World Geography CH1

Geographic Tools

Instruments used to collect, organize and, store, or display geographic information

Physical Characteristics

Features of the earth's surface, such as landforms, water systems, climate patterns, and plant and animal life

Physical Processes

Actions of nature that change the physical environment


Regional long-term trends in weather and atmospheric conditions


networks of plants and animals interacting with the environment

Patterns of Settlement

distribution of populations among urban and rural communities


Increase in the percentage of people living in cities


Movement of people often influenced by push and pull factors

Population Growth

increase in the number of people in a specific area


learned behavior of people, including their belief systems, languages, governments, and material goods

Science and Technology

Discoveries and inventions that help people to change or adapt to their environments

Government and Citizenship

How different viewpoints influence political decisions, divisions, and policies connected to geographic issues

Cooperation and Conflict

Methods used by countries and organizations to pursue goals, such as maintaining or expanding control over territory

Economic Systems

Ways in which a society satisfies basic needs through the production and distribution of goods and services

Economic Activities

Use of natural resources, production of goods, provision of services, and distribution of information

Global trade patterns

international networks for exchanging goods and services

Natural Resources

any part of the natural environment that people need and value

Natural Hazards

Natural events in the physical environment that are destructive, such as volcanoes and hurricanes

Environmental change

Natural or human alterations to the environment

Understanding the past

Analysis of how geography has affected historic events and how places, environments, and cultures have changed over time

Planning for the future

Use of geographic knowledge and skills to analyze problems and make decisions that affect the future