) or octreotide bolus (decrease portal HTN)
PPI- bolus followed by drip to suppress acid and prevent re-bleed

txn of coagulopathy in cirrhosis?


kayser fleishcher rings

copper accumulation in the eyes- wilson disease

Mc initial mainfestation in wilson disease

liver disease

what is wilson disease inherited?

autosomal recessive- ATP 7B gene

decreased ceruloplasmin

wilson disease

txn of wilson disease

Penicillamine (chelation)
zinc (binds copper)

most common genetic disease in caucasian population?

hereditary hemochromatosis

hepatic cirrhosis, DM, cardiomyopathy, hyperpigmentation (bronzing of the skin)

hereditary hemochromatosis

dx of hemocrhomatosis?

high serum ferritin, and liver bx is required

cause of autoimmune hepatitis

high IgG elvels

dx of autoimmune hepatitis?

liver bx

txn of autoimmne hepatitis?


occlusion of the hepatic venous outflow that leads to hepatic congestion is called?

budd-chiari syndrome

triad of budd-chiari syndrome?

abd pain, ascites, hepatomegaly

primary cause of budd-chiari syndrome?

thrombosis of hte hepatic vein

DX of budd-chiari syndrome?

UTZ- compressed hepatic veins

txn budd-chiari syndrome?

sodium restriction, diuretics for ascites, coumadin, TIPS

most common cause liver cancer?


Causes of C. dif:

clindalmycin, cephalosporins, FQs, ampicillin

txn C dif


ALT and AST- which is more sensitive for liver disease?


ALT:AST in alch disease

AST-ALT >2:1

where is ALP found?

bone, gut, placenta, liver, increase w/ obstruciton

liver enzyme sensitive to confirm the elevation of ALP is due to liver?


50 y/o female who is asymptomatic with elevated ALP, AMA, and choelsterol?

primary biliary cirrhosis

familial adenmatous polyps- autosomal dominant pattern is a mutation in what gene?

APC gene

incidence of malignancy in familial adematous polyps?

100% of cancer by age 40

anti-HAV (IgM)

acute phase heptatitis A

Anti- HAV (IgG)

later in the illness- elevated throughout life- hepatitis A

how is hep A transmitted?

fecal-oral route

incubation period hep A?

2-6 weeks

incubation hep B

6 weeks- 6 mo's

transmission of hep B

blood, IVDU, sex


positive in acute phase- hepatitis B and chronically infected patients (persists indef in chronic carriers)


positive in acute phase = replication occurring- hepatitis B


window period of hepatitis B
indicates infection w/in past 6 mo's


immunity via vaccination

Anit-HBs and Anti-HBc

immunity via actually having hep B

TXN of hep B

recombinant DNA hep B vaccine

incubation hep C

2wks -6 mo's

MCC of liver transplant?

hep C

transmission of hep C

Renal dialysis, IVDU, transplant,

Anti-HCV antibodies

hepatitis C infection

MCC chronic hepatitis?

hep C

MCC of hep C?


txn hep C?

interferon with ribavirin, give with hep A/B vaccine

Hep D

needs Hep B

delta virus and affect on hep B

increases severity of acute hep B and increases the risk of chronic hep and cirrhosis verses hep B alone

which hepatitis is associated with high risk of death in pregnancy?

hep E

incubation hep E

15-60 days

how to trasmit hep E?


MCC liver abscess?

enatomeba histolytica

txn of acetaminophen overdose?


MCC of cholecystitis

gallstones in the gallbladder

most common type of gallstone?


Boas sign

referred right subscapular pain- cholelithiasis

best test in cholelithiasis?

abdominal u/s

best test for acute cholecystitis?

abodminal U/S, then HIDA

gold standard for dx in choledocholithaisis?


TXN choledocholithaisis?

ERCP decompression

porcelain gallbladder?

gallbladder cx- adenocarcinoma

best etst in cholecystitis?

abdominal u/s

Charcto's triad?

RUQ pain, jaundice, fever- acute cholangititis

Renyolds pentad?

AMS, shock, RUQ pain, jaundice, fever- acute cholangititis

definititive dx of acute cholangitits?

IVF, abx, after afebrile x 48 hours- decompress- ERCP, PTC, or laproscopic

most common cause of chronic pancreatitis?


most common cause of acute pancreatitis?


MCC of pancreatitis in kids?

blunt trauma

MC complication acute pancreatitis?


DX pseudocyst?

CT scan

grey turner sign

falnk ecchomysosis- hemorrhagic pancreatitis

cullen sign

periumbillical ecchymosis- hemorrhagic pancreatitis

fox sign

ecchomyosis of inguinal ligmanet- hemorrhagic pancreatitis

TXN acute pancreatitis?

IVF, NG tube, IV pain meds

DX of acute pancreatitis

abdominal CT scan

RF for pancreatitis cancer?

ETOH, smoking, age, men

MC location of pancreatitis cancer?

head of pancreas

Courvosier's sign

palpable gallbladder- pancreatic cancer

most sensitive test for head of pancreas cancer?


preferred test for dx and looking for distant mets in pancreatic cancer?


txn of pain in pancreatitis


criteria for acute pancreatitis?


sister mary joseph nodule?

periumbillical node- pancreatitis cancer

triad chronic pancreatitis?

steatorrhea, DM, pancreas calcifications

DX for appendicitis?

CT scan

deep palpation of LLQ causes referred pain to RLQ

rovsings sign (appy)

RLQ pain when right htigh is extneded as patient lies on left side

psoas sign

pain in RLQ when flexed right thigh is internally rotated when patient is supine

obturator sign

MCC of prostatitis overall?


TXN of prostatitis <35 adn >35

<35- ofloxacin or ceftriaxone 250 IM, doxycycline x 10 days
>35 y/o: cipro/bactrim

TXN nonbacterial prostatitis?

erythromycin 250 Mg QID

MCC Of prostatitis <35 adn >35

<35: chlamydia, gonorrhea
>35: GN rods

most common non cutatenous cancer among males?

prostate cancer

MC location of prostate cancer?

peripheral region

when to start PSA check?

age 50 for men, 40 for AA

MC type of prostate cancer/


MC met site for prostate?


MC type of bladder cancer?

transitional cell, urothelial carcinoma

SCC bladder cancer associated with

schistosom haematobium

painless heamturia

bladder cancer q

MC renal malignancy

renal cell carcinoma

hematuria, flnak pain, flank mass, weight loss, HTN, hyperCa

renal cell carcinoma

DX renal cell carcinoma?

CT scan

asymptomatic abdominal mass in a 3 year old?

wilms tumor- nephroblastoma

MC renal tumor in kids?

wilms tumor

initial test in wilms tumor?


study of cohice in wilms tumor?


MC malignancy in young men?

testicular cancer

MC cause of testicular cancer?

germ cell tumors

painless, unilaterla testicular mass

testicular cancer

DX of testicular mass?


How to stage testicular cancer?


serum markers in testicular cancer?


nitric oxide in erections?

NO released from nerve endings relaxes vascular and corporal smooth msk cells of penile arteries and trabeculae

TXN erectile dysfunction

PDE-5 phostphatdiesterase inhibitors (fil)- sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil

MCC of ED?


what are PDE-5 phosphatediesterase inhibitors contraindicated in?


what is leydig cell hyperplasia?

pre-cancer cells- cryptorchdisim

most common abnormality of sexual development?


Cryptorchdisim puts the person at an increase risk for?

testicular malignancy

treatment urinary retention?

alpha blockers- azosins

MC benign tumor of men?

prostate (BPH)


alpha 1 blockers- "sins"
5 alpha reductase inhibitors: finasteride
if you can't given a sin, give a ride.

soft, non-tender mass of the scrotrum that transilluminates?


hydrocele forms due to a defect of?

tunica vaginalis

DX hydrocele?


bag of worms?


dilatation of the internal spermatic vein


varicocele is associated with what in males?


when is testicular torsion MC?

12-18 y/o

prehn sign

relief with elevation of the testes

bell clapper deformity?

Pt's with inapprorpriately high attachment of the tunica vaginalis, the testicle can rotate freely on the spermatic cord within the tunica vaginalis

negative prehn sign, abnormal transverse lie?

testicular torsion

when must you detorse a testicular torsion in order to salvage the testicle?

within 6 hours

bladder contractions that can't be controlled by the brain and the patient cna't delay peeing


urine leaks with elevated intra-abdominal pressure


detrusor underactivity causes what type of incontinence?


treatment incontinence?

antimuscarinic (oxybutin), botox to detrusor msk, estrogen, kegels, surgery

MCC cystitis

e. coli

txn cystitis?

Bactrim first line; 2nd: cipro

txn of cystitis in pregnancy?

macrodantin or nitrofuratonin

first line txn of pyelo?

