SAT vocab

Recluse, noun

Someone who withdraws from society, loner/hermit

Pedestrian, adj

performed in an unimaginative manner, dull/monotonous/uninspired/medicore

Denounce, verb

proclaim as evil, condemn/criticize/accuse

Inconsequential, adj

having no significance, unimportant/insignificant/minor/trivial

Profusion, noun

abundant quantity; lavish expenditure, abundance/excess/plenty - Windflowers flourish in great profusion.

Constraint, noun

embarrassed awkwardness/repression of feelings, limitation/restriction/embarrassment - They felt some constraint.

Prosaic, adj

dull and unaimaginative, pedestrian/commonplace/ordinary

Relegate, verb
(The manager swiftly relegated him to a position...)

consign to an inferior position, assign/banish

Astute, adj

characterized by shrewdness and clear-signtedness, perceptive/sharp/wise/clever

Ponderous, adj
(The elephant is ponderous)

very heavy; awkward because of its heaviness; tedious, lacking fluency, weighty/massive/unwieldy

Austere, adj


Flippant, adj
(...his earnest flippant "Oh, that you...")

lacking proper seriousness, frivolous/impertinent/disrespectful

Elusive, adj
(The fish was too elusive)

Hard to grasp/capture, evasive/baffling

Decorum, noun

appropriatness in behavior, correctness/politeness

Cordial, adj
(A cordial welcome)

warmly friendly, sincerely felt, gracious/affable/heartfelt

Endorse, verb
(Which of the candidates would the mayor endorse.)

give support to, approve/back/sponsor

Elated, adj
(Skier was elated by her victory.)

in high spirits, overjoyed/thrilled/jubilant

Expedite, verb
(... Amazon to have them expedite the shipping...)

Speed up the progress of (a process), accomplish with promptness

Devious, adj
(J's plan was so devious, others had problems following it.)

not straightforward; departing from accepted conduct, roundabout/cunning

Frivolous, adj
(Bill's frivolous companionship)

lacking in seriousness, inconsequential/thoughtless/lighthearted

Incisive, adj

highly direct and decisive, keen/cutting/acute/sharp, "prenikav�

Candor, noun
"...she was hoping for compliments, not for candor.

open honesty, frankness/truthfulness

Conflagration, noun
"In the conflagration that followed, the earthquake,...

great fire, inferno/blaze

Linger, verb
"...the smell lingered...

continue to exist, although losing strength, persist/remain

Prolific, adj

highly productive

Contract, verb
1. "Cold metal contracts."
2. "In Malaysia, he contracted malaria.

1. reduce in size; 2. become affected by (a disease)
1. compress/shrink; 2. incur/be affected with

Ominous, adj
"Those clouds are ominous; they suggest a severe storm is on its way.

having an alarming character - not a person, that threatens evil (is on its way in one form or another), threatening/menacing/unpromising

Ascendancy, noun
"Religious cults maintain ascendancy over their followers.

position of dominance; controlling influence, domination/power/superiority

Futile, adj
"It is futile for me to study.

incapable of serving any useful purpose, useless

Presumptuous, adj
"Matilda though it was presumptuous of the young man to have addressed her without first having been introduced.

taking liberties; excessively forward - TR�FAL�, arrogant/overconfident/insolent

Deplore, verb
"Although the advice columnist deplored the high rate of divorce nowadays, she realized hat not every marriage could be saved.

regret strongly; express grief over, lissaprove/lament/?utova?

Coercion, noun

use force to compel someone to obey

Augment, verb

make larger/more numerous, supplement/enlarge/increase/add to

Acclaim, verb

announce with great approval, applaud/praise

Diffidence, noun

lack of confidence, shyness/reserve/unassertiveness

Insularity, noun
"British insularity is proverbial, ...

narrow provincial PoV, narrow-mindedness, provinciality

Patronize, verb
"Penniless artists hope to find some wealthy art lover who will patronize them. If a waiter patronized me, talking down to me, I'd refuse to patronize his restaurant.

1. provide support for; 2. act superior toward; 3. be a customer of
1. assist/foster; 2. condescend/snub; 3. frequent/shop at

Levity, noun
"Giggling - such levity is improper in church.

lack of proper seriousness, frivolity/flippancy

Disposition, noun

1. final arrangement; 2. temperamental makeup/mood
1. settlement/distribution; 2. character/personality/temperament

Voluble, adj
"Excessively voluble speakers suffer from logorrhea: they run off the the mouth a lot!

tending to talk easily or rapidly, fluent/glib/talkative

Proliferation, noun

rapid increase in numbers, spread/multiplication/propagation/increase

Precocious, adj

advanced in development - people, gifted/smart/mature/advanced

Hamper, verb
"...hamper her ability...

interfere with, hinder/obstruct/impedes

Cogent, adj
"cogent arguments

strongly appealing to reason; well argued, convincing/persuasive/logical/sound

Paucity, noun
"paucity of customers

smallness of quantity or number, scarcity/lack/dearth/scantiness

Tantamount, adj
"Because so few Southern blacks could afford to pay to poll tax, imposing such a tax on voters was tantamount to denying black voters the right to vote.

corresponding in some respects; alike in quantity effect or values, equivalent/synonymous

Viable, adj

practical/workable, feasible/practicable

Precarious, adj
"precarious investment

dependent on unknown conditions or circumstances -> dangerous, insecure/unsafe/risky

Lofty, adj
"lofty ambitions

very elevated in character; rising to an impressive height, noble/exalted/superior/towering

Virulent adj
"Laid up with a virulent case of measles, Vera blamed her doctors... She became quite virulent on the subject of the quality of modern medical care.

1. extremely severe; highly noxious, 2. spitefully hostile
1. poisonous/toxic/destructive; 2. bitter