Domestic division of labour, impact of paid work and decision making


Joint and segregated conjugal roles

Willmott and young

Symmetrical family and march of progress


Men help with tasks of their choice rather than taking on responsibilities


Woman's dissatisfaction with domestic burden

Warde and hetherington

Sex-typing of tasks

Mintel market research

Middle class young men are most likely to. E semi sharer or newish man

Duncombe and marsden

Triple shift - emotional, work and domestic


Negotiated roles - woman choose domestic work, feminist myths

Oxford university

Cohabiting and educated men show greater role sharing

Office for national statistics

Woman spend longer on housework then men; w 2 1/2 hrs a day M 1 hr

British social attitudes report

Liberal attitudes towards gender roles but this is yet to be reflected in a change of behaviour


Unemployed men contribute little as they already feel emasculated


Working woman still have more domestic responsibilities but do less than non working wives


Trend is towards gender equality

Man-Yee kan

Full time working woman are responsible for 65% of household chores and the more woman earned the led housework she did! leave, of education affected the role sharing

Silver and schor

Death of housewife role due to commercialisation

Ferri and smith

Dual burden of labour - paid employment has not reduced the burden of domestic labour for woman

Arber and ginn

Paid childcare reduces burden for middle class woman

Gregson and Lowe

Middle class woman employ working class domestic help reducing their domestic burden


Woman are more likely to be performing jobs with emotional work e.g air stewardess


Compared this to a sick child; looking after everyone


Men are more likely to make the important decisions as they earn more, woman make less important decisions


Pooling; husband controlled, wife controlled, husband control, wife control


Middle class wives generally differed to their husbands in major decisions. Interests of wives and families are subordinated to the mans career


If men were unemployed woman made decisions on cutbacks and bills