FQ x 7-14 days

first line txn of pyelo in prego?

ampicillin, gentamicin

mumps and orchitis?

unialterally in 70% of patients

orchitis is most commonly associated with?

viral mumps

MCC of urethritis in men <35 y/o

chlamydia and gonorrhea

MCC of urethritis >35 y/o

e. coli, pseudomonas

MCC overall of urethritis?


txn men <35 y/o with urethritis?

doxy x 7 days

males >35- txn of urethritis?


txn of epipidmyitis in males <35 y/o

chlamydia, gonorrhea-
ceftriaxone 250 mg IM + doxycycline 100 mg BID x 10 days

txn of epididmyitis in males >35 y/o

e. coli and pseudomonas

what is the epididmyis?

it connects efferent ducts of testis to vas deferens; it allows for stoarge, maturation and transport of sperm

solid palpable lesion that is <10 mm in diameter?


solid palpable lesion that is >10 mm in diameter?


flat, nonpalpable lesion <10 mm


palpable flat lesion that is usually raised >10 mm


flat, nonpalpable lesion with is >10 mm in diameter


blister filled with serous fluid or blood which is >5 mm


blister filled with serous fluid that is <5 mm


vesicle or bulla with purulent material?


small hemorrhagic spots that do not blanch


punctate bleeding after scale is removed?

ausptiz sign

urticarial flare produced by rubbing of the skin?

darier sign

rubbing of hte skin leads to a blister

nikolsky sign

blaching indicates what?

intact capillaries

minor trauma leads to new lesions at site of trauma?

koebner's phenoemenon

MCC cellulitis?

group A strep, staph

txn cellulitis?

dicloxacillin or cephalosporin
allergy: ertyrhomycin

txn abscess?

I and D then back, given ABX if surroudning area has cellulitis

MCC abscess


MCC furuncles, carbuncles?


cause of erysipleas?

strep pyogenes

sharp, demarcated borders, edematous inudrated, pruritic, painful, espands, high fevers?


TXN erysipelas?

dicloxacillin or first gen ceph

txn impetigo?

mupirocin ointment

MCC erythema multiforme?


target lesions, mucosal lesions, macular or papular rash with vesicles adn bullae, general malaise, weakness, negative nikolsky

erythema multiforme
EM major= mucosal lesions

TXN erythema multiforme?

acyclovir, valacyclovir, famcyclovir

medications associated with SJS, TEN?

antiepileptic, sulfas, PCNs, NSAIDS, FQs, PB, tetracyclines, phenytoin, allopurinol, cephalosporins, carbamazpeine, valproic acid, oxicam, allopurinol, CS


SJS: <10% sloughing of the epidermis
TENS >30% extensive mucus membranes infovlved

MCC of acne vulgaris?

propinibacterium `

treatment of acne vulgaris?

retinoids, azelaic acid, salicyclic acid, benzyol peroxide, topical abx (tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin); oral abx if more severe: tetracyclines
OCPS (decreased androgen levels

large bulbous, red nose

rhinopyhma - acne rosacea
other enlarged things: phyma!

TXN acne rosacea?

avoid triggers, metro topical; hydrocortisone topical
severe; oral abx- tetracyclines

MCC folliculitis?


palpable purura, well dermarcated petechaie on bilateral lower ext, abd pain, joint pain

Henoch scholein purpura

atopic dermatitis is what type of hypersensitivity reaction?

type I immunobloglobulin E mediated

what type of hypersensitivity reaction is allergic contact dermatitis?

type IV cell mediated

distinct lichenified skin, involving flexural surfaces, dry skin

atopic dermatitis

txn atopic dermatits?

steroids (topical)
hydration, topical emollients

txn diaper dermatitis?

nystatin, clotrimazole, ketoconazole

well demarcated areas of erythema w/ possible exudative lesions, vesicles, crusted lesions, pruritis, location is key

allergic contact dermatitis

txn allergic deramtitis?

topical steroid- control pruritis w/ calamine lotion, wet dressing w/ burrows solution

coin shaped lesions with erythematous base and clearly demarcated borders?

nummular deramtitis

scattered yellowish or grey scaly macules, papules, flakey, dry itchy skin, found on the scalp, behind the ears, in nasal folds, eye lids- greasy

seborrehic dermatitis

txn seborrheic dermaitits?

cradle cap: olive oil compresses, baby shampoo; dandruff: shampoos w/ selenium or zinc; ketoconazole for acute flareups

txn perioral dermatitis?

topical metro or erythromycin

papulopustules on erythematous base that because confulent w/ plaques and scales around the mouth, vermilion border is spared

perioral dermatitis

tapioca apperance, clear vesicles on hands/feet, pruritis


txn dyshidrosis?

steroids, wet dressing, avoid skin irritation

solid, firm, thick plaques with little scaling, lichenification, well defined, high pruritic, itch cycle; bx: hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis

lichen simplex chronicus

txn of lichen simplex chronicus?

stop itch-scratch cycle- antihistamines, topical steroids

lichen planus is associated with what?

hep C

purple, polygonal, pruritic, papule

lichen planus

flat topped, shiny violaceous papules with fine white lines (Wickham's straie), painful mucosal lesions, purple, polygonal pruritic papule

lichen planus

txn lichen planus?

topical steroids

herald patch

pityriasis rosea

oval, salmon or fawn colored macuopaular rash on the upper trunk in an christmas tree patern,

pityriasis rosea

txn pityriasis rosea

self-limiting ; last 3-8 weeks

extensor surfaces with chronic, inflammatory scaling red flaky conditions, salmon colored, well defined papules and plaques with distinct margins and loosely adherent, dry,itchy, raised and thickened


nail pits

psoratic arthritis

auspitz sign, koebner's phenomenon


where is psoriasis located?

extensor surfaces

txn psoriasis?

topical steroids, topical Vit D prepararations, coal tar or salicyclic acids
more severe: phototherapy

pustular psoriasis occurs when?

taper steroids too quickly- life threatening

MC type of psoriasis?

psoriasis vulgaris

psoriasis that occurs after a streptococal infection?

guttate psoriasis

autoimmune disorder against basement membrane of the epidermis

bullous pemphigoid

large, tense bullae, usually from a urticarial rash that months later turns into large tense bullae, more difficult to rupture

bullous pemphigoid

txn bullous pemphigoid?

topical steroid for minor; may need systemic

loss of cell to cell adhesion?

pemphigus vulgaris

acitinic keratosis goes to what type of skin cancer?

acitinic keratosis

sandpaper, macule/papule, hyperpigmented

acitinic keratosis

txn acitinic keratosis?

liquid nitrogen

beige, brown, black with velvety warty surface appears stuck on?

seborrheic keratosis

TXN of alopecia?

minoxidil, finasteride

distal separation of the nail plate from the nail bed


txn of onycomycosis

terbinafine, itraconazole

MCC paronychia?


cause of lice


txn of lice?

permethrin, pyrethroids, malathoin, lindane

what is the animal that causes scabies?

sarcpotes scabiei, obligate human parasite

burrows in intertriginous areas, intense pruritis, excoriations


txn scabies?

permthrin 5% or lindane
apply on body before bed, wash off in the AM, repeat txn in 1 week

cause of bed bugs

parasitic athropods- cimicdae

multiple bites noted upon wakening, pruritic, blood stained bedding

bed bugs

txn bed bugs

supportive- antipyretics, abx, eradication with cleaning

pin prick followed by msk cramps, bull's eye, central blanchin, generalized diaphroesis, tahcycardia

black widow bite

txn black widow?

can give opioids for pain mgt, BZ/Ca gluconate for neuro manifestations, antivenom
may need to admit for pain mgt; monitor for 6 hours after givne antivenom

txn brown recluse?

suppotive, abx, wash out area, surgical excision if necessary

bright red, raspberry like nodules on exposed part of the body like arms, hands, fingers or legs; bleeds easily with little provocation

pygoenic granulomas (capillary hemangiomas)

TXN pyogenic granulomas?


most common skin cancer?

basal cell carcinoma

shiny, pearly, wzxy papule, easily bleeding, central crater with rolled border,

basal cell carcinoma

what is necrobiosis lipodica associated with?

DM- do GTT

smal, shiny skin colored dermal papules that enlarge over time with central clearing MC on shins

granulomas annulare

nonhealing, rough, bumpy, scaly patch, erythema, sharply demarcated, hyperkeratonic macule or papule


MC melanoma in elderly?

lentigo maligna melanoma

MC type of melanoma

superficial spreading malignant melanoma

worst prognosis melanoma?

nodular malignant melanoma

best prognosis melanoma

superficial spreading malignant melanoma

melanoma MC in AA, think palms, soles, nail beds

acral lengtiginous melanomous

most important aspect of melanoma that determines survival rates?

tumor thickness

what does gardasil protect against?

HPV 6, 11, 16, 18,

HPV that causes cervical cancer?

16, 18

condyloma acuminatum is caused by?

HPV 6, 11

painless, non-pruritic red or purple plaques on the skin and mucosal surafces

kaposi sarcoma

kaposi sarcoma is associated with?



freckle- increased melanin pigment

necrotizing fasciitis caused by?

s pyogenes

creptius with deep tissue injury

necrotizing fasciitis

what is acanthosis nigricans associated with?

