Introduction DQs

Who wrote Letters from an American Farmer?

J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur

In this book, how did he describe "The American"?

A new man who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions. They farm their own land and peacefully practice various faiths.

The American people were a mixture of what 7 nationalities?

English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans and Swedes.

How many times did Columbus cross the Atlantic on behalf of the Spanish Empire?


What were 2 reasons for large numbers of native people's deaths after discovery in 1492?

Diseases brought from other countries and abuse from slavery

What marked a new phase in literary history of colonial North America?

The founding of the Plymouth Plantation in 1620

Who wrote Of Plymouth Plantation?

William Bradford

What was one of the most controversial features of Quakerism?

Its embrace of women's religious leadership.

Briefly describe The Great Awakening.

A religious revival

Who was the famous figure most identified with The Great Awakening?

Jonathan Edwards--Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

Why was Thomas Paine's Common Sense significant to this era?

It led to the revolution.

Briefly describe The Federalist Papers.

Political writings, essays by statesmen who influenced the "birth of a nation." They basically began writing the rules to live by in the new world. It also became known as the literature inspired by revolution.

Who were the famous figures identified with The Federalist Papers?

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison