11 Organ Systems of the Human Body

Skeletal System

function: provides support and structure, stores inorganic salts, and houses blood-forming tissue.

Integumentary System

function: covers the body, regulates the body temp and senses change around the body.

Muscle System

function: provides body movement, maintains posture, and generates heat when muscles contract

Nervous System

function: integrates incoming information from receptors and sends impulses to muscles and glands.

Endocrine System

function: secretes hormones that regulate the body and cellular growth, chemical levels in the body, and reproductive functions

cardivascular system

function: pumps blood to distribute hormones, nutrients, and gases and removes wastes

Lymphatic System

function: drains excess tissue fluid and includes cells of immunity

Digestive System

function: mechanically and chemically breakdowns food materials, absorb nutrients, and expels waste

Respiratory System

function: responsible for the exchange of gases within the body between blood and the air

Urinary System

function: filters the blood and removes waste from it, concentrates waste into the urine, and expels urine from the body

Reproductive System

function: produces new organisms