Psych Nursing: Elsevier (EAQ) Ch.14: Eating Disorders

Which term describes the growth of fine, downy hair on the face and back of a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?


Which cause explains the reason for enlarged parotid glands in patients with eating disorders who engage in purging behavior?

Salivary gland hyperstimulation

Which pathology do biological theorists suggest is a cause of eating disorders?

Serotonin imbalance

Which factor would be discussed when the nurse is educating a patient about bulimia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Meal planning→ Effects of purging→ Relaxation techniques

Which medical complications are associated with the diagnosis of bulimia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Russell's sign→ Hypochloremia→ Parotid gland enlargement

Which medical complication is possible with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Acrocyanosis→ Leukopenia→ Hematuria

Which pharmaceutical treatment is considered the "gold standard" for bulimia nervosa?


Which therapy is most helpful to patients diagnosed with eating disorders to address problems associated with emotional dysregulation?

Dialectical behavioral therapy

Which clinical manifestation is identified as a symptom of anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Emaciation→ Dehydration→ Yellow skin

Which clinical finding is expected with a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Dry skin→ Emaciation→ Decreased urine output

A patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa frequently uses enemas and laxatives to purge. Which imbalance might be present with this patient?

Disruption of fluid and electrolyte balance

Which diagnostic laboratory result is pertinent to assessment of a patient suspected of having bulimia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Serum glucose level→ Thyroid function→ Electrolyte levels→ CBC

Which classic characteristic is common among patients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa?

Onset in late adolescence

A patient states, "If I get back to a BMI of 20, I will never be able to have the life I want." Which cognitive distortion is this patient displaying?


Which subjective symptom would be expected to be noted during assessment of a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?

Fear of gaining weight

Which focus is appropriate for the acute phase of treatment for a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?

Restoring weight

Which assessment findings support the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in a female patient? Select all that apply.

→ Bradycardia→ Amenorrhea→ Prolonged QT interval→ Lethargy related to hypothyroidism

The nurse is reviewing the health record of a patient with anorexia nervosa before entering the room. Which finding would the nurse expect during the assessment?

Irregular HR

The nurse is sitting at the table near a patient with bulimia nervosa during lunch. The patient asks the nurse to be excused to go to the bathroom. Which action would the nurse take? Select all that apply.

→ Going into the bathroom with the patient→ Having UAP go with the patient to the bathroom

Which information is accurate for patients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Are often at or slightly below their ideal body weight→ Have a history of impulsivity and instability→ May or may not exhibit purging behaviors

Which sign or symptom is commonly associated with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Fear of gaining weight→ Rigorous exercise program→ Peculiar handling of food

Which situation identifies how assessment findings differ for a patient diagnosed with bulimia compared to a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?

Maintaining a normal weight

A patient presents with decreased cardiac output. The nurse notes that the patient engages in binge eating and then exercises excessively to make up for the calories gained. Which diagnosis should the nurse suspect?

Bulimia nervosa

Which physical finding supports a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Facial lanugo→ Pulse rate of 39 BPM→ Temperature of 96.7ºF

The parents of a 16-year-old patient newly admitted for treatment of an eating disorder voice concern that the hospital is not providing enough food to improve their child's nutrition and weight. Which response would be most appropriate for the nurse to provide?

Intake should be increased gradually to prevent cardiac complications.

Which sign or symptom is commonly associated with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Binge eating→ Disturbed self-concept→ Impulsive stealing

Which assessment will the nurse perform on a patient suspected of having bulimia nervosa?

Inspection of the oral cavity

Which physical finding supports the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Lanugo→ Irregular HR→ Pulse rate of 48 BPM

Which nursing action is appropriate when caring for a patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa?

Monitor the patient's bathroom trips after meals.

A patient is hospitalized with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. The patient's weight is 65% of normal. Which outcome for this patient is realistic for the end of the first week of hospitalization?

Gain 3 pounds & improve electrolyte balance.

Which intervention would the nurse include in the plan of care based on the following assessment findings for a patient admitted for treatment of anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.Assessment data:· AO x4· 5'2" tall· 75 pounds· Temperature 96.2ºF (35.7ºC)· HR 55 BPM· BP 94/60 mm Hg· RR 14 BPM· O2 saturation 98% on RA· Last menstrual period 3 months agoConsumes 10% of meals

→ Supervising all meals→ Measuring daily weights→ Assessing serum electrolytes→ Documenting I&O→ Obtaining vital signs every 4 hours

The nurse is reviewing the plan of care established 1 month ago to determine if a patient with anorexia nervosa is meeting the goal of improved nutritional status. Which finding indicates that the patient has met this goal? Select all that apply.

Demonstrates a 5 pound weight gain

Which goal is appropriate for all patients diagnosed with an eating disorder? Select all that apply.

→ Restore nutritional state.→ Modify disordered eating behaviors.→ Help change distorted beliefs about body image.

Which nursing assessment question best determines the patient's motivation for binge eating?