DM, obesity, cushing's syndrome, visceral obesity (gastric adenocx)

Antibiotics for open fractures?

IV 1st/2nd gen ceph + amninoglycosides

txn of open fractures?

iV abx (ceph + aminoglycoside), debride and irrigate w/in 48 hours, immobilize and fixation

txn of intra-articular fracture?

open treatment

txn of fractures of tibia and fibula

simple: closed reduction, cast placement
complicated, unstable: open reduction + ORIF

trauma to the ligament or joint capsule?


trauma to tendon or msk


severe pain on the bottoms of the feet in the AM, subsides after amublation, pain over palpation of the medial heel

plantar fascitis

most common location for compartment syndrome?

anterior in the lower extremity

MC fracutre in adults to lead to compartment syndrome? in Peds?

Adults: tib-fib
peds: supracondylar humeral fracture

5 p's of compartment syndrome?

pain out of proportion, on passive movement, parasthenia, pallor, pulselessness, poikilothermia, paralysis

DX of compartment syndrome?

MAP > 30 mmHg

MC osteomyelitis?

hematogenous spread

ares of osteomyelitis in kids?

long bones

area of osteomyelitis in IVDU?

lumbar vertebrae

MC location for osteomyelitis in adults?


nonhealing ulcer, sinus tract drainage, chronic fatigue, low grade fever, bone pain, leukocytosis - what are you thinking?

chronic osteomyelitis

best test to dx osteomyelitis


study of choice in legg calve perthes disease?


what does a hip xray of legg calve perthes disease show?

necrosis effusion and joint space widening

painless limb in a 4-10 y/o

legg calve perthes disease

obese AA male, 11-13 y/o, painful limb



frog leg xray bilaterally


non-weight bearing, surgery

x-linked recessive disease with decreased dystopin?

Duchenee's disease

Gower's manuever?

duchennes disease

4 signs of kanaval

pain on passive movement, flexion of joint, symmetrical swelling of hte joint, TTP of the tendon sheath


abduct the hip with anterior pressure
development dyplasia of the hip


adduct the hip, audible clunk
development dyplasia of the hip


unequal knee heights
development dyplasia of the hip

DX of development dyplasia of the hip

U/S is best after 10 weeks, xrays no longer good after 4 mo's

TXN development dyplasia of the hip

<6 mo's: pavilk harness
6-15 mo's: spica case
15-20: open reduction

SALTR harris fractures

Type 1: physeal fracture
Type 2: physeal and metaphysis fracture
Type 3: physeal and epiphyseal fracture
Type 4: epiphyseal, physeal and metaphysis fracture
Type 5: completely crushed

most common saltr harris fracture

Type 2

degree of angulation in green stick fracture that requires a surgeon?


MCC of facial pain?


most common condition of cervical spine?


MC area affected by degenerative changes?


msot mobile joint of hte body?


most common tear in the rotator cuff?


rotator cuff msks?

supraspinatous, infraspinatous, subscapularis, teres minor

most common injured msk in fracture clavicle?


Most common location of fracture of clavicle?

middle 1/3

TXN of fractured clavicle?

figure 8 sling

complication of fractured clavicle?

ulnar nerve

first degree AC separation?

stretching of the joint, no physical seperation

2nd degree AC separation

complete separation of the AC joint, but the ligaments of shoulder blade and collarbone are intact
PE: end of collarbone sticks up

TXN 1st degree AC joint separation?

sling x 3-7 days

TXN 2nd degree AC separation?

Ice, sling, painkillers; 2-3 weeks to heal

TNX 3rd degree AC separation?

surgical repair

3rd degree AC separation?

AC joint torn awawy and ligament attaching shoulder blade to collarbone are ripped
XRAY: complete separation
xray showed complete separation

most common type of shoulder dislocation?


when is an anterior shoulder dislocatino painful?

externally rotated and internal rotation= painful

most common finding on PE of anterior shoulder dislocation?

anterior apprehension sign (placing shoulder in abduction and external rotation = patient is uneasy that it might pop out)

hill sachs lesion?

humeral head deformity due to recurrent dislocations

Bankhart lesion

tear of glenoid labrum

most common injured nerve in anterior shoulder dislocation?

axillary nerve-->deltoid numbness

most common cause of posterior shoulder dislocation?

50% due to seizures

DX posterior shoulder dislocation?

Y or axillary view xray

where does the humeral head lie in the anterior shoulder dislocation?

inferior and medial to glenoid

txn shoulder dislocation?

reduction, immobilization with velpau's sling
x 3 weeks if <40, x 1 week <40 y/o, then PT

txn bursitis

Rest, NSAIDs, steroid injections

humeral shaft fracture- what nerve?


humeral head fracture- what nerve?


radial nerve injury results in what?

wrist drop

Yergason test?

biceps tendon instability - biceps tendonitis

pain over bicipital groove + yergason test, pain radiating to biceps, pain with internal rotation, pain with forward flexion of the shoulder

biceps tendonitis, not rotator cuff injury

most common nerve injured in supracondylar fracture?

median nerve

complication with supracondylar fractures?

volkmans contracture (brachial artery)

elbow dislocation?

ulnar nerve

most common elbow fracture?

supracondylar fracture

Most common elbow dislocation?


posterior fat bad?

radial head fracture

MC overuse injury of the elbow?

epicondylitis (lateral)

MSK involved in lateral epicondylitis?

extensor carpi radialis brevis

nursemaids elbow- how does the child hold it?

fully pronated, partially flexed

radisu jumps annular ligament

nursemaid's elbow

radius fracture with distal ulnar joint injury


ulnar fracture with radial head dislcoation?


crush injury to radial head with distal radius ulnar joint injury

essex-lopressti fracture

direct blow to mid shaft ulna--> mid shaft ulnar fracture

night stick fracture

most common injury of wrist?

colles fracture

silver fork deformity

colles fracture

distal radius fx with dorsal angulation

colles fracture

TXN colles

long arm cast for 6- 8 weeks

distal radius with volar angulation

smith fracture

TXN smiths fracture

long arm cast

txn scaphoid fracture

short arm spica for 8-12 weeks

complication of scaphoid fracture?

avascular necrosis

TTP of anatomical snuff box?

scaphoid fracture

carpal bones?

some lovers try positions that htey can't handle
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapeizoid, capitate, hamate

TXN monteggia, galeazzi?


what is dupuytrens contracture associated with?

alcoholism DM

what is involved in Dequervains?

abductor pollicis lungus and extensor pollicis previs

pain and tenderness of base of thumb, radiation of pain up forearm Positive finklestines test?


ulnar colalteral ligament injury

gamekeepers thumb

treatment of gamekeeprs thumb?

thumb spica or surgery

flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture

jersey finger

inability to extend DIP joint fully, flexed dip at rest

mallet finger

inability to flex the dip joint, acute pain/swelling over DIP joint

jersey finger

inflammation of the flexor tendon sheath?

trigger finger

carpal tunnel affects what nerve

median nerve

tapping on the wrist produces pain in the median nerve

tinel's sign- carpal tunel

patient flexes both wrist and that elicits pain

phalen test- carpal tunnel

thenar musk atrophy

carpal tunnel

most common site of ulnar nerve entrapment?


giant cell tumor?

expansile lytic lesion that involves epiphysis and metaphysis, MC in men 20-50 y/o, can occur in distal radius

when does erbs palsy occur?

brachial plexus injury during difficult births with fractured clavicles

most common radiculopathy (nerve root compression) in brachial plexus?


DX erbs palsy


arm hangs loosely at a child's side after a difficult delivery?

erbs palsy

paralysis of the 7-8th cervical and first throacic nervs causing al imp hand with no finger movement, claw hand

Klumpkes paralysis

constricted pupil, drooping eyeld, and loss of sweat formatoin on cheek or foreahd of affected eye?

horner syndrome

Pancoast tumors are most likely what time of tumor?

SCC or adenoCX

winged scapula? Mks and nerve involved

serratus anterior msk, long thoracic nerve

erbs palsy nerves?


MC herniated disk?


MC location for cauda equina?


MCC of cauda equina?

herinated disk

bamboo appearance

ankylsosis spondylitis

MC extramsk affect?


Most common first xray finding in ankylosing spondylitis?

bilateral sacroilitis

worse at night or after inactivity, limited motion in the lowe back, limited expansion of the chest, limited ROM of spine/hips, iritis

ankylosing spondylitis

1st line txn ankylosing spondylitis?

2nd: DMARDS, methotrexate

convex curvature of hte thoracic spine


etiology of kyphosis in adults?

osteoporotic fractures

PFT in kyphosis

restrictive airway

Potts disease

TB of the back

MC extrapulmonary location of TB


burst fracture of C1


fracture of C2

hangman fracture

treatment of kyphosis?

> 60 degrees: milwaukee brace

MC form of scolilosis?


txn scoliosis?

10-15% observe
15-20: follow up with AP exrays
20-40: brace
>40 surgeon



MCC of IDA in females?


