Psychology101: study guide 3

Significant dysfunction in a person's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors is most clearly an indication of learned helplessness.


In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association discontinued classifying homosexuality as a disorder because mental health workers came to consider same-sex attraction as NOT inherently dysfunctional.


Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are major symptoms of ADHD.


ADHD is diagnosed less often in girls than in boys. In the decade after 1987, a(n) increasing proportion of American children have been treated for this disorder.


According to the medical model, psychological disorders are sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and in most cases cured.


The medical model of psychologically disordered behavior is most likely to be criticized for neglecting the importance of social circumstances and psychological factors.


Some psychological disorders occur primarily in one culture. However, schizophrenia occurs worldwide.


The DSM-IV-TR is most clearly designed to classify psychological disorders.


The DSM-IV-TR is most likely to be criticized for classifying an excessively broad range of human behaviors as psychologically disordered.


The prominent feature of mood disorders is the experience of emotional extremes.


A major depressive disorder is most likely to be characterized by feelings of personal worthlessness.


A disorder in which an individual is happy, hyperactive, and wildly optimistic with dangerously poor judgment being common, is known as mania


According to the social-cognitive perspective, women are more vulnerable to depression than men because they are more likely to feel overwhelmed by all they have to do.


The risk of suicide is greatest when people begin to rebound from their depression.


Schizophrenia is most likely to be characterized by disorganized and fragmented thinking.


A disorder in which a person loses contact with reality and experiences irrational ideas and disordered perceptions is a psychosis.


One of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia is an expressionless face.


Delusions of persecution are most common among those with paranoid schizophrenia.


Flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with schizophrenia.


The onset of schizophrenia is typically associated with early adulthood.


Low birth weight and maternal diabetes are known risk factors for schizophrenia.


People born in North America during the month of February are at increased risk for schizophrenia.


Research on the causes of schizophrenia strongly suggests that there is a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia.


Maladaptive behaviors that reduce worry and fear are most indicative of an anxiety disorder.


A generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal.


In comparison to generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder is characterized by periods of distress that are more intense and less prolonged.


Obsessions are offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.


The incidence of OCD is greatest among teens and young adults


Two years after being brutally beaten and raped, Briana still experiences jumpy anxiety and has trouble sleeping and vivid flashbacks of her assault. Brianna is most clearly showing signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.


Some people are more vulnerable to PTSD because they have a sensitive limbic system, which floods the body with stress hormones.


Most combat-stressed soldiers do not later exhibit PTSD. This best illustrates survivor resiliency.


Compulsive hand washing often increases in frequency because it relieves feeling of anxiety. The best illustrates the impact of reinforcement on compulsive behaviors.


Some genes influence anxiety disorders by regulating levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which influences sleep and mood.


Brain scans of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder reveal higher-than-normal activity in brain areas involved in habitual behaviors.


Disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity are most characteristic of dissociative disorders.


A sense of being separated from your body and watching yourself with a sense of detachment is a symptom of dissociation.


Exhibiting two or more distinct and alternating personalities is a symptom of a(n) dissociative disorder.


Anorexia nervosa is typically characterized by an obsessive fear of becoming overweight.


The onset of bulimia nervosa nearly always begins after a dieter has broken diet restrictions and gorged.


The distinctive features used to identify the three clusters of personality disorders are: anxiety, eccentricity, and impulsivity.


Those with the narcissistic personality disorder are likely to be preoccupied with their own self-importance.


The term psychopath refers to an individual with antisocial personality disorder.


Antisocial personality disorder is most likely to be characterized by a lack of guilt feelings.


Those with an avoidant personality disorder are most likely to display a fear of social rejection.


A therapist who takes an eclectic approach is one who uses a variety of psychological theories and therapeutic approaches.


An important feature of client-centered therapy is active listening.


An incapacitating and highly distressing fear about being embarrassed in the presence of others is most characteristic of social phobia.


Catatonia is characterized by periods of immobility or excessive, purposeless movement.


Therapeutic drugs that block dopamine receptors are most likely to reduce hallucinations.


A negative symptom of schizophrenia is a motionless body.


Prejudice is best defined as an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members.


A stereotype can best be illustrated as thinking university professors are usually impractical and forgetful.


A store owner who charges a Black customer more than a Hispanic customer for the same merchandise is engaging in discrimination.


People who blame victims of cancer for their medical misfortune best illustrate the just-world phenomenon.


According to the text, aggression always involves the intent to hurt.


A child who tries to hit another child with a rock is most clearly acting aggressively.


People who have low MAOA gene expression have been identified as those who are most likely to engage in aggression.


Birds of a feather flock together" most clearly supports research on social attraction.


Equity, self-disclosure, and positive support are keys to an enduring companionate love.


Behaving with unselfish concern for the welfare of others is called altruism.


A failure to aid a stranger who needs help in an emergency situation is especially likely when people are in a hurry.


People who suffer chronic depression are at high risk for experiencing social rejection


Incapacitating efforts to avoid specific anxiety-producing situations is most indicative of certain phobias.


An incapacitating and highly distressing fear about being embarrassed in the presence of others is most characteristic of social phobia


Obsessions are offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.


People with anorexia nervosa often come from families that are high achieving and competitive


Psychological disorders characterized by inflexible, enduring, and socially maladaptive behavior patterns are called personality disorders


The distinctive features used to identify the three clusters of personality disorders are anxiety, eccentricity, and impulsivity.


Those with the narcissistic personality disorder are likely to be preoccupied with their own self-importance


Anti-social personality disorder is more common among men than women


The reduced self-control of murderers is most closely related to reduced brain activity in their frontal lobes


Helping people gain insight into the unconscious origins of their disorder is a central aim of psychoanalysis


Psychological research on the principles of learning has most directly influenced the development of behavior therapy


The approach that has helped children with autism learn to function successfully in school involves operant conditioning


Cognitive therapy encourages clients to question their interpretations, decatastrophize their thinking, and reattribute responsibility for past outcomes.
