Obtaining an Aliginate Impression


Tumble the container to gently fluff powder. Explain the procedure to the patient.


Select and/or prepare suitable impression tray. Rigid rim-lock or perforated trays are recommended. Try the maxillary and mandibular trays in the patient's mouth to ensure comfort.


Dip supplied scoop lightly into powder until the scoop is full. Do not pack scoop. Tap scoop against the side of the container to ensure ensure full measure without voids. Scrape excess off with spatula to achieve level scoop.


Empty two scoops of powder into dry mixing bowl for the mandibular impression, and three scoops of powder for the maxillary impression. For one single use pouch, tear open and empty it contents into the bowl.


For two scoops, add two-thirds measurement of the alginate powder measuring cup of room temperature water. For each three scoops of powder, add one full measure of water so that all three increments on the water measuring cup are used. Note that cooler wa


Mix water and powder carefully until all powder is wet. Once all powder is incorporated, continue to spatulate in a vigorous fashion. Do not whip or stir the alginate material. The spatula should be flattened using pressure against the bowl to reduce inco


Once the alginate appears homogeneous and creamy, put it into the tray. To minimize the trapping of air, wipe the loaded spatula against the tray rim, allowing materials to flow from the spatula into the tray. Load the mandibular tray from the lingual sid


Use a wet finger to smooth the alginate surface, to eliminate any air pockets trapped near the surface, and to remove excess material from posterior area. Ask the patient to relax and take a deep breath trough the nose and to keep breathing trough the nos


Insert filled tray into the mouth. Use the side of the tray to push one side of the cheek out of the way and and a finger on the other side to do the same thing, and then slide the tray into the mouth. For an impression of the mandibular arch, ask the pat


Push firmly up when seating the maxillary tray and press firmly down when seating the mandibular tray. Do not overseat or press the tray to touch the teeth. Immediately lift the patient's lips loosely over the tray so impressions of the oral vestibule and


Once the material has set, gently break the seal by moving the tray up and down or using side to finger at periphery. Snap the tray loose from the arch and remove the impression tray from the patient;'s mouth, protecting the opposite arch with a finger.


Check for and remove any residual material from the mouth between the teeth , or form around the patient's face. Give the patient a damp tissue and have her or him rinse with warm water.


Rinse impression thoroughly under running water. Spray with disinfectant solution, wrap in a wet paper towel, and place in a labeled plastic bag before pouring. Do not store impression submerged in water.