airway management exam 1

Manual Resuscitators should have all of the following features:

Non-rebreathing valveOxygen reservoirOxygen inlet valveShould have a standard patient adaptor

When the bag is compressed

the NRB valve directs gas from the bag through the mask to the patient

Please identify all indications for resuscitator use:

can deliver positive pressure to a patient's airwaycan ventilate apneic patientscan be used to transport patients that are on mechanical ventilators

When the bag is released

the exhaled gas is directed through the exhalation port, and bag reinflates

Please list two hazards that are associated with manual resuscitators:

can cause barotrauma or pneumothoraxmalfunctioning nonrebreathing valve

To ensure that a manual resuscitator is ready for use, you would:

1. Make sure that no gas escapes through the outlet port when it is closed off and the bag is squeezed.2. Squeeze the bag, and make sure that the air/O2 reservoir intake valve closes properly3. Squeeze the bag, and make sure the nonrebreathing valve opens properly4. Feel for air leaving the outlet port when the bag is squeezed

A mouth-to-vlave resuscitation device is being used on an apneic patient. The respiratory therapist delivers a breath, but the patient's chest does not rise. What should be done next?

Check the valve for proper position

What is the recommended liter flow setting for a adult manual resuscitator

15 lam

Occlude the patient connector, then squeeze the bag. If the bag has a pressure relief valve, it should pop-off. If it doesn't have a pressure relief valve, it should not be possible to compress the bag.

The patient nonrebreathing valve or the bag inlet valve is missing or leaking

Squeeze the bag and then occlude the patient connection. The bag should reinflate via the inlet valve, and any attached O2 reserviour bag should deflate.

A jammed or malpositioned bag inlet valve

If the pressure pop-off continually activates, squeeze the bag more slowly. If this fails to lower the airway pressure, consider other potential causes.Select as many causes below that could apply in this situation:

PneumothoraxRight mainstem intubation

What term is used to describe difficult breathing in the reclining position?


Which of the following terms is used to describe coughing up blood-streaked sputum?


Which of the following may cause the trachea to shift to the right?

right upper lobe atelectasis

What disease is associated with a barrel chest?


What is indicated by retractions?

increase WOB

In patients with chronic respiratory disease, what does pedal edema indicate?

right ventricular failure

While percussing a patient's chest wall, you encounter an area that produces an abnormal increase in resonance. Which of the following are possible causes of this finding? Choose all that apply.


While inspecting an elderly woman, you notice that her spine has an abnormal AP curvature. Which of the following terms would you use in charting this observation?


Which of the following thoracic deformities is characterized by an abnormal depression of part or all of the sternum?

Pectus excavatum

sounds that are heard through the stethescope while taking blood pressure

Korotkoff sounds

the pressure at which the first sound is heard when doing a blood pressure measurement


the pressure at which the last sound is heard when doing a blood pressure measurement


pectus carinatum

pigeon chest, protrusion of the sternum and ribs

where to feel for blood pressure if there is a trauma

femoral artery

what can hypertension cause

it can affect all organ like the lungs and heart

semilunar valve

pulmonary and aortic

atrioventricular valves

bicuspid and tricuspid

right and left atrium

Chamber of the heart that receives blood from the blood vessels.

right and left ventricle

Two bottom chambers of the heart; includes both right and left ventricles RECEIVE

pulmonary veins

4oxygenate blood from lungs to the left atrium


The large arterial trunk that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body.

pathway of blood through heart

superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lung capillaries, pulmonary vein, left atrium, mitral valve, left ventricle, aorta


carry AWAY


carry BACK

JVD (jugular vein distention)

right sided heart failure

pulse pressure

difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

heart should not take up more than

half of chest


fine, crackling sounds made as air moves through wet secretions in the lungs

tactile fremitus

palpable vibration

upper respiratory tract

nose, pharynx, larynx

lower respiratory tract

larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

left lung

2 lobes

right lung

3 lobes

right bronchus

is larger and shorter and takes a more vertical direction

Glasgow coma scale

eyes, verbal, motorMax- 15 pts, below 8= coma

how to treat ADRS

small tidal volumes

how to treat stridor

racemic epinephrine

why do we cough

A cough is an important defense mechanism to rid the airways of mucus and foreign bodies. 1. acute (< 3 weeks) 2. chronic (> 3 weeks)

emphysema and COPD

Barrel chest, clubbingDiminished breath soundsLow O2Sat


abnormal lateral curvature of the spine


combination of kyphosis and scoliosis


hunchback (AP)

pneumothorax pulls trachea

opposite directionex right sided pneumothorax would cause trachea to go to left side

atelectasis and pneumonia cause trachea

to go to the same side

how many valves in the heart


chest pain with inspiration is


two main arteries that supply the oxygen rich blood to the heart

left and right coronary arteries