Would you say that you are less depressed after binging?

A nurse managing the care of a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder has begun to experience frustration when the patient consistently pushes back against the planned interventions. Which action is indicated to help strengthen the nurse-patient relationship?

Acknowledge to the patient that working toward these treatment goals must be frightening.

Which nursing intervention will best address the intense need to control characteristics of a patient receiving treatment of bulimia nervosa?

Clearly state expectations and admit that they differ from those of the patient.

Which outcome would the nurse include in the plan of care for a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa after assessing signs of poor self-esteem? Select all that apply.

→ The patient will verbalize confidence in managing needed eating changes.→ The patient will participate actively in decision making related to treatment.

Which action would the nurse take for a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa presenting with severe dehydration and rapid weight loss over the past week?

Assess for hospital admission.

A patient reveals self-induced vomiting as often as a dozen times a day. Which assessment finding is expected?


Which statement by a patient suggests the presence of a binge eating disorder?

I want to lose weight, but I don't exercise.

Which assessment question would the nurse ask a patient who has a suspected diagnosis of anorexia nervosa?

How would you describe your body?

Which statement or behavior supports the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in a patient who is 5 ft, 7 in tall? Select all that apply.

→ "I know I weigh 90 pounds; I still look fat!"→ "Nobody will like me if I look so grossly obese."→ "Engages in both a pre- and post-meal exercising ritual.→ Places one potato onto a plate and cuts it into many small pieces.

A nurse assesses four adolescents diagnosed with various eating disorders. Which comment would the nurse most expect from the adolescent diagnosed with anorexia nervosa but not from an adolescent diagnosed with a different eating disorder?

I have lost 60 pounds, but I'm still a size I want to be a size 0.

A patient presents in the ER with 96.0ºF (35.5ºC) body temperature, BMI of 16 kg/m2, and HR of 37 BPM. Which action would the nurse take first?

Prepare the patient for inpatient hospitalization.

Which assessment data confirms that the patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa has achieved a fundamental treatment outcome?

Patient has maintained weight at 87% of ideal body weight for 2 months.

The school nurse assesses four adolescents, all of whom outwardly appear healthy. Which adolescent meets one criterion for anorexia nervosa with mild severity?

5 ft 7 in, 110 lbs

Which action would the nurse implement immediately after reviewing the laboratory results of a hospitalized patient with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa?Sodium 143 mEq/LPotassium 3.1 mEq/LChloride 102 mEq/LMagnesium 2.2 mEq/LCalcium 8.4 mg/dLPhosphate 3.0 mg/dL

Auscultate HR, rhythm, and sounds.

An adolescent patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa currently weighs 97 pounds with an ideal body weight of 127 pounds. Which goal would be a priority for this patient?

Attain a weight of 114.3 pounds.

Which statement made by a patient diagnosed with bulimia indicates that an appropriate outcome for treatment has been met?

I'm both a hard worker and a compassionate person.

Which comment is likely to be made by a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder?

I have certain ways I like to do things, and that takes extra time.

Which physiological sign would the nurse monitor in patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ HR→ Protein levels in urine→ Potassium levels in blood

While weighing patients on an eating disorders unit, a psychiatric technician states to the patient, "I wish I had an eating disorder; maybe I'd lose a little weight." A nurse overhears the comment. Which action is appropriate for the nurse to implement?

Privately discuss the importance of sensitivity with the psychiatric technician.

A nurse assesses the personality traits of a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder. Which comment by the patient most indicates bulimia nervosa rather than anorexia nervosa?

If I want to do something, I just do it. I don't like to analyze things too much.

Shortly after hospitalization, an adolescent diagnosed with anorexia nervosa states, "Being fat is the worst thing in the world. I hope it never happens to me." Which response is appropriate?

Tell me how your world would be different if you were fat.

Which statement is true of patients diagnosed with bulimia nervosa?

They often appear to have a normal weight.

A teenager is underweight compared to others in a similar age and height category. During an assessment interview, the nurse finds that the teen has a fear of gaining weight and is refusing to eat. Which disorder does the nurse suspect the health care provider will diagnose?

Anorexia nervosa

Which factor explains why a patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa should be carefully assessed for the presence of dental caries?

Excessive vomiting

Which medical complication may present in a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa? Select all that apply.

→ Acrocyanosis→ Decreased bone density→ Elevated blood carotene

A patient is assessed to have low weight, lanugo, cool extremities, and a fear of gaining weight. Which disorder does the nurse suspect is the cause for the presence of these symptoms?

Anorexia nervosa

Which criterion warrants inpatient treatment for a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder?

SBP less than 70 mm Hg

Which sign or symptom would the nurse expect a patient with a diagnosis of binge eating disorder (BED) to exhibit? Select all that apply.


A patient has been prescribed fluoxetine for the treatment of bulimia nervosa. Which assessment would the nurse perform related to this treatment? Select all that apply.

→ Mood→ Weight→ Vital signs→ Suicide risk→ BMI