MC GYN malignancy in the US?

endometrial cancer

how to dx endometrial cancer?

endometrial bx

MCC of endometrial cancer/


MC site for endometriosis?

peritoneal (ovary, pelvis)

TXN leiomyoma?

GnRH agonist (Leuporlide), misfepristone (decrease tumor size), hysterectomy, D &C, myomectomy

Adenomyosis vs endometriosis?

young female, infertile with cyclical pelvis pain and deep thrust dyspareunia
adenomyosis: middle aged parous femael with severe dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia with symmetrically enlarged uterus

fever in the PP period?


how to prevent endometritis?

single dose of antibiotic at cord clampin

TXN of endometritis?

clindamycin + gentamicin add ampicilin if not response and metro if septic

who are at increased risk for ovarian torsion?

cysts that are >5 cm.

what is used to monitor treatment of ovarian cancer?


MC type of ovarian neoplasm?


most common presentation of ovarian cancer?


what spreads to the ovarian (cancer wise)?

endometrium, breast, colon, stomach, cervix

txn of PCOS (stein-leventhal syndrome)?

wants prego? #1 is clomid +/- dexamethasone
no prego? OCPS, medroxyprogesterone
hirutism? spirolactone, finasteride

dosing of gardasi?

3 doses- 1/st dose, then 2nd dose 2 mon'ths later and 3rd dose 6 months after first dose (4 mo's after 1st)

what does gardasil protect against/

6, 11, 16, 18
6,11: warts
16, 18 : cancer

summary of PAP smear recommendations?

begin at age 21
21-30: PAP q 3-5 years with cytology screen
30-65: co-test cytology and HPV q 5 years
sexually active: q 1 year
final PAP: age 65 y/o if at least 3 normal results in preceding 10 years

who gets gardasil?

everyone aged 9-26 y/o

patient has HPV + but negative cytology what is the work up?

repeat PAP In 12 mo's- if HPV +or LSIL or above again do colpo ; if ASCUS but negative HPV, routine screening

patient is HPV + and ASCUS- work up?


Patient is HPV negative and ASCUS - work up?


patient is HPV negative, and LSIL- work up?


TXN chlamydia?

azithormycin or doxy

txn gonorrhea?


txn trichomonas


strawberry cervix with green frothy d/c?


most common cause of cervical cancer?

HPV 16/18

fishy odor, clue cells?

bacterial vaginosis (gardnerella)

cottage cheese discharge, burning, pruritis


txn candidiasis

fluconazole PO or clotrimazole PV

DES is associated with what GYN cancer?

vaginal cancer

MC symptom in vaginal cancer?

chronic itching

Most common squamous cancer in females >50 y/o

vaginal Ca


light menses


menses cycles >35 days


intermenstrual bleeding


cyclical bleeding > 7 days

menstrual cycle order

follicular (estrogen increase uterine lining to thicken it; increase FSH- then follicle becomes dominant
ovulation: LH surge= dominant follicle releases egg
Luteal: follicle changes into corpus luteum= secrete progesterone; no implantation,- drop in proge

primary dysmenorrhea is secondary to?

excessive PG E2 -->smooth msk contraction

what is sheenan syndrome

damage to pituitary after delivery-->amenorrhea

what is asherman syndrome?

intrautine adhesions and scarring leading to normal estrogen, but amenorrhea

MC symptoms in PMS?

pscyh- irritable, depression, etc

txn of extreme mood changes secondary to PMS?

fluoxetine on day 21-1 of the cycle

what is PMS?

mood irritaiblity, bloating, etc the 1-2 weeks before menses (luteal phase), and has a symptom free period


diet (no sugar, alch, coffee, salt, fat), exercise, NSAIDs
diuretics (spironlactone) for bloating during luteal phase)
Fluoxteine 21-1 of cycle

primary estrogen in menopause?


MC symptom of menopause?

hot flashes

FSH >30


MC malignancy in female?


Pagets disease

ductal carcinoma of hte nipple;

redness, falking of nipple skin, peau d'orange

paget's disease

MC type of breast cancer?


screening for breast caner

USPSTF: q 2 years 50-79
American cancer: q 1-2 years 40-50, q 1 year at 50

most effective method of reversible means of pregnancy prevention


how long after depo may it take to return to normal fertility?

18 mo's

SE depo?

irregular bleeding, weight gain

at waht weight does the transdermal patch become less effective?

>200 lbs

most common STD?


txn PID?

ceftriaxone 250 mg IM and doxy 100 mg

N,V, yellow/green visual changes, EKG changes

digoxin toxicity

what makes dig toxicity worse?


best anti-HTN med for post MI?

beta blocker

most common location for renal artery stenosis?

infrarenal artery

HTN that is non-responsive to meds?

secondary causes, MCC: renal artery stenosis

rapid, deep labored breathing

kussmaul's breathing

deep breahting alternating with apnea

cheyne stokes breathing

pleural thickening on CXR ?


eggshell pattern on CXR?


groundglass appearnace on CxR/


isolated elevated indirect billirubin?

gilberts syndrome

travelers diarrhea treatment


EKG of hyperCa?

prolonged PR, decreased QT, heart blocks

MCC hyperPTH?

PTH adenoma

MCC of chronic kidney stones?


abd pain, decreased DRTs, bone pain, stones, polyuria, constipation, depression


txn hyperPTH?


MCC of hypothyroid?

post thyroidectomy

What is DiGeorge's syndrome?

congential facies and cardiac anomalies, thymic aplasia, cleft palate, hypoCa, hypoPTH

Troussea sign, chvostek sign, tingling of circumoral area, premature cataracts, msk cramps, increased DTRs

hypoPTH- hyperCa

txn of hypoPTH- acutely

IV Ca gluconate

txn of hypoPTH- chronically?

PO Ca and vit D

EKG hypoPTH?

T wave changes, increased QT

MCC addisons disease?


primary vs secondary addisons disease

primary: increased ACTH (pituitary is functioning), but decreased cortisol-->abnormal skin pigmentation
secondary: decreased ACTH (pituitary not working)- no pigmentation

DX of cushings disease?

dexamethasone suppresison test

cushings disease vs syndrome

disease- pituitary adenoma secreting ACTH

MCC of cushings syndrome?

Iatrogenic steroids

MCC of acromegaly?

pituitary macroadenomas

DX of acromeagly?

MRI with pituitary adenoma or elevated IGF-1

txn acromegaly?

removal of tumor, then bromcriptine

what hormones are secreted by anterior pituitary?

ACTH, TSH, LH, FSH, HGH, prolactin

hormones secreted by posterior pituitary?

oxytocin, vasopressin

MC type of pituitary tumors?


MCC of anterior pitutiary hormones?


polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration, increased thirst, low specific gravity urine

diabetes inspidus


water deprivation test

txn DI?

vasopressin if central

what does aldosterone do?

Na reabsorption and K excretion

what does Cortisol do?

stimulates gluconeogensis and increase protein breakdowna nd free acid mobilization, suppresses immune system

what does adrenal medulla secrete?

EPI and NE

hypoNa, very saturated urine


txn SIADH?

fluid restriciton, IV hypertonic saline

txn pituitary adenoma?

#1- carbegoline (dopamine agonist)
#2: surgery

DX pituitary adenoma?


most common presentation of graves disease?

atrial fib

graves disease

IgG autoantibodies against TSH receptors in the thyroid cell

elevated T3, low TSH, autoantibodies against TSH receptor dx of?

graves disease

what is the MCC of hyperthyroid?

graves disease

first choice treatment of graves disease in pregnancy and children?


thyroid: diffusely enalrged, non-tender, w/ bruit

graves disease

exquistely tender thyroid, diffusely enlarged

subacute thyroiditis

bumpy, irregular asymmetric thyroid?

plummer disease- multinodular goiter

Treatment for multinodular goiter?

radioactive iodine

graves vs subacute thyroiditis with uptake scan

low uptake with subacute
high uptake with graves disease

txn subacute thyroiditis?


fever, pain, fluctuant mass of thyroid

suppurative thyroid

thyrotoxicosis fascitta?

ingestion of thyroid hormone (beef)

what is monitored in thyroid cancer?

thyroglobulin - should be gone after removal of thyroid

method of cohice in thyroid nodules


TSH mimicking autoantibodies?

graves disease

antiobodies against enzyme that makes T4


TXN of non-prego young patinet with graves disease?

methimazole, BB

txn of non-prego older patient with graves disease

radioactive iodine ablation

MC therapy for graves

radioactive 131

how does PTU, methamizole work?

blocks synthesis of thyroid hormone


thyroid deficiency that started at birth

most common cause of primary hypothyroidism?


most common type of thyroid cancer?

papillary carcinoma

elevated TSH, low thyroid levels


elevated TSH, low thyroid levels, anti-thyroidal
ANTI-peroxidase, thyroglobulin, TSH receptor IgG


diffusely enlarged , firm finely nodular thyroid, then may progress to a small gland


most aggressive thyroid cancer?


hx of hodgkin's disease and now thyroid nodule?

thyroid cancer

what does medullary cancer of thyroid cause?

calcintonin and cEA to be secreted from parafollicular cells (C cells)

non-progressive disorder of motor function that affects msk tone, strenght, coordination, seizures, strabismus, contracture, microcephaly, hyperreflexia, incontinence, dsyphagia

cerebral palsy

treatment cerebral palsy?

anticholinergics--> benztropine, trihexyphenidyl, procyclinidine hydrchloride

most common and serious complication of cerebral palsy?


layers of meninges?

dura, arachnoid, PIA

MCC Of meningitis overall


MCC of meningitis in neonate?

