ad hoc
when used to describe programming, it means a quick fix for a problem, not usually the best example that will sustain an issue.
a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly selected the desired pieces of data. Often abbreviated DB
data abstraction
In a computer program a variable is named section of memory, e.g., 'X', that can store a piece of data - i.e., a number or a word or a list of objects. When we want to manipulate the data, we can use its name rather than the data itself.
data aggregation
process in which information is gathered and expressed in a summary form for purposes such as statistical analysis
data mining
a class of database applications that look for hidden patterns in a group of data that could be used to predict future behavior
procedural abstraction
An example might be the square root procedure, which calculates the square root of X, sqrt(X). The nice thing about procedures is that they hide the details of how they carry out their task.
data repository
generically refers to a general place where data is stored and maintained
data sources
name given to the connection setup from a database to a server. The name is commonly used when creating a query to the database
digital detritus
term used to describe unsightly debris that accrues as the result of the experience of digital living
a collection of documents about a person, event, or subject
event data recorder
the phrase used to describe the method of preparing data for storage or transmission
the translation of data into secret code
IP address
an identifier for devices on a TCP/IP network
data about data; describes how and when and by whom a particular set of data was collected, and how data is formatted
a request for information from a database
radio frequency identification, similar to barcodes
short for binary digit
in internet terminology, a generic term for a list of email addresses or IP addresses that are origination with known spammers
any symbol that requires one byte of storage
a metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems
data is distinct information that is formatted in a special way. Data exists in a variety of forms, like text on paper or bytes stored in electronic memory
data center
are physical or virtual infrastructures used by enterprises to house computer, server and networking systems and components for the company's IT (information technology) needs
data network
a telecommunications network which allows computers to exchange data
disk drive
a randomly addressable and rewritable storage device
intellectual property
refers to any property that is created using original thought. Traditional intellectual property include patents, copyrights, and trademarks.
Moore's Law
The number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits has doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented.
a group of two or more computer systems linked together
short for microprocessor or CPU
social networking
a social structure made of nodes that are generally individuals or organizations. A social network represents relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, animals, computers, or other information/knowledge processing entities
a generic name for a list of email address or IP addresses that are considered to be spam free
multitasking computers are capable of executing several tasks, or programs, at the same time
pertaining to a number system that has just two unique digits
short for robot, a computer program that runs automatically.
a special high-speed storage mechanism
prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network
in multiprocessing systems, the process that is currently accepting input from the keyboard or other input device
hypertext markup language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages
abbreviation of uniform resource locator it is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web
a formula or set of steps for solving a particular problem.
a device or system that represents changing values as continuously variable physical quantities
a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127
cloud computing
comparable to grid computing, cloud computing relies on sharing resources rather than having local servers handle applications.
the art of protecting information by transforming it into an unreadable format, called cipher text
any system based on discontinuous data or events. Computers are digital machines because at the basic level they can distinguish between just two values, 0 and 1.
digital signal processing
(DSP) refers to manipulating analog information
to copy data (usually an entire file) from a main source to a peripheral device
lossless compression
data compression techniques in which no data is lost.
lossy compression
data compression techniques in which some amount of data is lost. This technique attempts to eliminate redundant information.
used to describe data storage, 1,048,576 bytes (abbreviated MB)
one million pixels, used in reference to the resolution of a graphics device
process of representing a real-world object of phenomenon as a set of mathematical equations.
optical character recognition, the branch of computer science that involves reading text from paper and translating the images into a form that the computer can manipulate
short for a picture element, a single point in a graphic image
the rectangular area of a display screen actually being used to display images
refers to the process of adding realism to a computer graphics by adding 3-D qualities, such as shadows and variations in color and shade.
spam is electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings
the art and science of hiding information by embedding messages within other, seemingly harmless messages
to transmit data from a computer to a bulletin board service, mainframe, or network.
advanced encryption standard, a symmetric 128-bit block data encryption technique
certification authority
(CA), a trusted organization or company that issues digital certificates used to create digital signatures and public-private key pairs
cipher text
data that has been encrypted
data encryption standard, a popular symmetric-key encryption method that uses a 56-bit key and uses a block cipher method which breaks text into 64-bit blocks and then encrypts them
the process of decoding data that has been encrypted into a secret format
the translation of data into secret code
a piece of message transmitted over a packet-switching network
plain text
refers to textual data in ASCII format. Plain text is the most portable format because it is supported by nearly every application on every machine
a device that forwards data packets along networks. A router is connected to at least two networks are located at gateways
centralized systems
collect files at a central computer for people to download
a system of sharing that minimizes the need for fine-grained property restrictions
dynamic random access memory
digital rights management
each computer in a file-sharing network maintains a list of other computers in the network.
1,024 megabytes or 1,073,741,824 bytes
peer-to-peer architecture
a type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities
the unauthorized use or reproduction of another's work
sealed storage
an application that lets you encrypt files in such a way that they can be decrypted only on particular computers that you specify.
trusted platform module