Ap Euro unit 0

Black Death

deadly disease that wiped out 1/3 of Europe's population

100 years war

England vs. France; France won; Joan of Arc unified France and won it for them

Joan of Arc

French heroine and military leader inspired by religious visions to organize French resistance to the English and to have Charles VII crowned king


People who whipped themselves to cleanse their sin--they thought Plague was God's punishment for sins.

Eat, drink, and be merry

method where it was thought that if they were going to die, they might as well live their life to the fullest


people would isolate themselves and be temperate

Battle of Crecy

First major battle of the Hundred Years WarEnglish victory

Battle of Agincourt

Even though they were outnumbered, the English defeat the French yet again

Babylonian Captivity

The period when all popes were French and resided in Avignon, France, starting with Clement V. This angered Italians and led to the Great Schism.

Great Schism

A conflict in the Roman Catholic Church where there were 2 and at times 3 popes all fighting for power. The split brought the church into major conflict and weakened the religious faith of many.

Little Ice Age

Temporary but significant cooling period between the fourteenth and the nineteenth centuries; accompanied by wide temperature fluctuations, droughts, and storms, causing famines and dislocation.

Fuedal System

The economic and social system of medieval europe, lords recieved land from the King in exchane for loyalty and serfs worked the land for the lords in exchange for protection.

Dance of Death

reflects ideas about the inevitability of death


Head of the Roman Catholic Church, had enormous power during the Middle Ages


Religious wars fought in the Holy land to "defend" it from islam

Catholic Church

central to Medieval Europeans' lives and united Western Europe during Middle Ages, headed by the pope

Plague Doctor

Wore a uniform covering every part of their body. Wore a mask with a beak that could store sweet-smelling herbs. Had no clue what to do about the black death


A person who lived on and farmed a lords land in feudal times

Long bows

A weapon that gave the English an advantage in warfare

Marsiglo of Padua

early critic of Catholic church, believed in a council of cardinals in charge not just Pope

John Wycliffe

English scholar who argued that the Bible was the final authority for Christian life not the pope

Jan Hus

The leader of the Czech religious reforms, and the spiritual founder of the Protestant reformation in the 1500's.