GBS, E.coli, listeria

MCC of meningitis in 3 mo's - 50 y/o?

strep pneumo, h influ, n meningitis

MCC of meningitis in >50 y/o

strep pneumo, neisseria meningitis, L monocytogenes

TXN of neonate meningitis?

Ampicillin + cefotaxime + aminoglycoside if <4 weeks

Treatment of 2 mo- 50 y/o meningitits

Vancomycin + ceftriaxone or cefotaxime

Treatment of 50 y/o + meningitis?

Vancoymycin + ceftriaxone + ampicillin

macular papular rash with petechiae and a HA, fever?

n. meningitidis

What is the prophylaxis for close contacts?

ceftriaxone IM

MCC of viral meningitis?


txn of HSV meningitis?


MCC of encephalitis?


txn of CMV?


imaging choice in encephalitis?


most specific/sensitive for dx encepahlitis?


best dx for brain abscess?


bells palsy vs stroke

bells palsy can't raise eyebrows-->facial nerve not intact

txn bells palsy?

prednison 60 or 80 mg, eye patch

bells palsy affects what nerve?


numbness, pain, burning, paresthesis in lower extremities in a patient with hyperglycemia

DM peripheral neuropathy

saturday night palsy

radial nerve--extensor,forearm-->wrist drop

peroneal nerve palsy

fibular head= foot drop (weakness of tibialis anterior msk)

sciatc nerve palsy

weakness, dorsiflexion, eversion of the foot

MCC of sciatica nerve palsy?

deep IM injection

gradual loss of vibration, propriocetion and have pallor and demtnia

B12 deficiency

lambert eaton syndrome is associated wtih?

small cell lung cancer

power of msk increases with sustained contraction , proximal msk weakness,

lambert eaton syndrome

idiopathic polyneuroapathy followeing minor infection with cambylobacter jejuni or CMV that destroys the schwann cells

Guillian Barre syndrome

rapid onset of ascending paralysis/weakness, loss of reflexes, and autonomic dysfunction liek tachycardia, cardiac irregularities, labile BP, sweating, sphincter disturbacnes

Guillian Barre syndrome

DX Gillian barre

LP: elevated fluid protein
EMG: loss of reflexes will be demosntrated
performed with: nerve conduction velocity test: slowing of neural responses= more impt test

txn of Gillian barre syndrome

gamma globulin or IVIG and can givne prednisone

what viruses are GB associated wtih?

cambylobacter jejuni or CMV

what to avoid in myastenia gravis?


autoimmune disease against AcH receptors

myasthenia gravis

ptosis or diplopia that gets worse as the day goes on?

myasthenia gravis

test for myasthenia gravis?

IV edrophonium (Tensilon)

TXN for myasthenia gravis

Pyridostigmine, neostigmine= AchE inhibitors (retards breakdown of AcH in synapic area

what is myasthenia asosciated with in older men?

thymus tumor in men

atrophy in the caudate nucleus on CT

huntingonts disease

most common genetic cause of abnormal involuntary movements/chorea?

huntingtons chorea disease

involuntary movements, depression, psychosis, chorea, dementia, difficulty with speech, rigidity

huntingtons chorea

txn of huntingotons chorea?

genetic counseling, tetrabenazine (phenothiazines)

inheritance of huntingtons chorea

autosomal dominant

bilateral frontal HA that is "band like" pressure, non-pulsatile

tension HA

classic vs common migraine

classic: w/ aura,
common: w/o aura

middle aged man that wakes up with recurrentt periorbital unilateral pain with associated lacrimination, eye redness, rhinorrhea

cluster HA

abortive txn of cluster HA

abortive 100% O2 and sumatriptain

brief epsiode of stabbing facial pain, worse with triggers like touching, movement,e ating

trigmineal neuralgia

what is trigmineal neuralgia associated with?


TXN trigmineal neuralgia?

oxcarbazepine, carbazepaine

jaw claudication, amaurosis fugax, TTP of temporal artery

temporal arteritis

DX of temporal arterities?

temporal artery bx

txn of temporal arteritis

steroids 60-80 mg

doctor projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto patient (Ex. Patient reminds doctor of younger sibling)


patient projects feelings about formative or other impt person onto physician (see physician as parent)


expressing unacceptable feelings and thoughts through actions (tantrums)

acting out

temporary drastic changes in personality, memory, etc to avoid emotional stress


transferring avoided ideas and feelings to some neutral person or object (mother yells at her child because husband yelled at her)


partially remaining at more childish level of development


modeling behavior after another person who is more powerful (but not necessarily admired)- abuser for example


separating feelings from ideas and events (Describing murder w/o no emotional response)


attributing an unacceptable internal impulse to an external source (man thinking about cheating, thinks his wife is cheating)


proclaiming logical reasons for actions actually performed for other reasons to avoid self blame


: replacing a warded off idea or feeling by an emphasis on the opposite

reaction formation

turning back the maturational clock and going back to earlier modes of dealing with the world


involuntary withholding an idea or feeling form conscious awareness


believing that people are either all good or all bad at different times due to intolerance of ambiguity (borderline)


what are mature defenses?

alturism, humor, sublimation, supperssion

who is typically the abuser in child abuse?

childs mother

most common form of child maltreatment?

child neglect

at least one month of sponatenous and unexpected occurence of attacks of palpitations, pounding heart, accelerated HR, smothering feeling of choking

panic disorder

treatment of acute panic disorer?

alprazolam, clonazepam

treatment of chronic panic disorder?

SSRI, paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxteine

TXN of benzo overdose?


withdrawl symptoms of BZ use?

insomnia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, pscyhomotor agitation, autonomic hyperactivity

treatment of choice in acute GAD?


first line treatment in chronic GAD?

SSRI- paroxetine

major mediators in GAD?

NE, serotonin

MC mental disorder

specific phobia

anxiety toward places or situations in which escape may be difficult or embarassing


uncontrolled anxiety for at least 6 mo's

generalized anxiety disorder

emotional symptoms following a psychosocial stressor lasting <6 mo's

adjustment disorder

recurring intrusive thoughts, feelings or sensations that cuase severe distress, relieved in part by performance of repetitive actions

obessisive compulsive disorder

preoccupation with minor or imagined defect in apperance?

body dysmorphic

hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention in mutliple settings



amphetamines, methylphenidate, atomeoxetine

poor social interactions, communication deficits, repetitive/ritualized behaviors, restricted interests; must present in early childhood

autistic spectrum disorder

first screening for autistic disorder?

at 18 mo's, 2nd at 24-30 mo's

hostile, defiant behavior towards authority figures in the absence of serious violations of social norms

oppositional defiant disorder

Repetitive and pervasive behavior that violates basic rights of others, <18 y/o, associated with antisocial personality disorder

conduct disorder


hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention

difficulites with language and failure to acquire or early loss of soical skills

pervasive devleopmental disorders

x linked disorder in females - regression characterized by loss of development, loss of verbal abilities, intellectual disability, ataxia, stereotyped hand wrining

rett syndrome

full development until 2, and then regression in 2/3: social, communication, behavior

childhood disintegrative disorder

order of loss of orientation

time place person

cardiac changes in anorexia?

prolonged QT, supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias

labs in anorexia?

elevated BUN, edema, acidosis, dehydration, hypoK
hypochloremic acidosis with vomiting, hyperaldosteronism

Normal BMI


hypomanic and depressive episode

bipolar II

at least 1 manic episode with or w/o hypomanic or depressive episode

bipolar 1

dysthymia and hypomania lasting at least 2 years


1st line treatment of bipolar?

Lithium,valproate, gabapentin, carbamazepine, topiramte

what to monitor with the patient on lithium?

