What are the two main parts of the nephron? 1)
A) the efferent and afferent arteriole
B) the renal corpuscle and the renal tubule
C) glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption
D) the glomerulus and the proximal convoluted tubule

the renal corpuscle and the renal tubule

Which of the following describes the order in which blood flows through the nephron? 2)
A) efferent arteriole, glomerulus, afferent arteriole
B) glomerulus, afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole
C) afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole
D) af

afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole

Which of the following is NOT a function of the kidneys? 3)
A)afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole
B) maintenance of acid-base balance of the blood
C) maintenance of plasma osmolarity
D) maintenance of electrolyte balance in the body

afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole

Which of the following should NOT be found in the filtrate in the Bowman's capsule? 4)
A) glucose B) potassium
C) white blood cells D) sodium

white blood cells

Which structures form the filtration membrane in the nephron? 5)
A) afferent arteriole and the efferent arteriole
B) afferent arteriole and the glomerular capsule
C) efferent arteriole and the glomerular capsule
D) glomerulus and the glomerular capsule

glomerulus and the glomerular capsule

Which of the following resulted in an increase in glomerular filtration rate? 6)
A) increasing the efferent arteriole diameter and increasing the afferent arteriole diameter
B) increasing the efferent arteriole diameter
C) decreasing the efferent arteriol

decreasing the efferent arteriole diameter and increasing the afferent arteriole diamet

Which of the following resulted in a decrease in glomerular capillary pressure? 7)
A) decreasing the afferent arteriole diameter and increasing the afferent arteriole diameter
B) decreasing the afferent arteriole diameter
C) increasing the efferent arteri

increasing the efferent arteriole diameter and decreasing the afferent arteriole diameter

What is the normal range for glomerular filtration rate? 8)
A) 20-40 ml/min B) 80-140 ml/min
C) 1-5 ml/min D) 200-250 ml/min

80-140 ml/min

What is(are) the driving force(s) for filtration in the nephron? 9)
A) hydrostatic pressure gradients, osmotic pressure gradients and Starling forces
B) osmotic pressure gradients
C) hydrostatic pressure gradients and osmotic pressure gradients
D) hydrost

hydrostatic pressure gradients, osmotic pressure gradients and Starling forces

The functions of the nephron include all of the following EXCEPT _______. 10)
A) tubular secretion B) glomerular secretion
C) glomerular filtration D) tubular reabsorption

glomerular secretion

In this activity, we will explore the effect of _______. 11)
A) dehydration on glomerular filtration rate
B) blood pressure on glomerular filtration rate
C) breathing on glomerular filtration rate
D) excessive waste products in the blood on glomerular fil

blood pressure on glomerular filtration rate

What is the name for the "ball" of capillaries found in the renal corpuscle? 12)
A) afferent arteriole B) glomerulus
C) peritubular capillaries D) efferent arteriole


As the pressure in the beaker was increased, which of the following occurred? 13)
A) Glomerular filtration rate decreased, and urine volume decreased.
B) Glomerular filtration rate increased, and urine volume increased.
C) Glomerular filtration rate decre

Glomerular filtration rate increased, and urine volume increased

The pressure in the left source beaker simulates _______. 14)
A) capsular pressure B) glomerular hydrostatic pressure
C) osmotic pressure D) blood pressure

blood pressure

With the valve between the collecting duct and the urinary bladder closed, _______. 15)
A) the glomerular pressure increased B) the glomerular filtration rate was zero
C) the glomerular pressure decreased D) urine volume was zero

urine volume was zero

With the valve between the collecting duct and the urinary bladder closed and with the pressure
increased, _______.
A) the glomerular pressure increased
B) the glomerular filtration rate increased
C) the glomerular filtration rate increased and the gl

the glomerular filtration rate increased and the glomerular pressure increased

Altering the radii of the afferent and efferent arterioles provides for _______. 17)
A) glomerular filtration rate homeostasis
B) blood pressure homeostasis and glomerular filtration rate homeostasis
C) blood pressure homeostasis
D) glomerular hydrostatic

glomerular filtration rate homeostasis and glomerular hydrostatic pressure homeostasis

Because the alteration of the afferent or efferent arteriole occurs within the nephron, we refer to this
mechanism as _______.
A) extrinsic B) independent C) compensatory D) intrinsic


Which of the following would decrease glomerular filtration rate? 19)
A) increasing the efferent arteriole radius or decreasing the efferent arteriole radius
B) decreasing the efferent arteriole radius
C) increasing the efferent arteriole radius
D) increa

increasing the efferent arteriole radius or decreasing the afferent arteriole radius

In this activity, the drain beaker (second beaker in the flow) simulates the _______. 20)
A) vasa recta B) renal vein
C) peritubular capillaries D) renal artery

renal vein

When the beaker pressure was lowered, which of the following decreased? 21)
A) urine volume
B) glomerular filtration rate
C) glomerular pressure, glomerular filtration rate and urine volume
D) glomerular pressure
E) glomerular pressure and glomerular filt

glomerular pressure, glomerular filtration rate and urine volume

When blood pressure increases, what changes can occur to maintain glomerular filtration rate? 22)
A) constriction of the afferent arteriole
B) dilation of the afferent arteriole
C) dilation of the efferent arteriole
D) dilation of the efferent arteriole a

constriction of the afferent arteriole and dilation of the efferent arteriole

When the efferent arteriole constricts, _______. 23)
A) urine volume decreases
B) the glomerular filtration rate decreases
C) the back pressure in the Bowman's capsule increases
D) the glomerular capillary pressure increases

the back pressure in the Bowman's capsule increase

Interstitial fluid is located in the _______. 24)
A) tubule lumen B) glomerulus
C) peritubular capillaries D) spaces surrounding the kidney tubule

spaces surrounding the kidney tubule

Secretion of ADH would _______. 25)
A) decrease urine output B) decrease glomerular filtration rate
C) increase urine output D) increase glomerular filtration rate

decrease urine output

The reabsorption of water and solutes _______. 26)
A) depends on concentration gradients
B) is passive
C) is into the peritubular capillaries
D) is passive and is into the peritubular capillaries
E) is passive, depends on concentration gradients and is in

is passive, depends on concentration gradients and is into the peritubular capillaries

When ADH is present in the filtrate, _______. 27)
A) urine output increases
B) urine concentration increases and urine output increases
C) urine concentration increases
D) urine concentration decreases
E) urine concentration decreases and urine output inc

urine concentration increases

What happened to the urine volume when the solute gradient in the interstitial space was
A) The urine volume stayed the same. B) The urine volume increased.
C) The urine volume went to zero. D) The urine volume decreased.

The urine volume decreased.

What happened to the urine concentration when the solute gradient in the interstitial space was
A) The urine concentration went to zero. B) The urine concentration stayed the same.
C) The urine concentration decreased. D) The urine concentr

The urine concentration increased.

What will happen to the urine volume if ADH is NOT added to the collecting duct? 30)
A) The urine volume will increase. B) The urine volume will stay the same.
C) The urine volume will decrease. D) The urine volume will go to zero.

The urine volume will increase.

Glucose is reabsorbed _______. 31)
A) through transmembrane proteins
B) into the peritubular capillaries
C) by secondary active transport
D) by facilitated diffusion
E) All of the above are correct

All of the above are correct

Glucose reabsorption occurs in the _______. 32)
A) descending limb of the loop of Henle B) collecting duct
C) proximal convoluted tubule D) glomerular capsule

proximal convoluted tubule

Glucose is transported _______. 33)
A) through the basolateral membrane by cotransport with sodium
B) through the apical membrane by facilitated diffusion
C) through the basolateral membrane by facilitated diffusion
D) through the basolateral membrane by

through the basolateral membrane by facilitated diffusion

As the number of glucose carriers increased, the concentration of glucose in the _______. 34)
A) distal tubule increased and bladder decreased
B) distal tubule decreased and bladder decreased
C) distal tubule decreased
D) distal tubule increased
E) bladde

distal tubule decreased and bladder decreased

At which concentration of glucose carriers was the glucose concentration reduced to zero? 35)
A) 300 B) 100 C) 200 D) 400


When the glucose transport maximum is reached, _______. 36)
A) glucose is excreted in the urine and all of the glucose is reabsorbed
B) glucose is excreted in the urine
C) glucose is excreted in the urine and not all of the glucose is reabsorbed
D) not al

glucose is excreted in the urine and not all of the glucose is reabsorbed

ADH is produced in the _______. 37)
A) hypothalamus B) posterior pituitary
C) anterior pituitary D) adrenal cortex


The secretion of aldosterone is directly stimulated by _______. 38)
A) angiotensin I B) angiotensin II
C) renin D) a change in body fluid osmolarity

angiotensin II

The secretion of ADH is directly stimulated by _______. 39)
A) a change in body fluid osmolarity B) angiotensin II
C) angiotensin I D) renin

a change in body fluid osmolarit

Which of the following is(are) hormones? 40)
A) renin
C) aldosterone
D) ADH and aldosterone
E) ADH, aldosterone and renin

ADH and aldosterone

The addition of aldosterone _______. 41)
A) decreased the urine volume to zero B) decreased the urine volume
C) resulted in no change in urine volume D) increased the urine volume

decreased the urine volume

With ADH added but in the absence of aldosterone, _______. 42)
A) urine volume decreased
B) the potassium concentration increased
C) the potassium concentration increased and urine volume decreased
D) the potassium concentration decreased and urine volume

the potassium concentration increased and urine volume decreased

The urine was the most concentrated _______. 43)
A) with aldosterone without ADH B) with both ADH and aldosterone
C) without both ADH and aldosterone D) with ADH but without aldosterone

with both ADH and aldosterone

Which hormone had the greater effect on urine volume? 44)
A) aldosterone
C) Both ADH and aldosterone had an equal effect on urine volume.
D) Neither ADH nor aldosterone affected urine volume.