Key Words - Chemistry - Chemical Reactions

Balanced Chemical Equation

A chemical equation with the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation.


A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being permanently changed itself.

Chemical Change

A change of one substance into a new substance.

Chemical Equation

A shorthand method used to describe chemical reactions using chemical formulas and other symbols.

Chemical Formula

A chemical shorthand that uses symbols to tell what elements are in a compound and their ratios.

Chemical Property

A characteristic of a substance that describes how it can form a new substance.

Chemical Reaction

A process in which one or more substances are changed into new substances.


The number before a chemical formula that shows how many molecules are involved in a chemical reaction.

Combustion Reaction

A type of chemical reaction in which a substance reacts with oxygen to produce energy in the form of heat and light.

Decomposition Reaction

A type of chemical reaction in which one substance breaks down into two or more substances.

Double Displacement Reaction

A type of chemical reaction that produces a precipitate, water, or a gas when two (ionic) compounds in solution are combined.

Endothermic Reaction

A chemical reaction that requires heat energy in order to proceed.

Exothermic Reaction

A chemical reaction in which energy is primarily given off in the form of heat.


A substance that slows down a chemical reaction or prevents it from occurring.

Law of Conservation of Mass

A law what states that in a chemical reaction, atoms are neither created nor destroyed.


The loss of electrons from the atoms of a substance.

Physical Change

Any change in size, shape, or state of matter in which the identity of the substance remains the same.

Physical Property

Any change in size, shape, or state of matter in which the identity of the substance remains the same.


An insoluble compound that comes out of solution during a double displacement reaction.


In a chemical reaction, the new substance that is formed.


In a chemical reaction, the substance that reacts.


The gain of electrons by the atoms of a substance.


A number written slightly below and to the right of a chemical symbol that shows how many atoms of an element are in a compound.

Synthesis Reaction

A type of chemical reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a different substance.