TSH and monitor lithium level q 4- 8 weeks

less severe major depression x 2 years

dysthymic disorder

want to r/o with major depression

thyroid, addisons, cushings

patient being treated with depresison develops dizziness, tremors, lethargy, vivid dreams, concentration, depersonalization, crying spells, depressed mood, anxiety

SSRI discontinuation syndrome

mixture of words/phrases that are incoherent

word salad

shift between subjects that are totally unrelated

looseness of association

eventually gets to the point after delay in thought processes


disturbance in thought causing people to get off topic, but never gets back to the point
unable to provide an answer related to the questions


delusions, hallucinations, loose associations (patient unable to stay on topic), tangential response (can't provide answer to question), inappropriate agitation, sexual behavior


positive signs of schizophrenia

hallucinations/delusions, bizarre behavior

negative features of schizophrenia

blunted affect, isolation, anhdedonia, poor grooming, soical w/d, poor eye contact

fixed, persistent untrue belief system last >1 mo, funcitoning is not otherwise impaired

delusional disorder



RF for suicide

Male, teenager/elderly, depression, previous attempt, drug/alch use, loss of rational thinking, sickness, organized plan, no spouse, social support lacking

defensive, oversensitive, secretive, suspicious, hyperalert, limited emotional response, belief that spouse is cheating on them when they are not, no one is trustworthy

paranoid personality disorder

voluntary social w/d, limited emotional expression, content with social isolation


eccentric apperance, odd bleiefs, or magical thinking, social withdrawl?


hallmark symptom of schizophrenia?

auditory hallucinations

1st line outpatient of schizophrenia?


1st line of agitation in schizophrenia?

haldol or chlopromazine

txn of NMS?


risperidone may cause what


ziprasidone may doe what se?

prolong QT interval

treatment serotonin syndrome


Treatment coacine overdose?


Treatment BZ overdose?


treatment opioids overdose?


unstable mood and interpersonal relationships, impulsiviness, self mutilation, boredom, sense of empitness, splitting


treatment of hordeolum?

warm compresses, bactricacin or erythromcyin eye ointment

cyst clogging the meibomian gland


txn chalazion?

warm compresses, surgery, steroid injection

txn blepharitis?

baby shampoo, topical abx (erythromcyin, bacitracin)

unilateral or bilateral conjunctiva erythema and copious watery discharge with preauricular lymph nodes

viral conjunctivitis

MCC of viral conjunctivitis?

adenovrius type 3, 8, 19

TXN viral conjunctivitis?

eye rinses (flushing eye- eye lavage), hoot or cool compresses, no school
vasoconstrictor- antihistamine drops

bilateral copious wpurulent discharge from boht eyes?

bacterial conjunctivitis

MCC of bacterial conjunctivitis in...
young, pre-school

neonates- c. trachomatis
preschool: H influ
adults: staph, strep

clogged naslocariminal tear duct with bacterial super-infection


MCC of dacrocytitis?

staph aerus

conjunctivitsis in contact lense wearers and txn?

txn: fluoroquinolone

TXN overall for bacterial conjunctivitis

sodium sulfacetamine (bleph 10)
erythromycin ointment (chlamydia)

watery, itchy eyes, cehmosis, eyelid edema with a ropy mucous discharge

allergic conjunctivitis

TXN allergic conjunctivitis

epinastine, azelastine emedastine, levocabastine

rust ring on eye exam- treatment?

remove with rotating burr, refer to ophtlamologist, add polymoyxin bacitracin ointment

tear drop sign

blowout fracture

limited extraocular movement, diplopia, exophthalmos, empyshema, ecchymosis, swelling, subconjunctival hemorrhage, inability to look up (infraoritbal anesthesia)

blow out fracture

dx of blow out fracture?

orbital CT

txn of blowout fracture?

refer, prophylaxis abx, keep patient calm to avoid sneezing or anything that can icnrease pressure, nasal decongestants, ice packs, cold compresses

txn of dacrocystitis?

keflex or augmentin

most common etiologies of retinal detachment

proliferative DM retinoaphty, Sickle cell, advanced retinopathy of prematurity, penetrating trauma, retinal vein occlusion

flashing light, floaters, painless vision loss

retinal detachment

curtain coming down

retinal detachment

bleeding in the anterior chamber of the eye


hyphema MCC?

blunt trauma
other: child abuse, malignancy, sickle cell disease

TXN hyphema

most reabosrb on their own, but head of bed at 45 degrees, don't want TV or read, eye patch
refer if severe, bed rest

opacificaiton of hte lense of hte eye?


gradual onset of blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, translucent finding on slit lamp exam


cause of cataracts?

prolonged steorid use, statins, lack of sunglasses

leading cause of irreversible central vision loss?

macular degeneration

MCC of macular degeneration?


eye in macular degeneration?

drusen spots, atophy, mottling, retinal hemorrhage

treatment of orbital cellulitis?

IV antibiotics- vancoymycin, clindamycin, doxycycline

MCC of orbital cellulitis


inner turning of lower eyelid


outward turning of hte eyelid


yellow deposition on the conjunctiva, does n't grow over


triangular fleshy vascular thickening of conjunctiva usually from nasal side


#1 cause of ambylopia?


blue or cyanotic sclera

osteonesis imperfecta

what is the most common fundoscopic finding in patients with AIDS?

cotton wool spots

hard exudates, macular edema, maicroaneurysms, wet swollen retina, cotton wool spots, soft exudates, end stage: neovasculartization

DM retinopathy

cooton wool spots, AV nicking, hemorrahges, silver wiring, copper wiring

HTN retinopathy

most specific retinal change due to HTN?

AV nicking

papilledema automatically means what type of HTN?

malignant HTN

rendess, photophobia, pain, blurred vision, no discharge, circumocrneal injection, pupil responds poorly to light

acute uevitis

drusen spots

macular degeneration

meds that cuase macular degeneration?

choloroquine, phenothiazines

increased cupping of optic disk, teary aching eyes, progressive loss of peripheral vision?


treatment of glaucoma

brinzolamide/dorzolamide (carbonic anhydrase inhibitors)
timolol (BB)
Miotic drop (pilocarpine)

1st line treatment acute closure narrow angle glaucoma

IV acetazolamide

intraocular pressure reading in acute narrow angle glaucoma


pain with movement of the eye, vision loss

optic neuritis

what is optic neuritis associated with


most common cardiac arrhythmia?

atrial fib

atrial fib ___ x higher risk of death from thrombembolic events?


where is the most frequent source of autonomic foci in a fib?

pulmonary vein

what is teh most potent hormone in the body?


causes of afib?

CAD, myocarditis, pericarditis, collagen vascular disease, viral/bacterial infections, cardiac, esophageal or thoracic surgery
holidary heart-->alcohol
cocaine, methamphetamines
hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, CVA, SSAH

most common location for atrial throbmus in a fib?

left atrial appendage

rate control in A fib?

beta blocker, CCB, digoxin
1st line: cardizem (diltiazem)

rhythm control A Fib


amoidarone- what must you check?


Wollf parkinson white syndrome what is drug of choice


delta wave

Wollf parkinson white syndrome

INR target for warfarin?


what does warfarin affect?


what does heparin affect


what are contraindicated in 1st degree block?


PSVT treatmetn

vagal, adenosine

atrial flutter treatment

Cardizem, diltiazem

treatment 1st degree HB


treatment 2nd degree HB type 1

if symptomatic- atropine or pacer

treatment 2nd degree HB type 2


treatment 3rd degree HB


stoke-adams attack

syncope with sinus sinus syndrome

txn V tach with a pulse


txn of V tach with no pulse

defbriliation + CPR, then epi/vasopressin, then amiodarone, then lidocaine

medication that has shown to improve lifespan in CHf/


low sodium diet?

<2,000 mg

kerkley B lines

intersitital edema- CHF

BNP is released by?

ventricular tissue when ventricular pressure is increased

most subtle and common symptom in CHF?

chronic cough

beta blockers to be used in CHF?

bisorpolo, carvediolol, metoprolol sucicnate (q day)

what is the DASH diet?

low saturated fat, cholesterol, total fat; increased fresh fruits, veggies, low fat milk products, increased fiber, decreasef salt

what suppplies the AV node?


MCC Of shock?


what is postural hypotension?

greater than 20 mmHg drop in systolic BP between supine and sitting

what to give after a SAH to prevent vasospasm?


tram tracks


TXN of bronchiectasis

AMox Amox-clav, TMP-SMX, tetracyclines

abnormal permanent dilation of the bronchi and destruction of the bronchial walls


foul smelling purulent sputum


MCC of bronchiectasisi?


imaging modality of choice in bronchectasis?

thin slice CT scan

MC lethal, genetic dz affecitng caucasian population?


autosommal recessive disorder of chloride channels in exocrine glands?


MCC of infeciton in CF


definitive study to dx CF?

thin slice chest CT

only txn in CF that restores lung function

ivacaftor - G551d mutation

bright red facial flushing, diarrhea, occassional wehezing

carcinoid syndrome

what to check when you suspect carcinoid syndrome?

5-HIAA serotonin levels in urine
other: serotonin levels in blood, chromaogranin in blood, tryptophan in blood

tryptophan is diverted to form serotnin instead of niacin in this disease

carcinoid syndrome

most common cause of transudative pleural effusion?


most common cause of exudative pleural effusion?


cancer cause what type of pleural effusion


cirrhosis causes what type of pleural effusion?


gold standard for dx pleural effusion


blunting of costaphrenic angles, mediastinal shift away from fluid

pleural effusion

MCC of spontaneous pneumothorax?

rupture of a smal, air-filled sac in the lung (bleb)

chest tube insertion location?

5th ICS mid axillary line

needle decompresison insertion?

