Med Term prefixes and suffixes

a- (an- before vowel or h)

not, without, lacking, deficient

anti- (ant- often before a vowel or h; hyphenated before i)

against, opposed to, preventing, relieving

di- (rarely dis-)

two, twice, double


difficult, painful, defective, abnormal

ec- (ex- before a vowel)

out of, away from

ecto- (ect- often before a vowel)

outside of

en- (em- before b, m, and p)

in, into, within

endo-, ento- (end-, ent- before a vowel)


epi- (ep- before a vowel or h)

upon, over, above


outside, from the outside, toward the outside


half, partial; (often) one side of the body


over, above, excessive, beyond normal

hypo- (hyp- before a vowel or h)

under, deficient, below normal

mono- (mon- before a vowel or h)

one, single


around, surrounding

syn- (sym- before b, p, and m; the n assimilates or is dropped before s)

together, with, joined


forms abstract nounsstate, condition

-ac (rare)

forms adjectivespertaining to, located in

-iac (rare)

forms nounsperson afflicted with


forms abstract nounsdisease, abnormal condition, abnormal presence of: often used with the name of a parasitic organism to indicate infestation of the body by that organism. When used with lith-: formation and/or presence of calculi in the body

-in, -ine

form names of substances


forms nounsa person interested in


forms adjectivespertaining to, pertaining to inflammationwords ending in -itic can be used as both adjectives and nouns and, as nouns, often indicate a drug or agent


forms nouns indicating an inflamed conditioninflammation


the plural form for words ending in -itis

-ium (rarely -eum)

forms nounsmembrane, connective tissue-ium names a region of the body


forms nouns(often) abnormal or diseased condition;the combining form for nouns ending in -ma is -mat-. sometimes the final -a drops off the noun


forms nounsabnormal or diseased condition


forms adjectives from nouns ending in -osis pertaining to


forms abstract nounsstate, condition


forms abstract nounsstate, condition


forms adjectives from nouns ending in -sispertaining towords ending in -tic can be used as both adjectives and nouns and, as nouns, often indicate a drug or agent words ending in -itic or -tic can refer to a person suffering from a certain disability or condition


study, science, the study or science of


one who specializes in a certain study or science


the softening (of tissues) of


the hardening (of tissues) of


the narrowing (of a part of the body)


poisonous (to an organ)


a substance poisonous to (a part of the body)

amphi-, ampho-

on both sides, around, both


up, back, against


away from

cata- (cat- before a vowel or h)

downward, disordered

dia- (di- before a vowel)

through, across, apart


within, inner, inward


good, normal, healthy

heter-, hetero-

different, other, relationship to another

homo-, homeo-

same, likeness

meta- (met- before a vowel or h)

change, transformation, after, behind

para- (often par- before a vowel)

alongside, around, abnormal, beyond

pros-, prosth-

in place of


forms names of enzymes

-asia, -asis

form abstract nouns: state, condition


forms abstract nouns: state, condition; the combining form of nouns ending in -ema is-emat-


forms abstract nouns; state, condition, procedure


forms adjectives often from nouns ending in -esis, pertaining to

-ics, -tics

form nouns indicating a particular science or study/science or study of


forms abstract nounsstate, condition, quality


forms abstract nounsstate, condition; muscular spasm

-oid (rarely) -ode, -id

form both nouns and adjectives indicating a particular shape, form, or resemblance


forms abstract nounsusually tumoroccasionally diseasethe combining form of nouns ending in -oma is-omat-the plural often is -omata


a Latin noun-forming endingcondition, person (sometimes a malformed fetus)


Verb-Forming Suffixa commonly used Greek-derived suffix that means "to make, become, cause to be, subject to, engage in




refers to colon bacillus


refers to the urinary bladder


refers to the gallbladder

-ectasia, -ectasis

dilation, enlargement


surgical excision; removal of all (total excision) or part (partial excision) of an organ


substance that produces (something)


formation, origin


causing, producing, caused


by, produced by or in


a record of the activity of an organ (often an x-ray)


an instrument for recording the activity of an organ


(1) the recording of the activity of an organ (usually by x-ray examination)(2) a descriptive treatise (on a subject)


dissolution, reduction, decomposition, disintegration


pertaining to dissolution or decomposition, disintegration (forms adjectives from words ending in -lysis)




dropping, sagging, prolapse (of an organ or part)


profuse discharge, hemorrhage


profuse discharge, excessive secretion


bursting (of tissues), rupture


an instrument for examining




a surgical instrument for cutting


surgical incision


forms adjectives, capable of (being), able to


forms nouns indicating an action or process, the act of (being), the result of (being), something that is


forms nouns, the act of (being), the state of (being)


forms nouns, the act of (being), the state of (being)


forms adjectives, capable of (being)


forms nouns, the act of


forms nouns, agent or instrument


forms nouns, agent or instrument


forms nouns, place for something


(1) forms adjectives; pertaining to(2) forms nouns; place for something

-ure, -ura

form nouns, result of an action


forms verbs from Latin infinitives

ab- (a- rarely before certain consonants; abs- before c and t)

away from

ad- (ac- before c; af- before f; ag- before g; al- before l; an- before n; ap- before p; as- before s; a- before sp; at- before t)

to, toward




before, forward

bi (bin-, bis-)

two, twice, double, both



con- (co- before h; col- before l; com- before e, m, and p; cor- before r)

together, with; thoroughly, very


against, opposite


down, away from, absent

dis- (di- before g, v, and usually before l; dif- before f)

apart, away

ex- (e- before certain consonants; ef- before f)

out of, away from

extra- (rarely extro-)

on the outside, beyond


(1) in, into (il- before l; im- before b, m, and p; ir- before r) (2) not (3) very, thoroughly


beneath, below



intra- (rarely intro-)




mult- (often multi-)

many, much, affecting many parts

ob- (oc- before c; op- before p)

against, toward; very, thoroughly

per- (pel- before l)

through; very, thoroughly


after, following, behind


before, in front of


forward, in front


back, again


backward, in back, behind


apart, away from



sub- (suf- before f; sup- before p)


super- (often supra-)

over, above; excess


across, through


beyond, excess


forms adjectives, pertaining to


forms adjectives, pertaining to, located in


forms adjectives, pertaining to, located in


forms nouns, denotes a place for something


forms nouns, denotes a place for something


forms adjectives, pertaining to


forms adjectives, having the form of, possessing


forms abstract nouns


forms nouns, indicates an expert in a certain field


forms adjectives, pertaining to


forms adjectives, pertaining to


forms adjectives, pertaining to, capable of


forms adjectives, pertaining to, located in


forms adjectives, pertaining to


forms adjectives, full of


forms adjectives , full of


forms abstract nouns


forms abstract nouns