CPCE Multicultural Counseling

What is culture

habbits, customs, art, religion of a given group of people in a given time

what does it mean a culture is dynamic

it is changing and evolving

what is macroculture

the majority culture

what is acculturation

learning the behaviors and expectations of a culture

what is universal culture

we are all genetically and biologically similiar

emic counseling

the counselor helps client understand their own culture

etic counseling

counselor focuses on similiarities between people and treating people the same

autoplastic dilemma

counselor helps client change by coping with their environment

alloplastic dilemma

counselor helps client to change by changing the environment


tone of voice, loudness, etc.

Who developed low context vs. high context communication

Edward T. Hall

what did Edward T. Hall do?


what is low context communication

explicit communication, summarizing, repitition (western)

what is high context communication

implicit communication, communication relies on non verbal, relies on tradition


grouping people


forming opinion based on insufficient evidence


notion that psychologically healthy people possess both male and female characteristics


personal space

mean tests

determine clients eligibility for a social program ex. use income to determine needs of food stamps

social insurance programs

social security where even wealthy people can qualify

Who created the social comparison theory

Leon Festinger

what is the social comparison theory

says that we evaluate our behaviors based on comparison to others

who developed Cognitive Disonance

Leon Festinger

What is cognitive disonance

individuals change beliefs to match behavior when there is a mismatch to reduce internal inconsistency

What is an example of cognitive dissonacne

saying "its only one doughnut" after saying will never have sweets

what is a worldview

way client sees the world based on attitudes, value systems, and beliefs

what percent of US population lives in poverty


high monitoring individuals is in what theory

social comparison theory

high self monitoring individuals

care about their self-image and what others think of them

what is the anglo conformity theory

asserts that people from other cultures should become like the dominant culture

Who created the racial cultueal identity development model

Atkinsin, Morten, and Sue

what are the steps of the minority identity model

1. Conformity2.Dissonance3. Resistance and Immersion4. Introspection5. Synergetic articulation and awareness

what is the conformity step

lean toward dominant culture and prefer a counselor from the dominant culture

what is the dissonance step

question and confusion and perfer a counselor from a minority group