2nd ICS mid clavicular line on affected side

penetrating chest trauma followed by dullness adn decreased to absent breath sounds over the affected side, chest doesn't expand with the breathing


drug induced restrictive pattern of lung disease?

amiodarone, bleomyci

MCC Of intersitial lung disease?

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

eggshell calcificaiotns

upper lobes

which pneumoconiosis affects the upper lobes?

coal miners, silicosis

ivory white calcified pleural plaques


asbestosis affects which lobes?

lower lobes



diffuse lung injury secondary to systemic disease



mechanical ventilation (PEEP)

frothy pink sputum


generalized symptoms, fever, weight loss, fatigue, malaise, fever, erythema nodosum


MC site for sarcoidosis


tender, painful, poorly demarcated areas of eyrthema on pretibial area

erythema nodosum- sarcoidosis

noncaseating granulomas


hyperCa, elevated ESR, ACE I elevated


When does surfactant production begin

24th week

MC location of aspiration?

right middle lobe

definitive dx of aspiration?


Is d-dimer sensitive or specific for DVT, PE?


large A-a 02 gradient?

pulmonary embolism

gold standard for PE?


DX of PE- best test?

spiral CT

what test to use when kidneys are compromised in a patient with a PE?

VQ scans

MCC of pulm HTN?


primary pulmonary HTN?

young, female, self perpetruating disease that is fatal

physical exam findings on pulmonary HTN?

splitting S2, systolic ejection

test of cohice in pulmonary HTN?


gold standard in DX of pulm HTN?

R heart cath

jaundice, pruritis, fatigue, malaise, weight loss, associated with UC

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

new onset of DM in an elderly patient, what must you rule out?


pancreatic cancer in the body or tail presents with?

weight loss

pancreatic cnacer in the head persents with

steatorrhea, weight loss, jaundice

DX of pancreatitic cancer?

CT scan w/ bx

what type of cancer is pancreatitic cancer?


cancer marker for pancreatic cancer?

CA 19-9

MCC of upper GI bleeding?


MCC Lower GI bleed?


causes of dark stool?

bismuth, iron, spinach, licorice, charcoal

sqamous cell carcioma of the esophagus is associated with what RF?

smoking, alch consumption, AA

Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus is associated with what RF?

barrett's esophagus, GERD, white, men

where is SCC of the esophagus located?

upper and middle of the esophagus

where is adenoCx located?

distal 1/3

MC symptom of esophageal cancer?


initial test for dysphagia?

barium swallow

acquired motor disorder of the LES where it completely fails to relax and there is apersistalsis of the esophagua


MCC of achalasia world wide?


dysphagia to both solids and liquids and regurg


birds beak on barium enema?


how to confirm dx of achalasia?


best txn for achalasia?

dilation (pneumatic),
can also try botox q 2 years into the LES

dx diffuse esophageal spasm?


out pouching of posterior hypopharyynx leading to regurg?

zenkers diverituclum

Dysphagia, non-cardiac CP, no regurg?


Progressive dysphagia to solids, then liquids

esohpageal stricture

forceful or prolonged vomiting or coughing followed by vomiting bright red blood

mallory weiss tears

DX mallory weiss tears

EGD (upper endoscopy)

mucosal tear at the gastroesophageal junciton

mallory weiss tear

eosphageal perforation associated with alch binges, blunt trauma, bulmia, forceful vomiting, medical tubes

boerhaave's syndrome

hamman's crunch

mediastinal crunch- boerhaave's syndrome

CXR: air in mediastium

boerhaave's syndrome

definitive dx of boerhaave's syndrome

contrast esophogram

which PUD ulcer has increased risk malignancy?


MCC of gastric ulcers


eating makes this ulcer worse?

gastric ulcer

MCC of duodenal ulcers

H pylori

most common location of PUD?


shallow ulcers found on esophagitits patient?


treatment CMV esophagitits


multiple deep ulcers found on esophagitits patient?


white yellow plaques found on esophagitits patient?


DX test for ZES?

somatostatin receptor scintogrpahy

PUD symptoms that don't respond to therapy


increaed fasting serum gastrin concentration


MCC of adenoCX?

gastric cancer

loss of appetite, weight loss, premature abdominal fullness after meals, abd pain

gastric cancer

MCC Chronic gastritis

H pylori

strongest RF for gastric Ca

h pylori

string sign on barium swallow

pyloric stenosis

olive mass

pyloric stenosis

electrolyte abnormality in pyloric stenosis

hypochloremic alkalosis

MCC of SBO in adults?


MCC Of SOB in kids <2 y/o?


what electrolyte abnormality is common in SBO?

hypoK, hypochloremia

MC gi Emergency in <2 y/o?


currant jelly stool


sausage like mass


dx intussception

barium enema

TXN of intussception

barium enema

skip lesions, transmural, cobblestoning

crohns disease

complications of cronhns disease

obstruciton, fistula, abscesses, perforation,

DX of choice in crohns disease


which type of IBD has a greater risk for colon cancer?


continous from rectum, ucosal surface only



sulfaslaszine or mesalamine, prednisone
antibiotics if necessary cipro or metro



MC type of polyp?

non-neoplastic- hyperlastic

Adematous polyps

are benign polyps, but have malignant potential

MC type of adematous polyp?


most common polyp to turn malignant?


RF for polyp to be cancer?

large, atypia, histological type, sessile

deep rectal abscess/fistual are associated with what diseases?

crohn's disease, diverticulitis, Cancer, rectal TB, lymphogranuloma veneum

painful fluctuant area at sacrococygeal cleft

pilonidal dimples

MC location for anal fissure?

posterior midline

if anal fissure is off midline- what is the cause?

crohn's disease, HIV, TB, syphilis, anal cx

MCC rectal cancer



thiamine B 1 deficiency

burning feet syndrome


abnormal eye movements, stance and gait abnormalities, AMS, ocular disutranbaces, cerebellar ataxia, mental confusion in an alcholic?

thiamine B1 def, beriberi

beriberi symptoms-

wet: high COf failure, peripheral/pulm edema, cardiomegay
Dry: peripheral neuraopthy


irreversible short term memory loss and confabulation- due to vit B1 def


B3- niacin def

S/S of pellagra

4 D's: dermatitis, diarrhea, demetnia, death ,
bright red tongue, flushing, irritable, mouth soreness

when treating with isoniazid what must you alos given the patient?


B2 deficiency

cracks on sores of the outside of the lips (cheilosis), corners on sore of mouth (angular stomatitis), inflammation and redness of hte tongue

Vit C deficiency s/ss

bleeding, bruising easily, hair and tooth loss, joint pain, swelling, easy infection


vit C def

Vit A first sign?

night blindness

leading cuase of blindness worldwide?

vit A deficiency

vit A toxicity?

pseudomotor cerebri (increased ICP), HA

treatment warfarin overdose

vit K

what does vit K affect

PT and PTT

most common inborn erroro of protein metabolism?


txn PKU?

low protein foods (no meat, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs)

type of anemia seen in crohns' disease

macrocytic, hypochromic

type of anemia seen in UC?

microcytic hypochromic

pea soup


staph vs salmonella food poisining

staph is faster onset- 2-4 hours later, salmonella 8 to 72 hours later

txn shigella


low volume, blood mucus stools


txn salmonella


type of diarrhea that develops from drinking contaminaed water


dx of giardia

trophozoites or cysts in stool/ova on O and P exam

txn giardia


MC type of kidney stone?


radio-opaque sotones?

Calcium, struvite CAST

kidney stones associated with infeciton


radiolucent kideny stones

uric acid, cystine

what organisms are struvite sontes associated with/

urea-splitting sontes- proteus, klebsiella, pseudmonas, staphylococcus

MC spot for kidney stones to get stuck?

UVJ area

best test for kidney stones?

abd/pelvic US (helical ct)

surgical intervention for kidney stones at what point?

5-10 mm

txn of kidney stones <5 mm

toradol, morphine sulfate, opiates (dilaudid)
send home with alpha blocks, CCB

renal vascular disease is associated with what symptom?

flash pulmonary edema

dx of renal vascular disease


paint brush appearance of papillae?

medullary sponge disease

how is PCKD inherited?

autosomal dominant

what genes are affected in PCKD?

4 or 16, 16 is the mroe common-->faster progression

most frequent cause of genetic renal failure?


what disorders are associated with PCKD?

infected renal cysts/renal abscesses, nephrolithiasis, hepatic cyst, cardiac valvular disease, intracranial aneurysms

test of choice for PCKD?

abdominal utz

MCC of hydronephosis?


MC cause of glomerulonephritis?

IgA nephropathy

MCC Of IgA nephropathy

group A beta hemolytic strep

what titer is posiitve in IgA nephropathy

ASO titer

hemoptysis + dyspena + glomerunlonephritis

good pastures

hematuria, proteinuria, red blood cell casts


heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, hypercholesterolemia, normal reanl function

nephrotic syndrome

what are patients with nephrotic syndrome at risk for?

DVT (hypercoag)

who is nephrotic syndrome MC in?


excretion of more than 3.5 g/24 hr period of protein in the urine

nephrotic syndrome

MCC of nephrotic syndreom?

minimal change disease
or kids: post viral, adults: DM

fat oval bodies

nephrotic syndrome

foamy urine

nephrotic syndrome

MCC of acute renal failure?

decreased renal perfusion

acute tubular necrosis causes?

gentamycing (aminoclgyosides), NSAIDs, contrast)

how to prevent contrast induced acute renal failure?

bicarb, acetylcysteine, IVF

MCC of chronic renal failure?


second most common cause of chronic renal failure?


broad waxy casts in U/A significies

chronic renal failure

what stage do patients become symptomatic in CKD?

stage 4

stage 1 CKD

> 90 + albuminuria

stage 2 CKD?


stage 3 CKD?


stage 4 CKD?


Stage 5 CKD?


electrolytes in CKD?

acidosis, hyperK, hypoCa, hyperphosophate

multi nucleated giant cells

herpes simplex

koplik spots

rubeola (measles)

coryza, cough, conjuncitivitis, white spots on buccal mucosa

rubeola (measles)

Cause of rubeola (measles)


rash: begins behind the ears and moves to the face and neck and then travels down, red blanching macule, pruritic, lesions darken to brown and fade

rubeola (measles)

painful sunburn rash with tiny bumps that blanch, sandpaper like, strawberry tongue

scarlet fever

rubella and pregnancy

if mom gets it- first 20 weeks- 20% chance for SAB

erythema infectiosum,fifths disease is caused by?


slapped cheeks

erythema infecitosum

MCC of erythema infantum (roseola)

herpex virus 6, 7

high fever for several days then rash appears (maculopapular rash

erythema infantum

cause of molluscum contagiosum?

pox virus

flesh colored, waxy, dome shaped umbillicated papules, white curd like material may come out

molluscum contagiosum

number one cause of febrile seizures?

erythema infantum (roseola)

cause of chicken pox

varicella-zoster- HSV 3

txn of oral thrush

nystatin swish and swallow

what to monitor when treating with terbinafine or itracanzole?


griseflulvin- what must you avoid?

avoid EtOH (antabuse- flushing, HA, N/V, sweating)

broken hair shafts

tinea captius

cause of tinea versicolor?

malassezia furfur

KOH prep shows spaghetti and meatball appearance

teina versicolor

txn tinea versicolor

selenium sulfide lotion

what is melasma associated with?

pregnancy, OCPs

hyperpigmentation of the sun exposed areas?


most common cutaneous cyst

epidermal inclusion cyst

disease of apocrine sweat glands that leads to chronic cysts, not associated with hair follicles, open comedones and sinus tracts form and may drain purulent material

hidradentitis suppurative

where are pressure ulcers MC?

hip and sacrum

stage 1 pressure ulcer

non-blaching erythema, skin intact

stage II pressure ulcer

necrosis, superficial, partial thickness

stage III pressure ulcer

deep necrosis, crater ucler with full thickness and skin loss

stage IV pressure ulcer

full thickness ulceration including bone and msk

what is vtiligo associated with

thyroid disease, PA< DM, Addisons disease

depigmentation of the skin, hypopigmentation


txn of burns

1st degree: cool compresses
2nd/3rd: tetanus shot, silver sulfadiazine, fluid/electrolytes, debrideement if necessary

Parkland formula

IVF requirements for hte first 24 hours after burn
4 cc/kg x % BSA burned
1/2 over first 8 hours after injury and second half over next 16 hours

MC type of hip fracture?


MC type of hip dislocation?


MC type of femur fracture?

mid shaft

internally rotated and flexed hip dislocation?


most sensitive test for ACL tear


MC ligament tear in ankle?


positive thompson test

achilles rupture

MC primary bone cancer?


hyperCa, renal failure, anemia, bone pain


bence-jones proteins


onion line appearance, MC on diaphysis- what type of bone cancer?


bone cancer: MC: metaphysis, codman triagnle, sunburst


MCC septic arthritis?


IVDU and septic arthritits- what organism?


septic arthritis in a young adult


TXN septic arthritis caused by staph/


treatment of gonococcal arthritis?


txn of septic arthritis in an IVDU


most common joint in septic arthritis?

knee, hip

MC joint disease?


loss of articular cartilage in the joints


herbeden nodes

DIP jionts- OA

bouchards nodes?

PIP joints- OA

DX of septic arthritis?


pain localized to the third web space of the foot with a palpable mass

mortron neuroma

toeing in for a child <2 y/o is cuased by?
>2 y/o

tibial torsion
femoral anteversion

primary vs secondary osteoporosis

primary can either be due to a postmenopauseal state (type 1)- trabecular bone
or age related (type 2- senile)- trabecular and cortical bone
and secondary is due to a genetic d/o or other disease process

most common locations for osteoporosis fractures?

vertebral fractures, distal radius, hip

DEXA scan screenings?

>65 y/o q 2 years
>65 y/o: if RF or fracture or medical issues

T score vs Z score

T-score: healthy, young individuals
Z score : number of standard deviations below or above whats normal for your sex, age, weight, race
<-2.5 is osteoporosis
1-2.5: osteopenia

first line therapy for osteoporosis?

bisphonsophonates - "ronate and zoledronic acid)

how do bisphonsates work?

by inhibiting osteoclastic activity

SE of bisphosonates?

ostenoecrosis of jaw and esophagitits and avascular necrosis

how to dx fibromyalgia?

11/18 tender points

three months of widespread body wide pain with defined tender points associated with depresison, anxiety


mCC of gout?

underexcretion of uric acid

needle shaped negatively birefringence crystals


1st line treatment in acute gout?


how does colchiicine work?

Inhibits neutrophil and motility action= antinflammatory

how does allopurinol work?

Inhibits xanthine oxidase?less allopurinol created

how does probenecid work?

Inhibits reabsorption of urice acid in PCT

MC location pseudogout?

knee, wrist

rhomboid weakly birefrigent positive


TXN pseudogout?

NSAIDs, steroid injections,

vasculitis of small and medium arteries

polyarteritis nodosa

DX of polyarteritis nodosa?

vessel bx, angiography

TXN polyarteritis nodosa?

high dose steroids

livedo reticularis

lacey rash over extremities- polyarteritis nodosa

inflammation of the straited msk


what is polymyositis associated with?

occult malignancy

insidious painless, proximal limb and neck weakness, malar or heliotrope, polyarthralgias?


TXN polymyositits?


msk weakness,f ever, abd pain, weight loss, arthrlagias, livedo reticularis

polyarteritis nodosa

pain, stiffness in shoulder and pelvic girlde, stiffness worse in the AM, no msk weakness

polymyaglia rheumatica

txn polymyalgia rheumatica?


vasculitis in the kidneys and resp tract?

wegner's granulomatotisis

tetrad of reactive arthritis

conjunctivitis, arthritis, urethritis, mucosal ulcers

causes of reactive arthritis?

STI (Chlamydia- MC in males); or GI: shigella, salmonella, campylobacter

TXN of reactive arthritis?

NSAIDs (indomethacin)
doxy if chlamydia present
may try sulfasalazine or methotrexate

dactylitis (sausage appearnace of joints)

psoriatic arthritis

pencil in a cup

psoriatic arhtritis

TXN of psoriatic arthritis?


what to avoid in psoriatic arthritis?

antimalarials, CS

MC joint location for RA?

PIP, CMP, wrist joint, knees, feet, ankles

where is RA never?

DIP joint!

swan neck defomirty


boutonnier's defomirty


ulnar deviation


what is fetly syndrome?

deforming RA, splenomegaly, neutropenia

what heart comps occur in RA?

pericarditis, myocarditis, CHF

type of anemia in RA?

normochromic, normocytic anemia

1st line treatment RA?

DMARDS- methotrexate and NSAIDs

high spiking fevers in a child, with salmon pink macular rash on teh chest, and mayalgias?

systemic arhritits (still's disease)

symmetrical joint involvement of >5 joints, ANA positive, elevated ESR

polyarticular onset juvenile arthritis

girl that walks funny in the AM, but improves during the day, <4 arthritic joints?

pauciarticular juvenile arthritis

what is the most common complication in pauciarticular juvenile arthritis

uveitis- need yearly screenings

first line treatment of juvenile arthritis?


deposition of collagen into skin and other organs that leads to thickened, hardened skin


calcinosis, Raynaud's, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactylyl, telangiectasis

scleroderma- limited (CREST syndrome)

anticentromere antibody?


anti-SCL 70

diffuse scleroderma

TXN scleroderma

no cure, just symptoms
ACEI for renal crsisi
PPI for reflux
CCB for raynauds

most specific antibody for lupus?

anti-smith and anti- double stranded DNA (anti-dsDNAs

most common presentation of lupus?


where is joint pain common in lupus?

hand, wrist

drugs that cause lupus like syndrome?

procainamide, isoniazid, hydralazine, quinidine, phenytoin, parovirus b19

autoimmune disease that destroys exocrine glands that produce tears/saliva?